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February 16, 2023 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click Here to Access Zoom Recording:


In this Issue:




2/23: Potlucks for Pluralism dinner dialogue at Islamic Center of Greater Charlotte – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. – Open to local college students

2/26: Interfaith Youth Panel at Myers Park United Methodist Church from 5-6:30 pm -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them

2/27: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Amid COVID-19: Reflection, Response, and Resiliency: February 27, 2023 | 9:00am-12:15pm,

2/28: Potlucks for Pluralism dinner dialogue at the Hindu Center -- – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. – Open to local college students


3/16: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Amid COVID-19: Reflection, Response, and Resiliency, March 16, 2023 | 12:00om-3:15pm,

3/21: Open Tables – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Muslim Community Center – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths. Register HERE

3/21: How to hold a Living Room Conversation Training – 7 to 9 p.m. – Wingate University – Open to all involved in Potlucks for Pluralism

April - Service project, TBA


5/1: Volunteer opportunity to set up for Awards Breakfast – Covenant Presbyterian Church – 6 to 8 p.m. – open to all. Sign up HERE

5/2: Community Leaders Awards Breakfast – 7:30 to 9:00 a.m – open to all

5/7: Youth Community Service Project (afternoon time; location TBD) -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them


6/15: Open Tables -- – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths. Register HERE

July - Service project, TBA


8/18/19: Interfaith Youth Gathering (previously known as In Our Own Backyard) – Friday night and all-day Saturday, exact timing to be announced -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them


9/21: Open Tables -- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Baha’I Center – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths. Register HERE

October - Service project, TBA


(exact date TBA) - Youth Visit the Catawba Festival -- 9am – 1pm -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them

11/21: Interfaith Community Wide Thanksgiving service – Trinity Presbyterian Church – 7 to 9 a.m..


12/19: Open Tables -- – Location TBA – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths

Opening Reflection

I believe the flow of grace is circular: receiving and giving, blessing and mercy, healing and wholeness, receiving and giving—and so it goes. Grace abounds. Grace surrounds. May the grace we experience flow through us, ever outward, ever onward to others, to our communities, and to the wider world. Like a drop of rain, flowing back to the ocean. In and through the flow, we are blessed. May it be so. (Cynthia Cebuhar)


1. MeckMIN Updates

CHARLOTTE JEWISH HISTORY TOUR at no cost for local clergy/faith leaders and educators

Through a generous grant from the Lenora Stein Community Creative Learning Program the Greenspon Center is able to offer all MeckMIN clergy, faith leaders and educators a Jacobs-Jaffa Charlotte Jewish History Tour at no cost. Note that the educators can be faith-based or secular.

If you register for February or April, it will automatically be free. If you want to go in March, contact us about registering via email to participate at no cost.


February 11 Report

It was great! Thank you from Diego. We served 160+ people including 58 kids.


February 26 | 5 - 6:30 PM

All middle and high school youth -- and the adults who work with them -- are invited to hear fellow youth from a number of different religious perspectives reflect on their faiths and how they shape their lives. Last year's event was AMAZING, and we're so excited to invite you to join us this time. A light dinner will be included. Sign up HERE

“The MeckMIN student panel was one of the best youth meetings I have been to in a long time. The students were simply amazing." -- 2022 Attendee

OPEN TABLES | March 21 | Muslim Community Center

Will be quarterly in 2023 and open to all. Sign up HERE for March 21st Open Tables

June 15: The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints | Register HERE September 21: Baha'í Center of Charlotte | Register HERE December 19: TBD


Thursday, April 27, 4 to 6 PM | Johnson C. Smith University

If you teach World Religions or a related subject at any level, you're invited to join this gathering. Our goals are simply to get to know one another and to share helpful resources.

Sign up HERE


May 2, 2023 | 7:30 - 9 AM | Covenant Presbyterian Church


· Table Captains are needed – Please consider signing up HERE

· Sponsorship opportunities are available HERE

· Individual tickets are available HERE

The Sydnor Thompson, Jr. Community Leader award goes to a local leader or organization that exemplifies leadership and collaboration across differences in the community, fosters interfaith understanding to promote racial and ethnic understanding, and addresses social needs in the community. This award is most often given to someone who does this work as part of their career – such as a clergy person or nonprofit professional.

