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October 12, 2023 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:


In this Issue:


Moment of Silence

We began with a moment of silence for all those impacted by the violence in the Middle East.

Opening Reflection

Angela Gala | Executive Director of Youth Meditation

Relaxation of the mind, body and spirit is the definition of meditation. She walked us through what it is and a brief meditation practice.

1. MeckMIN Updates


These meetings are open to anyone or any group interested in promoting the common good in our shared Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.

We do not allow announcements from for-profit groups promoting their businesses or campaigning from political candidates. Beyond that, we don’t have rules for who can speak or what they can share as long as they support our commitments to respectful conversation and the dignity of all people.

Because we have a very wide array of beliefs and understandings within our membership and because we want to keep these meetings open as an open forum, we’re going to add this disclaimer to the minutes: "The views and opinions expressed here are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations."

SAVE The DATE: COMMUNITY-WIDE INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, November 21 | 7 - 9 PM | Trinity Presbyterian Church

Please start sharing the flyer with your communities. It is a really lovely service

Join us for one of the highlights of the year -- the annual Community-wide Interfaith Thanksgiving service which will be hosted this year by Trinity Presbyterian Church.

*Please help us by sharing this link event with your Facebook contacts:

Sponsorships/Display Tables (Catawba Drummers, Ramona Big Eagle)

If you wish to sponsor, we would welcome you. We are working to secure the Catawba Drummers and Ramona Big Eagle for the service and will need financial support to compensate them fairly.

There are some display tables available. For $1000 sponsorships, you could have a table in the narthex as people enter and also in the reception room afterwards.

For a $500 sponsorship, you could have a display table in the reception room.

Email LeDayne if you are interested in sponsoring.

Faith Leader Processional

All faith leaders are invited to be a part of the processional beginning the annual community Thanksgiving worship service wearing the vestments appropriate to their tradition. This is a beautiful, visible reminder of the rich religious diversity of our community. Recognizing that not all of our member communities have clergy, we extend this invitation to anyone who serves as a leader within a faith community.

Plan to be at Trinity Presbyterian Church by by 6:20 PM -- be mindful of the omnipresent traffic on Providence Rd. We'll gather in the Fellowship Hall, and a group photo will be taken at 6:30 p.m. We'll need to be in line for the processional by 6:45 PM.

Please let us know you'll participate by filling out this quick FORM

Interfaith Choir

All singers are invited to be a part of the interfaith choir at the annual community Thanksgiving worship service. Please let us know you'll participate by filling out this quick FORM

There will be two choir rehearsals, both held in the choir loft at Trinity Presbyterian Church (3115 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC 28211). One will be on Sunday, November 19, at 5 p.m. The second will be before the service, exact time TBD.

Offering and Food Drive

An offering will be taken and will be split between MeckMIN and Crisis Assistance Ministries (CAM). Our friends there are telling us that they are seeing overwhelming need at this time in our community. As you are able, please plan to donate to the offering to support their work and ours.

Among the hundreds of families served at Crisis Assistance Ministry this year were a young mother and her two-year-old son at risk of losing their home. Having moved to Charlotte from several states away, she and her toddler are alone in the city without the support of family or friends. This mom had lost her job due to one too many days of calling off work as a result of last-minute cancelations by an unreliable childcare provider. After nearly two weeks of searching, she landed a new job and a better daycare center. But her first paycheck would come several days after her eviction court date.

Fortunately, after discussing her situation with a trained caseworker, this hardworking mother received the good news that funds were available to bring her rent current. With the specter of homelessness no longer looming, she can focus once again on building a stable life for herself and her son in their newly-adopted hometown.

We will also be sharing with Loaves and Fishes which is seeing the greatest need in their history.


Saturday, October 21 | 9:30 - 1:30 PM

Mark your calendars for MeckMIN/JustServe next service project on October 21st from 9:30 AM to 1:30 with the Hope Tank Truck (parking lot of the Southern Comfort Motel at 4419 Tuckaseegee Rd.).

The 3 areas of service include:

· Cleaning the shower area after each use

· Cleaning the laundry center

· Cleaning the supply table

The Hope Vibes Team will guide you through the process.

