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Can You Help Serve our Vulnerable Neighbors?


MeckMIN has been asked to coordinate faith community volunteers to help with meals at three hotels that are being funded by Mecklenburg County to house previously unsheltered people during the pandemic. The hotels offer people a safe place to stay while Covid19 remains a threat. Agencies such as Roof Above are also working with the residents to help them identify available resources and move into permanent housing.

We need houses of faith and/or individuals to sign up for a weekly slot to serve meals (the meals are provided by a contractor paid by the county.) So far, we've filled only 1/3 of the open slots so we really need your help in providing this important service.

If you want to participate or want more information, please contact Sally Herlong


Tuesday, July 21, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Park Road Baptist Church

3900 Park Road

The July MeckMIN youth event will be held on Tuesday July 21st from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Park Road Baptist Church under the covered walkway. We will be packing snack packs to supply nutritious food to kids who often go without when school is not in session. We will also have plenty of time for getting to know one another. We'll be outside, keeping distance, and wearing masks. More details to come soon! If you want to get emails about this and other youth events, please email


We are creating a resource list of Charlotte-Mecklenburg area artists, trainers, scholars, and activists who can assist houses of faith in having authentic, vulnerable, and potentially transformative conversations on issues of race, racism, power and privilege.

Watch for a written resource to be published soon -- and also plan to join us Tuesday, July 28, at 2 p.m. on a Zoom call in which you'll get to meet and hear from some of the people on the list. If you've worked with someone great that you think we ought to include, we'd LOVE to hear from you! If you are looking to move your congregation into deeper, more faithful work against racism, this is a great opportunity to identify local resources to support you. Email to get the Zoom access information.




You are invited to join us Thursdays at 11 a.m. for our weekly faith, nonprofit, and community leader Covid19 check-in meetings. These meetings are open to ANYONE interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors in this time of crisis.

At these meetings:

  • You can share what your nonprofit (large or small) is doing and what you need.

  • You can get updates on the most critical needs of the moment and how you and your faith community can help.

  • You can share information about resources you have or need (e.g. masks, food, toilet paper, etc.)

  • You can get and share prayerful support.

If you cannot make it to the meetings, you can still get on the distribution list and get the minutes. Please email for the meeting access code and password.

"Today I zoomed in on the meeting at 11 am and was blown away by all those people who are working together so hard to support those in need in our community. I loved the way they have joined forces to provide services needed by other agencies. I want to applaud you for making this happen by bringing agencies and houses of faith together to do God's work. You have been a blessing at this time of crisis"


We're very pleased to partner with Novant Health to present a five week series on racialized trauma. This training is open to all! You are welcome to attend even if you missed the first session.Contact LeDayne McLeese Polaski at for the Zoom access information.


"Child Custody Laws in North Carolina: Erasing Family"

August 20, 2020

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. vía Zoom

Led by Sheila Pelzer/President, Kids Need 2 Parents (KN2P)

KN2P’s mission is to modernize NC child custody law to "presumed shared parenting" (absent proven abuse or neglect) to keep both parents actively involved in their children's lives after separation or divorce.  A vast amount of current research concludes this is in the child's best interest--emotionally, educationally, and economically.  Court custody disputes are costly (for the state and for families) and divisive--with the child caught in the middle. In this presentation we will hear about this issue, a brief history of NC shared parenting bills (2009-2017), and Kentucky's 2018 presumed shared parenting law (first in the country).

Email for Zoom access information.



Please save the date for one of the best events of the MeckMIN year -- our annual community-wide interfaith Thanksgiving service. The service this year will be virtual, and we're looking forward to using this platform to creatively connect as we look to unify and encourage our whole community.

MeckMIN FAITH CLUB - Women of all faiths are invited!

Since 2007, the MeckMIN Faith Club has gathered monthly to share books and friendship. New members are always welcome!

The Faith Club is a group of women of diverse faiths who meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except November and December) from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Park Road Baptist Church (3900 Park Road). During these days of social distancing, the group is meeting virtually until further notice.

The group shares leadership and discusses topics (books, articles, etc.) of a spiritual nature. They are now reading The Second Mountain by David Brooks. This is a great opportunity to learn more about each other's faiths and to make lasting friendships.

To learn more, contact Saeeda Mubaarak via email.


If you appreciate the work reflected in this newsletter, your financial gift to MeckMIN will help us continue the work of

making and strengthening connections across faith, race, ethnic and economic lines in order to serve our most vulnerable neighbors and create a community that works for ALL of us. We've just started a new fiscal year, and your donation now will help us start the year on stable footing.


Events From Members & Partners



Department of Social Services Youth and Family Services Division is developing a virtual Toolkit listing services available for children and youth that provide learning opportunities as well as safe recreational, prosocial and emotionally supportive activities. This toolkit will also provide resources for parents, addressing their stress due to reduced family income, compromised health due to COVID-19, etc. with linkages to support and respite care. The material will be available for all children and families within Mecklenburg County with translated (Spanish) material.We view the faith-based community as also critical in this effort. Please share any resources that your congregation or faith-based organization is offering with project lead Lawrence Corley |(704) 999-1513



The Climate Reality Project and GreenFaith are committed to addressing environmental racism and the disproportionate impact of climate change to marginalized communities. Just as Black, Brown, and Immigrant communities are hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic with the highest rate of infections and deaths, these communities also have the highest concentration of fossil fuel infrastructure. Due to systemic racism, these communities pay the price for our reliance on fossil fuels with their health and safety. Our health and the environment where we live, work, play, and pray are directly linked. Systemic racism, police brutality, and pollution all impair a community’s ability to thrive. Climate change is often overlooked for its role in community health and safety. However, as temperatures increase, droughts prolong, and extreme storms continue, the systemic injustices impacting Black, Brown, and Immigrant communities will deepen and multiple through food prices, health care costs, and lack of affordable housing, among others. Addressing these injustices includes addressing climate change.

The 20 Houses of Faith in 20 Weeks EJ Faith Tour will address the intersection of climate change and racial justice. The program will:

  • Provide a background of what climate change is, what causes it, and how it impacts our global systems of food, water, and health

  • Explain the connection of these impacts to upward economic mobility and community health and safety, particularly for vulnerable populations

  • Ground the work in the moral and religious teachings of the faith community

  • Offer an opportunity to listen and dialogue about the needs of the community

  • Identify first steps towards tangible solutions for the community

  • Scheduling a Presentation

The tour kicks off on July 6 and lasts for 20 weeks. Presentations are 90 minutes and offered virtually (we may move to in-person meetings as we continue to receive updates from our public health officials). Our target audience includes:

  • Clergy or denominational gatherings

  • Individual faith community meetings or services

  • Spiritual gatherings or neighborhood associations

To schedule a presentation, please email Please include days of the week and times that work best, along with your congregation or organization’s top priorities so we can tailor the presentation to address your community’s goals.


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