The Bridge Builder award goes to someone who directly promotes one-on-one relationships and bridge building across differences through their actions and daily life. This award is most often given to someone who does this work as a volunteer.

2. Non-Profit Updates


Class next Saturday at Greater Bethel


West Charlotte High School | February 25 | 10 AM - 12 PM

The Board of Directors of the National Black Child Development Institute-Charlotte, invites all to witness the promise of Black Excellence. Join us at West Charlotte High School (2219 Senior Dr. Charlotte, NC 28216) on February 25th, from 10 AM to 12 PM as we honor our legacy and champion our future! We will be graced with talent, passion, and the promise of our children from across all grade spans starting with our youngest at 3 years old.

In the words of the Late Great

Dr. Asa Hilliard, "I have never met a Black child that is not a genius".

Come experience this promise, this genius, and OUR future through intelligence & artistry on February 25th.

Presentation & Performances from:

KIPP Change Academy

Dancing on the Go!

Johnson C. Smith University

West Charlotte High School

Castles Day Care Academy

East Mecklenburg High School


DeAnne Wingate | | 312-399-3211

Promise Resource Network utilizes peer support to guide individuals with mental health and substance use challenges to recovery. Everyone is welcome. There are no barriers. We are a self-refer, free resource. When individuals are at the depths of their struggle, we're here to guide them through it because we've been there.

  • We help individuals struggling with mental health and substance use challenges see that there is a way out.

  • We are trauma informed with lived experience.

  • We know that recovery is not just possible, it's probable.

We offer the following supports:

  1. RESPITE SPACE: A space where people can find a safe and caring space

  2. HUB: All of the recovery resources including close to 85 hybrid classes, a recovery café and a job support program.

  3. PEER SUPPORT LINE: We offer a 24/7, free, confidential peer support line for anyone in Mecklenburg County struggling with mental health and/or substance use challenges. 833-390-7728

Recovery Class Schedule Our calendar of hybrid classes is available on our site ( It can be downloaded from there as well.

PRN counts with a gifted grant writer who is willing to help anyone interested in pursuing grants. Contact DeAnne Wingate at for details

Watch an intro video from our founder, Cherene Allen-Caraco, as well as information about our programs and the Respite HERE


Sarah Gherghel Project Lead | | 980-666-8603;

Debbie Rubenstein | Project Consultant | | 704-998-9579

The Living Archives project ( is a collaboration between the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, Johnson C. Smith University, the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University and the Levine Museum of the New South to create an archive preserving the stories of Mecklenburg County residents through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The archive will include recorded stories, creative pieces, written work, visual imagery and memories of those who were most impacted by the virus and their response to it. If you want to share your story – or you are interested in the Archive collecting the story of your staff or community, please reach out to Sarah Gherghel at, 980-666-8603. Story collection will continue through June 2023. Please also share information about the project via your newsletter and electronically. Finally, please follow our Facebook page and our Instagram (@livingarchivesclt) to stay up to date or sign up for our newsletter.


Each Wednesday night in Lent (March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29), Christ Episcopal Church is joining with other local congregations and individuals to continue walking the way of love and reconciliation. We will be on Zoom and will utilize the Episcopal Church's Becoming Beloved Community outline for Liturgical Year A. It is a time to listen, reflect and dialogue about what it means to be in community. Some conversations will be one-on-one, some small group breakouts and others in the full group. Last year, we partnered with members and clergy from four other area congregations, but this year, we hope to broaden the participation. The conversation will be on zoom from 7 - 7:50 pm each Wednesday. We hope that you will join us! Please feel free to contact us with any questions about format or logistics. Here is the link to register to participate in the conversation (note that you can sign in as a guest if you don’t want to register in Realm). Please also feel free to share this information with others whom you think will be interested. On Wednesday in Holy Week, April 5, we will again have the opportunity for anyone interested to come to Christ Episcopal Church, 1412 Providence Road, and walk the labyrinth in All Saints Hall from 6:30 – 8 pm. An addition this year will be a chance to register separately for the Community Building Initiative Bus Tour on Sunday, April 16 from 12:15 pm to 3 pm. More details will follow but save the dates!


Do you believe that every child deserves an excellent public education? Are you working to improve schools in your community?

Innovate Public Schools invites you to join parent leaders from across the country for our annual weekend institute. Build your leadership skills and learn how to leverage the power of community organizing to make transformational change for students in your community.