*Please help us by sharing this link event with your Facebook contacts:


Middle and High School Youth (+ their incredible adults) are invited to join the MeckMIN Youth at the Yap Ye Iswa Festival held at the Catawba Cultural Center near Rock Hill, SC on Saturday, November 18. The festival is an annual celebration of Catawba culture and features food, art demonstrations, dancing, craft vendors, and much more.

We'll meet at Myers Park United Methodist Church (1501 Queens Rd.) at 10 a.m. and ride together to the festival. We'll return to the church at 3 p.m.

Bring money for lunch and extra if you'd like to buy something from the vendors.

Register HERE

*Please help us by sharing this link event with your Facebook contacts:


December 19 | 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 19 as Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte NC 28216) will be hosting this year's last Open Tables.

At an Open Tables gathering, individuals from diverse congregations come together for fellowship and dining; with the goal of building relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism. Register HERE


If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here:

2. Non-Profit Updates

The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.


Liz Graham, Marketing Coordinator | Public Information | 704-245-5715 Kay Tembo | Community Relations Coordinator and member of the Budget Office

Lauren Tayara |

Mecklenburg County is hosting an information session for local organizations to learn more about our grant program.

These one-year (July 1 through June 30) grants provide funding for nonprofit agencies that deliver services to residents aligned to Mecklenburg County departmental strategies. Applicants are encouraged to explore this site to get an understanding of the types of services typically provided.

The program begins with an info session on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023 at 10 am at Valerie Woodard Center where attendees will be provided with information about the upcoming year, eligibility, and how to apply. Interested agencies will have one month to submit applications through an online process including:

· A problem statement

· Description of the target population and service geography

· Service delivery strategy

· Proposed service results

· Performance measures

· A budget proposal and narrative

Any nonprofit that has received CSG funding for three consecutive fiscal years (FY2022 – FY2023 - FY2024) will be sunset and provided the opportunity to apply for a vendor relationship with the County. If selected as a vendor, the program will no longer compete in the CSG process.

*Recipients are required to re-apply each year and funding is not guaranteed.

Eligibility Requirements

Please refer to the list below to determine whether your organization meets the minimum requirements to apply for a Community Service Grant.

· Serve County residents

· 501(c)(3) nonprofit designation

· Independently audited financials by a certified public accountant (CPA)

· Diversified workforce documentation (Equal Employment Opportunity policy)

· Professional membership

· Registered with the Secretary of State as Active

· Clearly contribute to one of the four goal areas: Connected Community, Economic Opportunities, Healthy Community and Safe Community.

If you are aware of an organization that would benefit, please share this info with them. More info HERE. Awards are 1 year and very competitive. Decisions are made by county commissioners.

If you want to stay up to date, sign up here for the portal.


Workshop on October 26th for 12 people from 9-11:30 in Plaza Midwood. It is to teach you how to become a thought-leader. As a nonprofit leader you have expertise and perspective about an issue that has the power to influence others and spark change. Four Spots remain. Its 149.25 (25% off) with code meckmin, Register by EOD Monday.

Next Stage is awarding a $10K grant to support a need or opportunity that would typically struggle to receive investment in a traditional grant-making process.

Must have 501c3 status, be legally registered in Mecklenburg County or have the majority of their work occur in Mecklenburg County

No restrictions on budget size or mission

Short application available on our website

Apps due Oct 27, top 10 announced in early December

Winner in Feb.

Fun fact: LeDayne is on the review and selection committee!

FAITH FUL RESPONSE TO GUN VIOLENCE | October 29 | Noon 3-part Sunday School Series in Gun Violence Control First Presbyterian Church | 200 West Trade Street, Charlotte NC 28202

Lucy Crain | | 704-927-0279

Associate Pastor of Outreach & Mission | First Presbyterian Church

For Christ in the Heart of Charlotte

This 3-part Sunday School series on gun violence prevention will be accompanied by a community book read of "Common Ground." We will close with a luncheon and a panel discussion with Rodney Sadler, Tracie Campbell, and David Jacobs.



October 15, 22, 29 | 9:45 a.m. | WFH Overflow and Zoom

Adults will participate in a three-week Sunday School series to focus on God’s call to value human lives, the impact of gun violence in Charlotte, grappling with emotional reactions, and envisioning an alternative way forward.


