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October 26, 2023 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:


In this Issue:


Opening Reflection

Kate Bowler Author of “Everything Happens for a Reason and other Lies I’ve Loved”

“I am determined to create a gentler world for everyone who wants to admit that they are not always “living their best life.”

1. MeckMIN Updates


These meetings are open to anyone or any group interested in promoting the common good in our shared Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.

We do not allow announcements from for-profit groups promoting their businesses or campaigning from political candidates. Beyond that, we don’t have rules for who can speak or what they can share as long as they support our commitments to respectful conversation and the dignity of all people.

Because we have a very wide array of beliefs and understandings within our membership and because we want to keep these meetings open as an open forum, we’re going to add this disclaimer to the minutes: "The views and opinions expressed here are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations."

SAVE The DATE: COMMUNITY-WIDE INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, November 21 | 7 - 9 PM | Trinity Presbyterian Church

Please start sharing the flyer with your communities. It is a really lovely service

Join us for one of the highlights of the year -- the annual Community-wide Interfaith Thanksgiving service which will be hosted this year by Trinity Presbyterian Church.

*Please help us by sharing this link event with your Facebook contacts:

Sponsorships/Display Tables (Catawba Drummers, Ramona Big Eagle)

If you wish to sponsor, we would welcome you. We are working to secure the Catawba Drummers and Ramona Big Eagle for the service and will need financial support to compensate them fairly.

There are some display tables available. For $1000 sponsorships, you could have a table in the narthex as people enter and also in the reception room afterwards.

For a $500 sponsorship, you could have a display table in the reception room.

Email LeDayne if you are interested in sponsoring.

Faith Leader Processional

All faith leaders are invited to be a part of the processional beginning the annual community Thanksgiving worship service wearing the vestments appropriate to their tradition. This is a beautiful, visible reminder of the rich religious diversity of our community. Recognizing that not all of our member communities have clergy, we extend this invitation to anyone who serves as a leader within a faith community.

Plan to be at Trinity Presbyterian Church by by 6:20 PM -- be mindful of the omnipresent traffic on Providence Rd. We'll gather in the Fellowship Hall, and a group photo will be taken at 6:30 p.m. We'll need to be in line for the processional by 6:45 PM.

Please let us know you'll participate by filling out this quick FORM

Interfaith Choir

All singers are invited to be a part of the interfaith choir at the annual community Thanksgiving worship service. Please let us know you'll participate by filling out this quick FORM

There will be two choir rehearsals, both held in the choir loft at Trinity Presbyterian Church (3115 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC 28211). One will be on Sunday, November 19, at 5 p.m. The second will be before the service, exact time TBD.


We are planning to begin with people who speak languages other than English saying “welcome” in a non-English language. If this is something you feel called to participate in, please reach out to LeDayne at

Offering and Food Drive

An offering will be taken and will be split between MeckMIN and Crisis Assistance Ministries (CAM). Our friends there are telling us that they are seeing overwhelming need at this time in our community. As you are able, please plan to donate to the offering to support their work and ours.

Among the hundreds of families served at Crisis Assistance Ministry this year were a young mother and her two-year-old son at risk of losing their home. Having moved to Charlotte from several states away, she and her toddler are alone in the city without the support of family or friends. This mom had lost her job due to one too many days of calling off work as a result of last-minute cancelations by an unreliable childcare provider. After nearly two weeks of searching, she landed a new job and a better daycare center. But her first paycheck would come several days after her eviction court date.

Fortunately, after discussing her situation with a trained caseworker, this hardworking mother received the good news that funds were available to bring her rent current. With the specter of homelessness no longer looming, she can focus once again on building a stable life for herself and her son in their newly-adopted hometown.

We will also be sharing with Loaves and Fishes which is seeing the greatest need in their history.


Middle and High School Youth (+ their incredible adults) are invited to join the MeckMIN Youth at the Yap Ye Iswa Festival held at the Catawba Cultural Center near Rock Hill, SC on Saturday, November 18. The festival is an annual celebration of Catawba culture and features food, art demonstrations, dancing, craft vendors, and much more.