Learn how to:

  • Organize effectively for community change

  • Deepen your public leadership

  • Engage more parents in the effort

  • Use your voice to hold public officials and systems accountable to students and families

Key Links:

· Parent Leadership Institute East Registration - Click here.

· Full list of offerings - Click here.

March 10-12 coming to Charlotte. Register by Feb 24th at


Expanded their after school program and they are looking for tutors (part-time/paid).

Interested applicants can email their resume to our Education Director, Julia Bulinska (


Erkam Adiguzel | | 704.305.1315

Divan Center of Charlotte provides:

  • Mentorship

  • Community

  • Dialogue

  • Relief

They are currently working on a relief campaign for the earthquake refugees. To donate click HERE

Goal of raising $50K for relief. They have raised $13K so far. Please partner, they can come and present and more.


Tracie Campbell, Senior Health Manager | |

Office of Violence Prevention | Mecklenburg County Public Health | 980-314-9117

The Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) with Mecklenburg County Public Health has launched The Way Forward Mecklenburg County first ever Community Violence Strategic Plan. It is the goal of the OVP to engage community in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of The Way Forward. We invite the faith community to get involved by learning, participating, and advocating for strategies that can help reduce violence in Mecklenburg County. The OVP would love to help galvanize the faith community to create a faith lead initiative to reduce violence.

Please review the plan below and consider whether your house of worship would benefit from a walk through. If you have volunteers who might want to be part of a panel or council please reach out.


Amy Korb | | 704-221-8862 Senior Volunteer Recruitment Specialist | American Red Cross – Greater Carolinas Region

The Red Cross has opened up recruitment for a volunteer position we haven’t recruited for in a very long – Disaster Spiritual Care Volunteers. Our Disaster Spiritual care volunteers are special people who assist victims of disaster (primarily home fires) in drawing upon their spiritual resources – regardless of their faith or belief traditions. These individuals must be able to support someone from any faith without injecting their own beliefs – so I immediately thought of MeckMIN. The spiritual leaders involved with MeckMIN have always seemed open to all faith traditions – which is exactly the type of volunteer we’re looking for. It is an on-call position – primarily virtual – with optional opportunities to deploy outside our region for large-scale national emergencies (like hurricanes or wildfires).


Saturday, February 25th 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Volunteers Needed!!

A workday event to be held to clean the former St. Lloyd's Presbyterian Church cemetery. Location: 769. N. Wendover Road, Charlotte, NC 28211 (Behind Thompson Family Services) in the Grier Heights community. We need volunteers to help with this project. Bring your yard tools, power tools, rakes, gloves, garbage bags, etc.

For details contact Herman Fant at 704-572-9238.

Charlotte EAST Updates


Diana Martinez of Alianza is looking for more girls to participate in their "Mi Vida Quince program" - a free program for families and a total of 30 young girls ages 14-17; they work to educate families on the dangers of alcohol and how it impacts our Latino/ Hispanic community.


CharlotteEAST will hold its first Central Avenue cleanup on March 4th at 10:00 a.m. in front of Manolo's Bakery. The signup link is HERE


Galilee Center at 3601 Central Avenue, 28205 would love to support our neighbors, our allies, our partners by offering free space for gatherings, for meetings, workshops, etc. For more information and details as to how this works, please contact Glenn Hooper, Operations Manager, Galilee Center of East Charlotte. 704.900.5210. Our Website is and Glenn's email address is Joanne Stevenson Jenkins, Board Member, 704.502.2690.


The income eligibility caps are higher than the County's LIEAP, and the application process is far easier than that of Crisis Assistance. Only for folks in 28215, 28212, and 28205 - up-to $500 per household for gas, power, and water while funds last. Flyer in Spanish and English.

Over the past six months, our team has worked with the United Way of Greater Charlotte and other community leaders to develop an East Charlotte utility assistance program. This fund, which has fewer eligibility barriers than other local financial assistance initiatives, is exclusively for residents in 28215, 28205, and 28212.

Households at-or-below 60% of the County Area Median Income (see charts below) are eligible to receive up-to $500 in assistance paying past-due water, electric, or gas bills. The program will run as long as funds last.

