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"The event was inspiring. It was a safe environment in which to share our thoughts on faith in today's world." -- Lisa Kay Bohan 


"It was such a nice evening to hear and to understand more about each other's faiths. There was a great sense of unity at our table, and we felt very connected in that we all have more in common than differences." -- Racquel Blake  


This was my first Open Tables event, and I was impressed with the hospitality of the hosting church, open-mindedness of the attendees, and the desire to openly exchange their thoughts and experiences. It was a great opportunity to build bridges and remove stereotypes in our diverse city. -- Athar Sayed

OPEN TABLES: To build relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism.


December 19: Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte | Register HERE


MeckMIN (Mecklenburg Metropolitan Interfaith Network) promotes interfaith collaboration to foster understanding, compassion and justice. We envision a community that lives by the highest values and core virtues of its rich faith traditions and respects the dignity of every person. 

We live out these values by bringing together people from different faith perspectives and promoting congregational engagement through dialogue and fellowship. 

Open Tables, a program launched in the summer of 2019, aims to build substantive relationships among our diverse congregations through fellowship and food. One important aspect of this program is involving members, and not just clergy, of each congregation. 


Summary of the Concept

At an Open Tables gathering, individuals from diverse congregations come together for fellowship and dining; with the goal of building relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism.


Everyone is invited to bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. (Vegetarian meals make it easier to accommodate a variety of preferences and religious dietary restrictions.) 


We sit at tables of 6-8 people making sure that each table has a variety of faith backgrounds and traditions. 


Using some wonderful resources from Living Room Conversations,  we have substantive conversations on topics that matter. 




Conversation Agreements


The Conversation Agreements are the secret sauce and foundation for a successful Living Room Conversation. We refer to them because they are a part of every step of the process: your original intention to have a conversation, inviting others to participate, the language you use, and the environment you create conversation itself.


Our Conversation Agreements are carefully designed to foster and encourage understanding between all participants. When you honor the Conversation Agreements there is no real need for a facilitator or moderator, anyone can run a Living Room Conversation.


Want to some more help understanding the “why” behind each agreement? Click here to unpack the Conversation Agreements. 


  • Be curious and listen to understand. Conversation is as much about listening as it is about talking. You might enjoy exploring how others’ experiences have shaped their values and perspectives.

  • Show respect and suspend judgment. People tend to judge one another. Setting judgement aside opens you up to learning from others and makes them feel respected and appreciated. Try to truly listen, without interruption or crosstalk.

  • Note any common ground as well as any differences. Look for areas of agreement or shared values that may arise and take an interest in the differing beliefs and opinions of others.

  • Be authentic and welcome that from others. Share what’s important to you. Speak from your experience. Be considerate of others who are doing the same.

  • Be purposeful and to the point. Do your best to keep your comments concise and relevant to the question you are answering. Be conscious of sharing airtime with other participants.

  • Own and guide the conversation. Take responsibility for the quality of your participation and the conversation as a whole. Be proactive in getting yourself and others back on track if needed. Use an agreed upon signal like the “time out” sign if you feel the agreements are not being honored.



For more information or to commit to taking part, please contact MeckMIN Executive Director, LeDayne McLeese Polaski at or call 704-565-5455. 


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