October 15, 22, 29, November 5 | 9:45 a.m. | Youth Rooms

(will join adults on October 15 in WFH Overflow then meet October 22, 29, and November 5 in the Youth rooms)


October 26 | 7-8:30 p.m. | Zoom

Plowshares Book Club will discuss “Common Ground: Talking About Gun Violence in America” by Donald Gaffney, pastor, Sandy Hook alumnus, and gun owner, who encourages honest conversation and offers a way forward for those who wish to work for a common solution. Books will be available for purchase for $10 after worship on October 1 and 8. Book Discussion sign up.


25th year of the Habitat, Charlotte Church Partners collaboration. 35 houses have been built in 25 years and working on 36 and 37th houses. Charlotte Church Partners has historically been Protestant but they would like to take it interfaith. Cost of the house is about 150K per house. There are opportunities to participate in collaboration. Build schedule can be found HERE


We are no longer at our former property. We are moving elsewhere. We are now on Zoom. We are looking for a new space in 2024 to either buy or rent so please reach out if you have something in mind – a school classroom size is perfect and a kitchen attached would be great.

Wedgewood Church will still host the International Holiday Bazaar on December 3, the same as last year. We so enjoyed meeting all of you and hope you will join us again. The location for the bazaar will be the Refugee Support Services on Willard Farrow Drive, near the Charlotte Museum of History. We plan for the same hours 12-4. More information will be available. We are looking for vendors – immigrants who want to make some additional money. Please reach out.


Basic info:

Please fill out the SURVEY to find out more:

The NC Interfaith Alliance Against Domestic Violence is a new program collaboration of the NC Council of Churches and the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Its primary purpose will be to equip leaders of all faiths in NC to respond to domestic violence within their faith community.

Although the Council is a Christian based organization, we often work in interfaith programs to address issues such as economic justice, health, environment, welfare, public education, gun violence prevention, criminal justice reform, and peace. The Coalition is the primary facilitator in the state of DV training and policy, working with shelters and advocacy centers in all 100 counties.

Did you know that 1 in 3 women in NC and 1 in 7 men in the US suffer from Domestic violence? Every 4 days a woman is killed by her abuser in our state. In a 2015 article published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence 75% of congregants said they would first go to their clergy if they were in a domestic violence situation. 78% of clergy did not feel they were equipped for this.. Most believed their church didn’t have a problem with domestic violence.

There was great information in the meeting about how common domestic violence is and sympathy and resources for clergy who are often the go-to resource for what to do but rarely feel ready to manage the situation.

So what can we do about this?

We are repeating this survey in order to inform the changes in the Coalition curriculum that will be appropriate for faith communities and leaders and reflective of the diversity of our state. This is why I am here today and am asking that you complete the online survey and send the link to your faith communities.


The Hotline number: 800-799-7233



Rev. Amy Brooks Paradise | 704-458-4438

In the Christian tradition there is the celebration of All Souls at the beginning of November. This commemoration of those who have gone before takes various forms.

This year, our local GreenFaith group is remembering all who have been lost due to climate change and climate disasters. We also recognize that there is still much to lose, including our children's future.

In recognition of these losses both past and future, we are hosting a Requiem for the Children and the Planet. We invite you to join us on Tryon Street as we engage in a walking vigil to remember. We will stop in front of Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo to lift up the connection between investments in fossil fuels and climate disaster. Many of our investments are funding the climate disaster.

The event will be November 1 at 4 pm and will last for 1 hour. We will gather at the Disco on Trade and Tryon and remember those we have lost. This event is part of our Earth Witness Wednesday. We hope you will join us.


Frank Moore |

Join us in Charlotte on Sunday, Oct. 15, for a double-feature screening. As seen on PBS-NC, the story of North Carolina's Rosenwald Schools. Plus a short on moving Charlotte's historic Siloam School. It's free but please REGISTER for tickets


Diamond Davies, M.Ed. | | 980-475-1174

Specialist | Mayor’s Youth Employment, Housing & Neighborhood Services

The 2024 MYEP Host Employer grant application is now open for the second year in a row! For 38 years, the City of Charlotte has been dedicated to fostering economic growth opportunities for our youth through the Mayor's Youth Employment Program (MYEP). In the upcoming summer, our goal is to offer paid work experiences to 500 young people across diverse industries.