We are excited to announce that the application links (English) and (Spanish) are live! DreamKey Partners will facilitate all payments, but please reach out to our CharlotteEAST team with any questions regarding the program or application itself. Thanks for helping spread the word!


3. General Information


Mecklenburg County Assessor’s Office gave a short version of their presentation on the 2023 Property Revaluation process. The primary focus of the presentation is to help you to prepare residents for the new values by informing them about the process and ways they can review, appeal, or confirm values. Full presentation is available online. Purpose of the reevaluation is to redistribute the property tax base in a fair and equitable way. It is not a means to increase property tax revenue. Sometimes the values go up but the rate declines. Median sales price is over $450K which reflects a 52% increase in value since the last evaluation.

On March 17th notices will go out to all property owners with your valuation on it and an appeal process. Once it is sent out, please review it and see if it makes sense with the property sales in the neighborhood. You can use the Comper tool to see what other properties have sold for. If you feel it is incorrect you can file for an informal review. There are a lot more details in the slide show and the full 30 minute presentation has lots of information. Reach out to the following to schedule a presentation. I

Available to present:

County Assessor Ken Joyner |

Deputy County Assessor Brad Fowler |

Community Relations Coordinator Kay Tembo |


Major Dave Johnson | | 704.575.9175

Special Operations Bureau

Most important thing is if you see something, say something. Sometimes that means designated people to be security. Focus on Worship and children’s areas and be deliberate. Finally, get to know your local officers. If you don’t know the officers local to your area, Major Johnson will be happy to introduce you.

CMPD offers active shooter training. Several on the call spoke up to say that they found the training very helpful CMPD – resources for congregational safety

Major Dave Johnson,, 704.575.9175, Special Operations Bureau

Documents that might come in handy:

  • One page security tips

  • Security guide for houses of worship from the Dept. of Homeland Security

OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION (Not presented on the call)


Join us virtually for a pair of forums on the poisoning of land and water around Badin, North Carolina by the giant aluminum company, Alcoa. Alcoa purchased the town of Badin shortly after the town was founded. They built a large aluminum production facility at the site using electricity generated from a dam on the Yadkin River. There are hazardous wastes associated with the production of aluminum. Over the years these wastes have been mishandled producing risk to the town, to Badin Lake, and in particular to the African American residents of what is known as West Badin. Although Alcoa closed the plant in 2007, they are still responsible for managing the waste and the related contamination. Please join us as people from various groups working on this problem discuss the situation and the path forward. Organizations include the Yadkin Riverkeeper’s office, the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, the Southern Environmental Law Center, local citizens, and others

Register for March 19 HERE

Register for March 20 HERE


George Friday, Co-chair

Samantha Turner, Co-chair

North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign Southern Piedmont Circle

Save the Date: Monday, April 24th-10 Years After the 1st Moral Monday Action, the NC Poor People’s Campaign will host the Moral Monday Revival! This event will be held in Raleigh. Details to follow!

***Please note event date changed from 2/26 to 3/5***

Next Steps: Collaborative and Strategic Planning Event

MLK Day Follow-up Action Meeting

Your presence is requested! Whether you were able to attend the inspiring MLK Day Event or not, please join local leaders, activists and partners as we finalize a detailed strategic action plan based on the input and information presented in the MLK Day workshops. These actions will be implemented among local organizations and communities to build collective strength, a unified voice and political power in many areas of Civil Rights including equity in Education, Healthcare, Voting, Housing and Criminal Justice. Topics to consider include Voter Outreach Events and quarterly planning, Parent Engagement Event planning for education advocacy, Health Care Justice Action Update and planning and discussing Housing and Criminal Justice initiatives. Thank you for your support and dedication to the work! Please click to RSVP

To those recently joining, we meet on Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Click HERE to register or sign up at to receive regular updates and invites.

Forward together, not one step back!

Last week, the city announced a new homeownership assistance pilot program that will provide up to $80,000 in funding for eligible residents looking to purchase a home in certain "areas of influence" within the Corridors of Opportunity.


