meckminMar 10, 2022White People Resourcing Ourselves To Resist RacismWhen we, who understand ourselves to be white, open ourselves to the realities of racism, it can feel overwhelming. Our privilege has...
meckminOct 19, 2021MeckMIN offers Training Programs on Topics Especially Prevalent in Today's Society.MeckMIN offers a number of training programs that include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree.
meckminFeb 15, 2021Anti-Racism ResourcesMeckMIN racial dialogue resource list, scaffolded anti-racism resources, black history of Charlotte, NC, the struggle over race & voting NC
meckminSep 1, 2020MeckMIN offers Anti-Racism TrainingsMeckMIN offers a variety of trainings which could contribute to your understanding of the work of anti-racism. All are led or co-led by Exec
meckminAug 4, 2020New Anti-Racism Resource List Draws on Charlotteans with ExperienceMeckMIN’s anti-racism resource list compiles a roster of local people and groups, including thumbnail biographies and contact information..