We want high schoolers to see what working in a non-profit setting is like so we created the MYEP Host Employer Grant program. Our grant recipients will receive funding* to pay the salary of their MYEP intern(s). There's no better time to become a part of the MYEP family! If chosen as a grant recipient you'll play a vital role in shaping the future of Charlotte youth, while also strengthening your organization.

Applying is easy! All 501C(3) organizations are eligible to apply, take the first step today: Grantapplication2024

MYEP highlights:

• Students ages 16 – 18

• 6-week program

• June 24 – August 2, 2024

• Experience can be virtual, onsite or hybrid

• Employer should provide immersive experience

• Students are already drug and background screened


I’m looking to gather up deodorant, soap, toothpaste tooth brushes, wipes, etc., to give out to our eighty plus students

CLA looking to gather up:

• Boys and Girls deodorant

• Boys and Girls soap

• toothpaste

• tooth brushes

• Flushable wipes

• Boys and girls belts

• Beanies and gloves

• Resistance Workout Bands

• Jump ropes

• Female hygiene products

• Boys and Girls Shampoo


Libby Johnson | 865-789-8912 or Linda Rapuano | 917- 991-4138

What: Learn how you and/or your congregation can become allies to asylum seekers, and imagine how communities can be prepared to welcome our neighbors.

Where: Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church 4900 Kaplan Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606

When: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m.

For questions and registration, please contact Libby Johnson at 865-789-8912 or Linda Rapuano at 917- 991-4138.

This event sponsored by the New Hope Presbytery Peacemaking Committee with

special guest Susan Krehbiel PCUSA/PDA’s Associate for Migration Accompaniment Ministries


Diego Torres |

Volunteers are needed for the November 18th resource fair. Need supplies for backpacks as well. Reach out to them for opportunities to donate.


3. General Information


• Oct. 13: Last day to register to vote

• Oct. 19: In-person Early Voting begins

• Oct. 31: Last day to request Absentee-by-Mail ballot by 5pm

• Nov. 4: Last day of in-person Early Voting, ends at 3pm

• Nov. 7: General Election/Last day to return Absentee-by-Mail ballot*

*Note: Absentee ballots received after 5 p.m. on Election Day will be counted only if they are postmarked on or before Election Day and received by mail no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday after the election. For the November 2023 election, however, that deadline extends to the Monday after the election, because Friday after the election is the Veterans Day holiday, when the mail does not run. Ballots without a postmark must be received by Election Day.


Laurie Grauer |

Social Venture Partners (SVP) Charlotte supports social entrepreneurs and innovators within Charlotte's nonprofit community who are working to make change happen through our annual SEED20 program. Are you the leader of an organization or program with a unique and creative social focus? Consider applying for SEED20, a program that provides coaching, feedback, and mentoring on how to tell your story in a concise and compelling way. The program culminates in SEED20 OnStage on March 26, 2024, which is a high-energy event where you will compete to win cash awards by making three-minute pitches to a large community audience.

SVP Charlotte is accepting applications for the SEED20 class of 2024 now through October 26th! Check out for more information. You can see the information session which was recorded HERE

KATHINA CELEBRATION October 29 | 7:00 - 7:00 PM | Charlotte Buddhist Vihara

Join the Charlotte Buddhist Vihara as they celebrate the Kathina festival and their 10th year anniversary on Sunday, October 29 starting at 7AM. This will be a drop-in event with opportunities throughout the day. Watch for a complete schedule soon.

The Kathina festival, which originated 2,500 years ago, celebrates the largest alms-giving ceremony of the Buddhist year. It occurs at the end of the Vassa, or monsoon, period, in October and November. During the Vassa period, nomadic Buddhist monks remain in one place for three months, and the Kathina celebration marks the time for them to move on. The festival also celebrates the offerings of cloth that are given to the monks upon their leaving by the lay people. "Kathina" is the word for the sewing frame used for robes.


Madison Burke | | (C) 919.520.1071 | (O) 919.680.4310

Migrant Services Coordinator at CWS Durham, overseeing the Immigrant Solidarity Fund.

In partnership with immigration law attorney Beckie Moriello, we hosting a free, Spanish-language workshop on asylum on Thursday, 10/19 from 6-7 pm EST via Zoom. Clients can register for the workshop at this link: Meeting Registration - Zoom and should add any questions they want addressed.


The Women's Impact Fund (WIF) grant cycle is now open and runs through October 20. For nonprofit organizations, WIF will host a grants webinar on October 5.