The Fifty Fabulous Women Giving Circle (FFWGC) Charlotte Chapter is a community of philanthropic women who combine their financial strength to improve the lives of women and children in the greater Charlotte, North Carolina area. In order to be eligible for a grant from FFWGC Charlotte Chapter, your organization must:

  • Be a registered 501(c)3

  • Have an annual operating budget of $2 million or less

  • Be based in and providing services within the greater Charlotte, NC area

  • Promote the well being of women and children throughout the greater Charlotte, NC area


SHARE Charlotte will host a Lunch and Learn Zoom call on February 21st with interested nonprofit partners to provide an overview of the Mayor’s Youth Employment Program (MYEP). This program gives nonprofits the opportunity to host an intern by providing a $1500 grant to compensate their work. 50 intern slots available.


Local housing nonprofit Community Link is providing free tax preparation for individuals and families in Charlotte with a household income under $60,000, as announced in a release on Monday. The service runs until Monday, April 17 at Community Link, 601 E. 5th Street, Suite 500. Hours for the walk-in service are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 5:30-8:00 p.m. No advance registration is needed. Assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Along with the dates above, Community Link will also host a “Taxathon Day” on Saturday, March 18 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Community Link offices. No registration is needed. This is the 18th year that Community Link has participated in VITA, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Trained volunteers prepare the tax returns. The volunteers are certified by the IRS to ensure quality and accuracy in filing. To have their returns prepared, taxpayers need to bring a photo ID, a Social Security card for each taxpayer and dependent, last year’s tax return, and a voided blank check or online banking information for direct deposit of any tax refund. Learn more here.


Attention Nonprofit Leaders! LinkedIn launched a new Resource Hub for Nonprofits last week and it's described as "a collection of guides, best practices and expert advice to help you make the most of the free features available on the LinkedIn platform.


The 2023 Summer Camp Grant Application is now open at Good Friends Charlotte. This grant is dedicated to organizations that want to create life-changing experiences for youth from marginalized communities. To apply, submit the application form no later than Tuesday, March 22. Selected grantees will be notified in April.


Lowe’s is investing $100 million to restore and revitalize community spaces across the country through the Lowe’s Hometowns program. Each year through 2026, Lowe’s Hometowns will complete 100 signature projects chosen from consumer nominations, plus nearly 1,700 projects through Lowe’s stores, supply chain locations and store support centers across the country.

Lowe’s Hometowns is accepting nominations for signature project grants through February 20, 2023. To nominate a project, please use the form below. As you complete your nomination, please keep in mind the following:

  • All nominations must be submitted by February 20, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.

  • Grants must be used to make physical improvements to a community space.

  • Grants must go to a local non-profit that is willing and able to take on the project.

  • If you are unsure if your project qualifies, please see the program eligibility guidelines or check out past projects.

BIPOC (Black & Brown, Indigenous, People of Color) faith communities are invited to apply for a special mental health grant through PHW. There are two opportunities within the grant:

The community hub grant will open on February 15 and both grants are open until May 5, 2023. Please contact The Rev. Jessica Stokes at if you have any questions. More information can be found HERE.


Soon, many SNAP households will experience a change to their benefit amounts. That’s because the temporary pandemic-related boost to SNAP benefits, known as emergency allotments (EA), is coming to an end.

More than 41 million Americans receive food-buying benefits through SNAP. They rely on these benefits to put food on the table each month. That’s why it’s so important they know what’s happening to their benefits – and when – so they can plan for themselves and their families.

  • In March 2020, Congress passed a law allowing FNS to provide emergency allotments to all SNAP households to help them navigate the initial hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • At the end of December 2022, Congress passed another law that ends EA nationwide after the February 2023 issuance.

  • As shown in this timeline infographic, some states already stopped issuing EA: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wyoming. SNAP participants in these states already returned to normal benefit amounts without EA, so the recent law doesn’t impact them.

  • In all other states and territories, the temporary boost in benefits will end after February, meaning benefits will return to normal amounts starting in March.

The 2021 Thrifty Food Plan re-evaluation and annual SNAP cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) help make sure SNAP benefits support a nutritious diet reflective of today’s food costs, but the end of EAs and return to normal SNAP benefit amounts will still be a substantial change for many households. We are working closely with all our federal, state and local partners to ensure SNAP participants are aware of the upcoming changes, so they aren’t caught by surprise. We encourage all program participants to make sure their contact information is up to date, so their local SNAP office can communicate any upcoming changes.

We also encourage SNAP households to take advantage of other FNS programs they may be eligible for that can help meet their overall nutrition needs. For example, eligible individuals can participate in SNAP and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, or WIC. WIC provides nutritious supplemental foods, in addition to a cash-value benefit for fruits and vegetables, as well as nutrition education and referrals to health and social services. FNS also provides support through school meals, summer meal programs, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, and more. Visit our website for more information on FNS' 15 nutrition programs.

Any SNAP household looking for additional information on how these changes will impact them should contact their local SNAP office. For additional support, contact USDA’s Hunger Hotline.

The Hunger Hotline connects callers with emergency food providers in their community, government assistance programs, and various social services.

1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (for Spanish)

Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET.


Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. All children residing in Mecklenburg County who will be four years old on or before August 31, 2023 are eligible. Find out what you need to apply by visiting the Enrollment page on our website.

To learn more about MECK Pre-K, families are invited to join one of our virtual info sessions on February 16 and February 25. Hear from Smart Start of Mecklenburg County's Chief Early Education Officer and MECK Pre-K Assistant Director to learn more about the program and how to apply. Visit our website for more details.


Smart Start of Mecklenburg County and Care Ring are excited to announce a new partnership, offering free physicals to eligible family child care providers through June 30, 2023.

By providing physicals for uninsured family childcare providers, this partnership will support the "workforce behind the workforce" - those who care for our children daily. The partnership between Smart Start of Mecklenburg County and Care Ring supports Mecklenburg County's early education workforce by empowering individuals with limited resources to establish and maintain good health.

Family child care providers interested in receiving a free physical can complete this short form to connect with Care Ring. To learn more about this initiative, click here.


In English Below

¿Sabías que millones de personas perderán su seguro de Medicaid aunque muchos de ellos podrán calificar para seguir recibiendo este beneficio? ¿Sabías que cambiarán los costos de las pruebas, tratamientos, y vacunas de COVID?

Como tal vez ya los saben, próximamente se anunciará el fin de la declaración nacional de emergencia por la pandemia. Se espera que el programa Medicaid vuelva a operar como lo hacía antes de la pandemia. Junto con el Departamento de Salud de Carolina del Norte, la Federación Hispana está organizando un seminario web bilingüe para explicar los cambios que se esperan en el programa de Medicaid y el apoyo potencial para aquellos que pueden perder su Medicaid-CHIP.

Únete a nuestra sesión informativa para aprender cómo te van a afectar estos cambios.

  • Jueves, febrero 23 a las 6pm Regístrate AQUI

Por favor comparte el volante adjunto con tus contactos. Estos cambios afectaran a muchas familias Latinas. ¿Preguntas? Contacta a Anai Santibanez mandando un mensaje a

Este evento será en Español con interpretación al inglés.


Did you know that millions of people will lose their Medicaid insurance even though many of them may qualify to continue receiving this benefit? Did you know that the costs of COVID tests, treatments, and vaccines will change?

As you may already know, the end to the national declaration of the pandemic emergency is to be announced soon. The Medicaid program is expected to revert to its pre-pandemic operations. Alongside DHHS, Hispanic Federation is hosting a bilingual webinar to explain the changes expected to the Medicaid program and potential support for those who may lose their Medicaid-CHIP.

Please share this webinar with your partners and community members who may benefit from learning more about these changes. It will be held on February 23rd at 6:00 pm via zoom. The flyer is attached.

Join our information session to learn how these changes will affect you.

  • Thursday, February 23 at 6pm Sign up HERE

Please share the attached flyer with your contacts. These changes will affect many Latino families. Questions? Contact Anai Santibanez by sending a message to

This event will be in Spanish with English interpretation.




John Giampaolo | | 704-677-9676

Alliance Health | Community Engagement Specialist |

3205 Freedom Drive/Charlotte, NC 28208


Training Dates: Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16, Jun 20



WALK SLOWLY by Danna Faulds

It only takes a reminder to breathe,

a moment to be still, and just like that,

something in me settles, softens, makes

space for imperfection. The harsh voice

of judgment drops to a whisper and I

remember again that life isn’t a relay

race; that we will all cross the finish

line; that waking up to life is what we

were born for. As many times as I forget,

catch myself charging forward

without even knowing where I’m going,

that many times I can make the choice

to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk

slowly into the mystery

©2002 by Danna Faulds Published in her book Go In and In: Poems from the Heart of Yoga

Next meeting – TWO weeks from today – Thursday, March 2nd at 11 AM


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