We'll meet at Myers Park United Methodist Church (1501 Queens Rd.) at 10 a.m. and ride together to the festival. We'll return to the church at 3 p.m.

Bring money for lunch and extra if you'd like to buy something from the vendors.

Register HERE

*Please help us by sharing this link event with your Facebook contacts:


December 19 | 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 19 as Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte NC 28216) will be hosting this year's last Open Tables.

At an Open Tables gathering, individuals from diverse congregations come together for fellowship and dining; with the goal of building relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism. Register HERE


If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here:

2. Non-Profit Updates

The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.

MYEP GRANT PROGRAM (Mayor's Youth Employment Program)

Halie Reed | | 980-475 1174

Diamond Davies, M.Ed., MYEP Specialist | Housing & Neighborhood Services,

The Mayor’s Youth Employment Program (MYEP) provides all Charlotte youth with equitable career development opportunities to explore the world of work, build social capital, and enhance economic mobility. Participants explore careers, hone skills, and gain exposure to models of professionalism, creating pathways to attainable career goals. It does not depend on GPA or other achievement metric. They must complete the rigorous career training, however, to be considered.

We seek to build partnerships with host employers in Charlotte's economy's private, public, and non-profit sectors who can provide one-of-a-kind career experiences for MYEP participants. Businesses provide career experiences that help youth develop career goals, stay in school, achieve academically, and enhance social skills that enable them to succeed. This year we hope to have 500 or more students placed. It runs from June 24 – August 2nd. We have many types of businesses and includes grants to 501c3 orgs to pay for the students. That application closes in December.


Grant Application -

Host Employer Application -


Our organization is joining the American Business Immigration Coalition's Here to Work Summit in Washington D.C. on November 13 and 14 to shine a spotlight on the need for commonsense immigration solutions, including the use of President Biden's administrative authority. Your organization is invited to join.

The summit will consist of trainings, legislative visits with federal elected officials, and a

Reach out to Stefania for more details.


Jackie Berry (She/her/hers) | | (704) 941 2542 |

ILC Manager / DOJ Partially Accredited Representative

4938 Central Avenue Suite 101

They are recognized by the DOJ to represent clients in Federal cases. They don’t do removal proceedings defense but they do renewal of green cards and naturalization and renewal of employment docs. They are supporting TPS for Venezuelans. If you know of someone who can benefit form the legal services, please refer them. See attached flyers. They also offer citizenship classes and replacement of papers as needed. Serve the Latin American community as well as anyone else who needs this service.

New Arrivals Resource Fair | November 18, 2023 4938 Central Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, 28205-6878

Diego Torres |

Need volunteers. They have more families than ever, increasing every week.

The weekend before Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to give thanks for all the blessings we have received in the past year. And for this reason, we would like to invite you to this meaningful and memorable event.

Please check the links below and sign up for the time slot of your choosing.

If you can fill out the form at your convenience, I would appreciate it. I want to let you know that this event is getting a lot of interest from other organizations who have helped us in the past. And I want to give you the opportunity first to sign up for this event.

On the first floor, we will have:

· Covid-19 vaccines and Boosters

· A registration station will be in the Immigrant Welcome Center

· HIV tests, basic health checkups and Mecklenburg Health Department will each have a separate office space

On the second floor

· The first room will be for distributing coats and clothing

· The flag room will be where organizations will give out their information to the families

· The last room will be for distributing groceries, gift cards, and over the counter medicine

*Please arrive a few minutes before your starting time to volunteer to get your assignment. For those helping to set up the fair, please arrive right at

Again, thank you so much for your time, support, and contributions. Without your participation, this event would not be possible. To sign up, please click on the appropriate link:

· November 17th from 1 to 4 pm: Register HERE

· November 18th from 9 am to 12 pm: Register HERE

· November 18th from 12 pm to 3 pm: Register HERE

19th ANNUAL DAY OF THE DEAD EVENT @ CAMP NORTH Saturday, November 4 | 12 PM

The Latin American Coalition, together with @levinemuseum, invites you to commemorate our Day of the Dead Festival this November 4th at Camp North End (300 Camp Road Charlotte, North Carolina).

