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August 15, 2024 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:



And on the first morning of this retreat, the monk offering a Dharma talk invited each of us to clench a fist with one of our hands. Try this, if you will: move to force that fist open with your other hand. The fist only clenches tighter — as if by its own will, a natural reaction to force. And I invite you to try, then, a counterintuitive approach: cradle the fist with your other hand. With the same naturalness, but a wholly other quality of feeling and response, the fist releases. It softens.

(Krista Tippet)


1. MeckMIN Updates


These meetings are open to anyone or any group interested in promoting the common good in our shared Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.

The views and opinions expressed here are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.



Since March 2020,  we've been convening these regular Zoom meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders. These meetings allow diverse leaders to share information and resources to foster a robust, coordinated, and effective response to the needs of our community, especially our most vulnerable neighbors. ANYONE working toward the common good is always welcome to join to listen and/or to share.  

Our August 29 meeting will have a "Back to School" focus -- we'll hear about MANY resources available to K12 students and their families as well as ways that the faith community can support our schools. 

Other Upcoming Dates are:  

  • September 12 and 26

  • October 10 and 24

  • November 7 and 21

  • December 5 and 19


Facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries

September 7 | 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Caldwell Presbyterian Church - Hope Hall

Join us on Saturday, September 7 for a Poverty Simulation sponsored by JustFaith Charlotte, co-sponsored by MeckMIN, and facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries, at 10 AM, at Caldwell Presbyterian Church Hope Hall (1609 E 5th St, Charlotte, NC 28204).

A Poverty Simulation is a facilitated two-hour “hands-on” experience designed to help participants understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family. Participants are assigned to “families” who do their best to survive week to week over a simulated one-month period. The objective is to sensitize participants to the realities of those who are fiscally challenged in our community. The simulation provides real-life scenarios and challenges for participants to overcome. The exercise is immediately followed by a group debrief, during which participants reflect on the experience, discuss insights, and consider next steps. For details, contact Kate at  

Register HERE


Reflections from Northern Ireland

August 8 | 6:30 - 8 PM | Belk Chapel

Four Charlotteans recently traveled to Northern Ireland, along with 21 other faith and community leaders from several U.S. states, to examine the aftermath of that country’s 30 years of political violence known as “The Troubles.” The trip was jointly sponsored by the Carter Center and Rethinking Conflict, a nonprofit working on conflict transformation, peacebuilding and reconciliation.

 During the meetings with various leaders of Northern Ireland, which included victims of the political violence, terrorism and bombings, the group got a glimpse into the abyss – what a community looks like when it devolves into two armed camps, groups of people who have dehumanized each other, and then afterward tries to pick up the pieces. The vivid images of destruction, fear and trauma will long remain in the memory of each person who was part of the visiting group.

 The delegates will discuss what they learned, its relevance to the tensions that the US is feeling right now, and lessons they brought home to the communities they lead. We will also have a time for Q&A to engage with the community!


The four speakers include:

  • Casey Crimmins, COO of FORCLT and Pastor of Multiply Church

  • Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Associate Professor of Religion, Queens University of Charlotte

  • Jennifer Roberts, Former mayor and current consultant for The Carter Center

  • Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand, United Methodist Church and Community Leader

Faith can play an important role in finding common ground among different partisan perspectives and in keeping our democracy strong and peaceful.


September 19 | 6/6:30 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 PM, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day (2500 Rocky River Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213), for a Potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths. Arrive by 6 PM if you'd like to participate in a service project.

TRUST is a critical component of building and maintaining healthy families, communities, institutions and countries. What happens when it starts to dwindle or is lost entirely? Trust is built over time. It can be challenged by people with different views or backgrounds as well as events that call into question the intent of our institutions and media. Increasingly, concerns about access to voting and election integrity have led to a questioning of election results. This conversation is designed to encourage reflection on key disconnects we are currently experiencing.




We're very pleased to join our partners at Living Room Conversations in their nation-wide effort to create trust-building conversations among people of many differing perspectives in this election season. To learn more about Living Room Conversations and their Trust In Elections initiative, visit:


October 6 | 2 PM | Belk Chapel, Queens University

Join us on Sunday, October 6, at 2 PM, at the Belk Chapel in Queens University, for a wonderful panel in which women from Christian (Protestant & Catholic), Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh traditions speak on the status and ministerial roles (clergy and lay) of women in their respective traditions.

Register HERE



Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email to learn more. 

  • Aug. 28 Welcoming the Stranger by Sorens and Yang

  • Sept. 25 Repentance and Repair: Making Amends by Dayna Rutterberg

  • Oct. 20 (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff


If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here:





September 17 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • September 24 at 10:30 – Conversation with Charlotte City Staff 

  • October 29 – 12 to 1:30  – Faith Leader Lunch with Federico Rios 

Purchase tickets HERE for September 24


MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE 

These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event.



Mecklenburg County Health Department


Covid-19 Response Unit Director

We are at the highest levels of COVID detection in wastewater and seeing increased emergency department visits. We anticipate that the annual flu and COVID shots will be approved in the next few weeks.  We are in the middle of a summer surge right now. 80-100 percent of wastewater is testing positive. While it is late to get the current vaccine, the new one will be dropping any day now. We recommend that you get the vaccine each year. If you are over 65 or are immunocompromised we recommend that you get the COVID vaccine every 6 months. Wearing a mask indoors is a good idea and if you are sick, please stay home. 



Kristine Arnau, MPH, Program Coordinator | Department of Social Services | 980-355-2971

Age-Friendly Mecklenburg and our offerings to faith-based communities, including scam prevention, fall prevention, and generalized resource presentations. 

Age-Friendly Mecklenburg is a community-wide collective planning initiative of businesses, organizations, providers, and residents to improve the quality of life for older adults in Mecklenburg County!

Mecklenburg County was designated as an age-friendly community in partnership with AARP and the World Health Organization (WHO). Our initiatives align with the 8 Domains of Livability, which include various factors such as transportation, social inclusion, community supports, and so on. For community partners, Age-Friendly can provide resource presentations, fall prevention workshops, scam + fraud prevention sessions, and unique programs based on each community's needs. If you are looking to engage with our efforts, visit our designated webpage at or contact us at 980-314-6070 or via email at

As we look ahead to 2025, Age-Friendly Mecklenburg is crafting our next Action Plan. We are looking for community input to guide priorities and goals over the next five years. If you or your community are willing to participate, please contact me for print copies or the digital survey link. 

Liz Graham, Mecklenburg County Marketing Coordinator | 704-245-5715

The program provides financial assistance to individuals who need help with their cooling (or heating) bills. It is a year-round program.The temperatures this summer have been high so if you or someone you know needs help, come to our website or reach out to our community coordinator, Ginny Harper.  The County contact wants to connect with apartment complexes, churches, senior centers, etc. to share information and take applications. Applications are available in English and Spanish.

Jamila Freelain | (704) 336-5004 | Cell (704) 591-9014 |

Community Engagement Liaison, Housing & Neighborhood Services,


Note a few important things: 

  1. There are changes to transportation lines in the city.  Stay aware. Find alerts here: 

  2. There will be a job fair tomorrow recruiting those with Commercial Drivers’ Licenses.  The City of Charlotte is hosting an operations career fair on Friday, Aug. 16, in search of drivers with commercial driver’s licenses. The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS), Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT), and City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services are all recruiting for various positions.Anyone eligible and interested is welcome to attend the walk-in interview period on Aug. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1105 Otts St. Representatives from CATS, CDOT, and Solid Waste Services will be there to receive the applicants and provide onsite interview screening.CATS is recruiting rail car technicians and rail operators; Solid Waste Services is looking for sanitation equipment operators; and CDOT is seeking equipment operators and labor crew chiefs.Become a member of #TeamCharlotte today! Find the full list of job openings on the City of Charlotte Online Employment Center

  3. The deadline for neighborhood matching grants is coming up.  Be sure and share about these useful and plentiful grants with those who can benefit. Deadline is September 1. 

