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MeckMIN offers Training Programs on Topics Especially Prevalent in Today's Society.

MeckMIN offers a number of training programs surrounding topics that are especially prevalent in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism and conflict transformation. More information below!

How Do I Convince Them? Skills and Mindsets for Effective Conversations When We Disagree

Topics Include: The Backfire Effect; Non-Binary Thinking; Compassion and Self Compassion; The Comfort Zone; Learning Conversations; Curious Questions; Positions vs. Feelings, Interests, & Culture

Timing: 1 hour

Cost: $100 ($50 for current MeckMIN members)

Trauma Awareness and Resilience: Breaking Cycles of Harm

Topics include: The Affects of Trauma, Victim/Survivor Cycle of Unhealed Trauma, Aggressor/Offender Cycle of Unhealed Trauma, Breaking the Cycle, Transformative Initiatives and Stories

Timing: 3 to 4 hours (A basic introduction can be offered in 90 minutes. Can also be offered as a full-day session or weekend retreat with additional topics.) Cost: $600 ($400 for current MeckMIN members)

Racism: Trauma and Resilience

A short introduction to using the trauma model to understand and address race in the US.

Topics include: Understanding Trauma and Types of Trauma; The Cycle of Violence of Unhealed Trauma; The US as a System of Unaddressed and Unhealed Trauma; The Hope Within our Current Moment; Breaking Cycles of Violence and Building Resilience; Stories of Resistance and Repair

Timing: 3 to 4 hours (A basic introduction can be offered in 90 minutes. Can also be offered as a full-day session or weekend retreat with additional topics.)

Cost: $600 ($400 for current MeckMIN members)

Social Change: Creating Movements that Create Change

We often talk about wanting "to change the world" -- what are the key components of successful movements that do just that? This workshop explores effective movements to create equality, justice and beloved community and what makes them work.

Timing: 90-120 minutes Cost: $300 ($200 for current MeckMIN members)

Activism 101: What's My Role in Creating Change?

Movements for change are created and sustained by ordinary people who take action for the world they want to see. This interactive workshop will explore YOUR unique role -- how to find it and how to sustain it.

Timing: 90-120 minutes Cost: $300 ($200 for current MeckMIN members)

Social Change and Activism 101 can be combined into one 3-hour session for $500 ($300 for current MeckMIN members)

Introduction to Conflict Transformation

Topics include: The Positive Potential of Conflict; Understanding Conflict Styles; Tools for Analyzing Conflict; Listening with Curious Questions; Understanding Mainstreams and Margins

Timing: 3 to 4 hours (Can also be offered as a full-day session or weekend retreat with additional topics.)

Cost: $600 ($400 for current MeckMIN members)

Your payment helps to support MeckMIN's work for interfaith understanding and cooperation. If the fees listed are not possible for you, please contact us! We want to work with you.

MeckMIN (Mecklenburg Metropolitan Interfaith Network) promotes interfaith collaboration to foster understanding, compassion and justice. We envision a community that lives by the highest values and core virtues of its rich faith traditions and respects the dignity of every person.

For more information on these training sessions, please contact MeckMIN Executive Director, LeDayne McLeese Polaski at or call 704-565-5455.


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