Join us to pay tribute to our loved ones and keep this beautiful tradition alive in our community.

Admission is free. There will be cultural events, music food and more. They welcome additional volunteers. You can register to help out with set up on Friday, November 3rd HERE

COMMUNITY KRISTALLNACHT PROGRAM @ QUEENS COLLEGE Sunday, November 12 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM | The Sarah Belk Gambrell Center, Queens University of Charlotte, 2319 Wellesley Avenue

Nicole Sidman | | 980-423-9876 Director of Congregational Life | Temple Beth El

Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, represents one of the major turning points in European Jewish history. On the night of November 9, 1938, more than 1,400 synagogues, thousands of Jewish-owned homes, hospitals, shops and cemeteries were damaged or destroyed across Nazi Germany and Austria. You can learn more about the event through this article.

This year we mark the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht on Sunday, November 12th, and seek to bring the community together to remember the past and stand in solidarity against antisemitism, racism, hatred, and intolerance.

Dr. Lilly Fuller, a second-generation Holocaust survivor will deliver the keynote address.

The event committee wants our "next gen" Jewish students to join us as we remember the past, and stand in solidarity against antisemitism, racism, hatred, and intolerance.

This event is free and open to the public.

You can find more information about it HERE


Val Rosenquist |

Two events to know about and hopefully join:

· November 16 at 6:30 is the Homeless Memorial Service. It’s a candlelight tribute to the neighbors who have died the previous year. 618 N College Street (the Hal Marshall Building)

· Nov 16 at 9:30 AM hosting Inlivian town hall with faith leaders to discuss affordable housing. At First United Methodist Church, Free parking with validation.


Jessica Moreno |

Event Friday October 27th with the tenant community focusing on organizing. They can learn about how to organize and what organizing can do. Introducing a community petition for social housing. It is a part of House Everyone campaign. Please join the meeting and consider signing the petition HERE


Bettie Jones |

Emergency Food pantry was established to augment their T/TH Loaves and Fishes collaboration. When people come on other days looking for food, they leave with a bag. They are running low so please consider donating. Drop it off at the front desk marked “Emergency Pantry” and you can also make a financial donation. 3601 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205


Melanie Edwards |

Two events:

1. Mindfulness event, Nov 18th from 9:30 – 11 AM.

2. Fundraising luncheon on Tuesday November 14th. It is only an hour from noon – 1. Costs nothing to attend but you get to meet the partners, find out about Project 658.

Reach out to Melanie for more information.

KATHINA CELEBRATION @ CHARLOTTE BUDDHIST VIHARA THIS SUNDAY Sunday, October 29 | 5:00 AM - 3:00 PM 3423 Stonehaven Drive, Charlotte NC 28215. (Park on the street; enter through the carport, not the front door)

Register HERE

We invite you to join the traditional Kathina celebration at Charlotte Buddhist Vihara, a joyful program organized by the Buddha himself to bring together the larger community of his clergy & supporters. You'll also help us celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the founding of Charlotte Buddhist Vihara.

Kathina is a family-friendly day of teachings, traditional ceremonies, shared meals (potluck), meditation, and lots of goodwill!


5:00 AM Early meditation

7:00 AM Offer 8 Precepts, Heel dana, Breakfast

8:00 AM Welcome and Kathina Robe ceremony. Sewing begins.

9:00 AM Dhamma talk on Kathina by Ven Ayya Sudarshana Mahatheri

10:00 AM Recognition of 10th Anniversary special guests Vihara founders.

10:30 AM Dhamma talk on Sangha by Ayya Sobhana Their

11:00 AM Offer 5 Precepts, make offerings to the Buddha. Opportunity to give gifts to the Sangha. Followed by lunch (potluck) dana for ordained Sangha & 8 Preceptors, then lunch for everyone.

