Rev. Dr. Abdue Knox
Rev. Dr. Abdue Knox has been the pastor of Greater Bethel AME Church since 2019. In a relatively short time, he has revitalized the congregation,
spearheading the completion of major capital improvement initiatives on the church campus, reviving several ministries, beginning new ministries, partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build an affordable housing community, and beginning a Children’s Church. He is passionate about the role of houses of faith in serving the larger community and has already become well-known throughout Charlotte. His philosophy is summed up in the working theme he has brought to the congregation: “Love God, Love the People, Do the Work."
Stevenson Jenkins
Joanne Stevenson Jenkins is a devotee to reconciliation and peace-seeking across the myriad divides among humans. Retired after working 44 years in nonprofits serving the needs of our most fragile neighbors, Joanne is now providing support and leadership to Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte, a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. She also spends many hours volunteering on various committees and projects throughout the city and state. She's a member of Christ Episcopal Church, a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, and she says that she "likes to keep it simple and quiet."
Amee Roome
Amee Roome has been happily married to Aaron Roome for 23 years. She is the mother to 19-year-old son Aaron and 14-year-old daughter Audrey. Amee is a former MeckMIN board member, currently serving as the Head of the Volunteer Committee. With a passion for community service, she's actively involved in various initiatives, such as being a liaison for the Latin American Coalition and MeckMIN, as well as serving as President of the Charlotte chapter of Church Women United. Amee also volunteers for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a JustServe and community resource specialist. Her commitment extends to the planning committee for the Light The World Giving Machines in Charlotte, reflecting her dedication to making a positive impact.
We gratefully acknowledge the late Rev. Dr. Charles Sydnor Thompson, III,
who sponsored this year's Community Leader Award.
After last year's breakfast, he expressed a desire to sponsor this year's award (which is named for his late father) and made a generous personal gift to do so. His thoughtfulness in planning ahead in this way and his kind contribution exemplify the life he led.
Following an extended illness, Dr. Thompson passed away in February of this year. We offer our gratitude for his life and the many ways he served the common good and offer sincere condolences to his family and all who loved him.
A full obituary is available Here
Brenneman Thompson
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - NC Charlotte Coordinating Council
Stephanie Fielder
Beverly & Richard Hester
Dianne English
​Kevin & Jenny Kendrick
Beth Wells
We don’t usually have a food drive in connection with our Awards Breakfast, but the current need in our community is dire and so we’re partnering with Nourish Up (formerly Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays) and asking you to consider bringing non-perishable foods with you to donate at the event.
In 2023, Nourish Up (formerly Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays) provided nutritious groceries to 137,806 people through our food pantries and our grocery home delivery program. Of those, 24,034 had their groceries delivered directly to their doorstep by volunteers through grocery home delivery. In addition, volunteers delivered more than 128,000 nutritiously prepared meals to those unable to obtain or prepare meals for themselves due to age, disability, or illness through our Meals on Wheels program.
We cannot nourish our neighbors without neighbors like you. Thank you for your support and compassion.
As you come to enjoy a delicious breakfast in good company, please consider bringing some of these most-needed items: