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Souls of Our Students, Souls of Our Teachers, Souls of our Neighbors

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Starting in 2008, MeckMIN (formerly Mecklenburg Ministries) partnered with Rabbi Judy Schindler and Temple Beth El, Charlotte, NC to create an insightful and compelling trilogy of documentaries that address issues our local students, teachers and neighbors have experienced with discrimination and difference. Read further for more in-depth descriptions of Souls of Our Students, Souls of Our Teachers and Souls of our Neighbors. These three documentaries are available now at the deeply discounted price of $5 each plus shipping. Contact to order.

Souls of Our Students (SOOS)

2009 Telly Award : This 2008 film focuses on a group of diverse local students discussing their experiences with discrimination and difference. Along with a CMS 9th grade curriculum addressing issues of diversity, bullying and promoting respect, there are now three additional curricula for the “Souls of Our Students” DVD: a business curriculum, an independent school curriculum and a congregational curriculum. “Souls of Our Students” was presented at the “People of Color Independent Schools National Conference” in Denver, CO and was utilized throughout Charlotte and in over 33 schools, businesses and congregations across the nation. SOOS was given the nationally recognized Telly Award in 2009. The film was created by MeckMIN in collaboration with Temple Beth El, Charlotte Coalition for Social Justice, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Wachovia, Lowe’s, and Providence Day School with funding provided by Foundation for the Carolinas.

Further Reading:

Souls of Our Teachers (SOOT)

2011 Telly Award - A film and curriculum focusing on successful teachers and their passion for their missions at high-poverty CMS schools. The film premiered in 2010 but was presented to local leaders in February 2011 at "Twice the Power of One” with the goal of rallying individuals and organizations around CMS. Collaborators included Temple Beth El, and Communities in Schools of Charlotte. SOOT was awarded a 2011 Telly Award.

Further Reading:

Souls of Our Neighbors (SOON)

The third documentary of the “Souls” productions premiered in 2012 and focuses on the need for affordable housing for our neighbors. It was created in 2011 by MeckMIN and Temple Beth El with funding provided by Foundation For The Carolinas. The film is suitable for small group settings, including houses of worship.

Further Reading:


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