12:30 PM Dhamma talks by guest bhikkhunis; meanwhile sewing continues

2:00 PM Spreading Kathina Robe

3:00 PM End

Sign up is REQUIRED

CORNEL WEST EVENT @ JCSU Thursday, November 9 | 5:00 PM

Join us for the 2023-2024 LYCEUM Engagement Series - Let There Be Light : "A Community Renaissance" on November 9th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. with guest speaker Dr. Cornel West. This event will take place in the Gambrell Auditorium, and promises to be a thought-provoking and inspiring experience with an overflow live stream in the New Science Center Auditorium. There will be limited seated, please arrive on time. Thank you.

Dr. Cornel West is known for his captivating lectures and insightful discussions on social justice, race, and democracy. His powerful words have the ability to challenge and inspire individuals from all walks of life.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to hear from one of the most influential thinkers of our time. Register now to secure your spot at this unforgettable event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please have your eTicket to show when entering. Admission will not be accepted without your eTicket.

BUILDING CONNECTIONS, BUILDING OPPORTUNITY: DR RAJ CHETTY Tuesday, November 14 | 5:30 PM | Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City UNCC

Professor Chetty will share his recent research examining how neighborhoods, higher education, social capital and other factors shape children's chances of achieving the American Dream. Join us for a discussion about how we can work together to create great possibilities for the Charlotte region. If you haven't already, please RSVP HERE

MENTAL HEALTH IS A UNIVERSAL RIGHT EVENT November 14 | St. Paul Baptist Church


Greater Bethel AME Church, at 5323 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC, is hosting The LuCile Ivey Music Classics on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

This is a free concert, with special guest artist Callie Day, a contestant on America’s Got Talent.


Oscar Garcia Menjivar

Smart Start needs substitute teachers. Sign up HERE if you are interested:


Nicole Fortoso | | 980-401-0120

CWS is hosting a Winter drive for coats, gloves, hats, etc. They are scheduling pick ups and drop offs and have an amazon wishlist.

Please connect with Nicole!


First In Families will be distributing turkeys and food boxes on 11/18/2023 at 10am


3. General Information


• Oct. 13: Last day to register to vote

• Oct. 19: In-person Early Voting begins

• Oct. 31: Last day to request Absentee-by-Mail ballot by 5pm

• Nov. 4: Last day of in-person Early Voting, ends at 3pm

• Nov. 7: General Election/Last day to return Absentee-by-Mail ballot*

*Note: Absentee ballots received after 5 p.m. on Election Day will be counted only if they are postmarked on or before Election Day and received by mail no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday after the election. For the November 2023 election, however, that deadline extends to the Monday after the election, because Friday after the election is the Veterans Day holiday, when the mail does not run. Ballots without a postmark must be received by Election Day.


Laurie Grauer |

Social Venture Partners (SVP) Charlotte supports social entrepreneurs and innovators within Charlotte's nonprofit community who are working to make change happen through our annual SEED20 program. Are you the leader of an organization or program with a unique and creative social focus? Consider applying for SEED20, a program that provides coaching, feedback, and mentoring on how to tell your story in a concise and compelling way. The program culminates in SEED20 OnStage on March 26, 2024, which is a high-energy event where you will compete to win cash awards by making three-minute pitches to a large community audience.

SVP Charlotte is accepting applications for the SEED20 class of 2024 now through October 26th! Check out for more information. You can see the information session which was recorded HERE


The Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center (CRC), located at 430 Stitt Road in Charlotte, features an integrated service delivery approach by offering services from County Health and Human Services Agency departments and select community partners at a single location.

Charlotte’s newest community resource center is now open in northeast Charlotte. The Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center soft opened in August, but its official ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony was Oct. 25. The center’s mission is to connect residents with multiple services from the Mecklenburg County Department of Health and Human Services and community partners, such as Atrium Health and Loaves and Fishes.