Beginning December 1, 2023, more North Carolinians will be able to get health coverage through NC Medicaid. This will be a game changer for the more than 600,000 people who will be able to access health care and is the most significant investment in the health of our state in decades. Thank you to the many partners that have helped make this a reality.   

Now we need your help to be sure that North Carolinians know who is eligible and how to apply. We have a new website, bilingual toolkit and a sign-up form to stay updated on the most current information about how more North Carolinians will be able to get health coverage through NC Medicaid.  Please use these tools with your networks and communities. 

The bilingual toolkit includes:  

Day 1 Flyer: An overview of who is eligible and how to enroll.  

Newsletter Template: Content to include in your newsletters and emails.   

Social Media: Graphics and posts to share on your channels. 

Family Planning Flyer: Information for the approximately 300,000 people who receive limited benefits through Family Planning Medicaid who will be automatically enrolled in full Medicaid.  

Medicaid Essentials Deck: A presentation to share with your community on who is eligible and how to enroll.  

FAQ: Answers to common questions.  

ePass Video: An overview of how to apply online through ePass. 

To stay updated with the latest information, be notified when the application process goes live, and receive the newest resources, complete this sign-up form. Thank you for helping more people in your communities get health coverage through NC Medicaid. Together we will ensure more than 600,000 people gain access to health care across North Carolina.   


A partir del 1 de diciembre de 2023, más habitantes de Carolina del Norte podrán obtener cobertura médica a través de NC Medicaid. Este es un momento muy importante para las más de 600,000 personas que podrán acceder a la atención médica y es la inversión más significativa en la salud de nuestro estado en décadas. Gracias a los muchos colaboradores que han ayudado a que esto se vuelva realidad.

Ahora necesitamos tu ayuda para asegurarnos de que los habitantes de Carolina del Norte tengan la información que necesitan para saber quién es elegible y cómo completar una solicitud. Tenemos un nuevo sitio web, un kit de herramientas de comunicación bilingüe y un formulario donde puedes registrarte para recibir la información más actualizada sobre cómo más habitantes de Carolina del Norte podrán obtener cobertura médica a través de NC Medicaid. Por favor usa estas herramientas con tus redes y comunidades.

El kit de herramientas bilingüe incluye:

Folleto del día 1: descripción general de quién es elegible y cómo pueden inscribirse.

Boletines: información para incluir en boletines y correos electrónicos.

Redes sociales: gráficos y publicaciones para compartir en tus redes sociales.

Folleto de Planificación Familiar: información para las aproximadamente 300,000 personas que reciben beneficios limitados a través del programa de Planificación Familiar de Medicaid y que quedarán inscritas para automáticamente recibir beneficios completos de Medicaid.

Información importante sobre la expansión de Medicaid: una presentación para compartir información con tu comunidad sobre quién es elegible y cómo pueden completar una solicitud.

Preguntas frecuentes: respuestas a preguntas comunes.

Para mantenerte actualizado con la información más reciente, recibir una notificación cuando el proceso de solicitud entre en funcionamiento y recibir los recursos más recientes, regístrate aquí.

Gracias por ayudar a más personas en tu comunidad a obtener cobertura médica a través de NC Medicaid. Juntos garantizaremos que más de 600,000 personas tengan acceso a la atención médica que necesitan en todo Carolina del Norte.


Kim Oliver, MPA | 704-940-3142 | Director of Community Engagement

The Canopy Housing Foundation (the charitable arm of the Canopy REALTOR® Association) is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 Humanitarian Award. This is a perfect opportunity to recognize a deserving person, organization or project. The ideal nominee demonstrates what it means to be a great humanitarian, benefitting our community through their efforts.

This initiative is open to the entire community, and self-nominations will be accepted. Please note that your nominee does not have to be a Realtor®, and nominations are not limited to housing initiatives. For your reference, attached are nomination information and an editable PDF of the nomination form--also available on the Foundation’s website.

The chosen recipient will be recognized with a crystal award at the Canopy Realtor® Association Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 8. In addition, the Foundation will donate $5,000 to a non-profit organization of the recipient’s choice.

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A NOMINATION IS OCTOBER 31 at 5 pm. Late applications will not be accepted.



“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.”

-- Judson Brewer

Next meeting:

Thursday, October 26 at 11 a.m.



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