Madison Burke | | (C) 919.520.1071 | (O) 919.680.4310

Migrant Services Coordinator at CWS Durham, overseeing the Immigrant Solidarity Fund.

In partnership with immigration law attorney Beckie Moriello, we hosting a free, Spanish-language workshop on asylum on Thursday, 10/19 from 6-7 pm EST via Zoom. Clients can register for the workshop at this link: Meeting Registration - Zoom and should add any questions they want addressed.

HEALTHY FAMILIES HEALTHY COMMUNITIES CAREGIVER EVENT w/ the Frankie Mae Foundation Saturday, November 11

Courtenay O'Donoghue, Ph.D. | | 980-498-7727, c 828-577-7929

Program Director, Alzheimer's Association - North Carolina

24-Hour Helpline: 800-272-3900

This is a fabulous program for all caregivers (not just dementia and Alzheimer's). It is focused on healthy living. The program is open to the public and inter-generational and will feature Charlotte area resources as well. If anyone is interested in being a vendor, they can contact me directly. The event is free but registration is REQUIRED.

FREE ONE-HOUR MINDFUL LIVING CLASS IN SPANISH EVERY FRIDAY Friday, October 27 | 11:30am-12:30pm PST (San Diego, California time)

Lisette Atala-Doocy | Certified MBSR Teacher, UCSD Center for Mindfrulness

I would like to inform you that I have a "free" one hour Mindful Living class in Spanish, every I just opened this class with the idea to support our Spanish speaking community and maybe in the future invite them to take the MBSR course.

Here is the zoom link in case you know of anyone who would like to start practicing mindfulness, no need to register, they just need to send me an email so that I know they are joining the group: Meeting ID: 859 1423 1626


Began on October 15, 2023 and ends December 7, 2023

Medicare Open Enrollment began on October 15, 2023, and ends December 7, 2023, with coverage changes taking effect January 1, 2024. During this time, people with Medicare can compare coverage options, like Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, and choose health and drug plans for 2024. Medicare Advantage and Part D plan costs and covered benefits can change from year to year, so people with Medicare should look at their coverage choices and decide on the options that best meet their health needs. A statement from the President on Medicare Open Enrollment can be found here. Since 2021, CMS has introduced a number of enhancements to to optimize customer experience and create a more welcoming and user-friendly experience. Improvements include a redesigned home page, the addition of pricing details to the Medigap policy comparison, streamlined information on the Medicare Plan Finder, and a redesigned “Talk to Someone” section to find additional help and contacts. Here are four ways people with Medicare can compare plans and look at savings options:

1. Go to to learn the difference between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, and do side-by-side comparisons of costs and coverage for Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans.

2. Call 1-800-MEDICARE. Help is available 24 hours a day, including weekends.

3. Access personalized health insurance counseling at no cost, available from State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP). Visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE for each SHIP’s phone number. Many SHIPs also offer virtual counseling.

4. Check eligibility for the Medicare Savings Programs and the Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program. If you have limited income and resources, you could qualify for Medicare Savings Programs, run by your state Medicaid program, or for the Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program. These programs could help save you money on health and prescription drug costs and could reduce your Part B premium and/or Part D premium to $0.

For more information, contact your state Medicaid program or call 1-800-MEDICARE and ask about Medicare Savings Programs. To learn more about the Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program, visit: or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

THE HOPE ALLIANCE : ALLIANCE HEALTH, INLIVIAN & NEXT STAGE PRESENT: “Southside Homes: A Catalyst of Hope” Documentary November 8

You are cordially invited to a special film screening and discussion that will bring hope to your heart. Join us for the exclusive presentation of "Southside Homes: A Catalyst of Hope," an engaging documentary that will leave you inspired.

The screening will take place on Wednesday, November 8th from 5-7pm at Do Greater Charlotte and includes special guests Jesse Cureton, Tom Hanchett, Nikia Maddox and Southside Homes Residents & Staff

· IF you are interested in learning more about the social determinants of health which are the conditions and non-medical outcomes that impact how one is born, grows, and lives…

· IF you question why things are the way they are, concerning the underlying root causes…

· IF you want to know what it will take for more community members and leaders to work together for collective action and impact…

· IF you want to see how everything is related…

· THEN you should join us for this timely documentary and discussion on resilience and hope.


· Free Job training for tech: Per Scholas offers tuition-free training and certifications, professional development, and employer job connections. Learn more and apply HERE

· Free Family Movie Nights at Ray’s Splash Planet: Ray’s Splash Planet is hosting a series of family-friendly movie nights October - December. Ray's Splash Planet

· Free Health and Wellness Programs: The AmeriHealth Caritas Opportunity and Wellness Center (located on Wilkinson Blvd) has various upcoming events focused on health and wellness, including monthly food pantries. You can find out information HERE

· Free Immunization Resources: For any students who still need to be immunized, here are clinics (with Spanish/bilingual support) where families can request appointments for FREE:

o Mecklenburg County Public Health: various sites, with extended hours, Make an appointment: (704) 336-6500

o Charlotte Community Health Clinic: 2 locations including University and West Charlotte. Make an appointment: (704) 316-6561

o Amity Medical Group: 4 locations across Charlotte. Make an appointment: (704) 208-4134, Request Uber rides/support if necessary, with the clinic

o CW Williams Community Health Center: 2 operating sites across Charlotte (Wilkinson Blvd location is temporarily closed due to construction), Make an appointment: (866) 299-4968

· Free Parent Support Group: Therapy Resource Group has a few upcoming parent support groups that meet in-person and virtually. More information can be found HERE

· Free Academic Support for K-5: The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is piloting Student Success Centers at various branches across the county (Allegra Westbrooks Regional, Cornelius Library, Independence Regional Library, South Blvd Library, University City Regional Library, and West Blvd Library). There is no need to register, families may show up at any of the branch libraries participating and their child will receive help with homework, skills practice (including reading), and connecting with a tutor (via computer) through, a resource available at no cost with a CML or ONE Access library card. More information can be found HERE

· Semi-Free Match Savings Program: Match savings program through Generation2080. This program is meant to set a better financial future for families. They are looking for 24 people to join the next cohort, and each selected person will get: matched savings for up to $520 per year, a long-term savings account, and a one-to-one mentor who is a Certified Financial Health Counselor. This is a two-year program. You can find more information and apply here: LIST "Schermco" as the "Referring Agency" in your application.

UNDERSTAINDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING WORKSHOP (In-Person) - Wednesday, November 8, 6:30-8:30 PM

The City of Charlotte's Community Engagement Division will host an Understanding Affordable Housing workshop on Wednesday, November 8.

The workshop will discuss:

  • What is affordable housing?

  • Common affordable housing myths

  • The city’s role in affordable housing

  • Homebuyer assistance

We're delighted to be joined by community partners: DreamKey Partners, Community Link, Common Wealth Charlotte, and Mecklenburg County, who will share about their programs and resources.

The workshop location is 1120 Pearl Park Way, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28204. Parking is free. A light dinner will be available from 6-6:30 p.m. The workshop will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.

Registration is REQUIRED. Space is limited.



I think that the image of God in many recovery groups is one of judgment and shame. But I believe in a God of boundless love – a God who would sit and wipe your brow while you’re in withdrawal.

A God who would sing love songs over you until you believed them about yourself.

To anyone who is struggling with an addiction: God is singing a song of love over you. If you listen close, you may hear it over the sound of your self-talk. You may even hear it over the sound of every friend or family member or stranger or pastor who’s ever made you feel less-than-worthy.

To anyone who knows or has known someone with an addiction: it’s hard sometimes for people to hear the love songs of God over the cacophony of shame, judgment, failure, isolation, incarceration, and disdain. Why not join Love’s chorus?

Kevin Nye, author of Grace Can Lead Us Home

Next meeting:

Thursday, November 9 at 11 a.m.



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