2. Non-Profit Updates

The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.


Vocal Soloist & Sunday Organist

The Christian Science church in Dilworth has openings for a vocal soloist and a Sunday organist. The soloist leads the congregation in 3 hymns and performs a solo chosen in advance. The soloist must read music and prepare the solo ahead of time; a brief run through is held an hour prior to the 10:30am service. There is no choir. The church rotates between a few soloists, so preferred availability is at least two Sundays per month.

The Sunday organist chooses their own prelude and postlude music, as well as the offertory. The hymns and solo are pre-determined. The solo is usually performed on piano, so the organist should be comfortable on both instruments.Interested applicants should contact Lauren Woodward, music committee chair, at and include a brief musical resume.  More info about the church can be found at




Patricia Shafer | | 704 607 1333 | New Gen Peacebuilders

A crisis of loneliness and conflict has been unfolding in America. What can we do about it? The award-winning film Join or Die (Why You Should Join a Club), which mentions Rotary International, is based on research that shows the best way to turn things around is to increase participation in clubs and organizations. At the Rotary D7680 Conference in May 2024, the Peace and Conflict Resolution Committee announced a goal of bringing community members together to understand and reverse the trend. YOU are invited to join one of the five local screenings. The September 23 event will be focused on faith communities and MeckMIN will be a co-sponsor. 

Watch trailer HERE


Opening August. From Mixed Metaphor Productions. 

What does it mean to call Charlotte home? The new theater production, Kudzu: A Story of Belonging combines theater, music, and art to pose that question and explore the intersection of housing justice and home. Produced by Mixed Metaphors Productions, the award-winning artist collective that brought you SwimCap and FixaPlate, Kudzu is co-sponsored with QC Family Tree.

The show runs from Thursday, August 22 - Sunday, September 1 at QC Family Tree’s Big Blue House, 2916 Parkway Avenue in Charlotte. Tickets are $28 and 40% will be contributed the QC Family Tree. The full schedule is below: 

  • Thursday, August 22 @7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Friday, August 23 @7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Saturday, August 24 @ 2 pm, 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Sunday, August 25 @ 2 pm and 3 pm

  • Thursday, August 29 @7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Friday, August 30 @7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Saturday, August 31 @ 2 pm, 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm

  • Sunday, September 1 @ 2pm and 3 pm

Kudzu: A Story of Belonging looks at who belongs in Charlotte and what stories we tell ourselves about being a Charlottean. Step inside the story and meet your new neighbors, like The Person Packing, who has been given 90 days to vacate their home, and The Flipper, who knows how to spot "good bones."

During the 55-minute show, you’ll walk through an Enderly Park home with nine other audience members. The performance and show environment will surround you, blurring the lines between audience and participant. Don’t miss this intimate, immersive theatrical experience that one viewer describes as "having the humanity of living on display."

“In this show, we’re imagining the future by exploring the nuances of the present housing crisis,” says Mixed Metaphors Productions Founder Kat Martin. “What assumptions do we have about Charlotte? In a time when 113 people move to Charlotte every day, and 55 Charlotteans are evicted daily, what myths do we want to believe?”

The cast includes actors Sunnee Goodwin, Cecilia McNeill, and Teresa Long, plus live performances from Music Director Liza Ortiz, who oversees sound design.

Mixed Metaphors Productions is an artist collective where we play, dream, and make together. We produce immersive theatre, new oral histories, art installations, and rad parties. Charlotte is our home and our subject.

QC Family Tree is a west Charlotte based nonprofit with a mission to cultivate community for the common good. Rooted in the Enderly Park neighborhood, QCFT is well-known for two decades of lasting impact in holistic community development. QCFT's current work includes providing affordable housing, advocating for better development policies, and cultural organizing. Cultural organizing is a discipline that uses the resources of arts and culture to help communities advocate and organize for justice.



This is a community appeal we have been doing for over 25 years in which we encourage the community to "skip the gala" or fundraising event and instead make a direct contribution to families in Charlotte who are experiencing a financial crisis.

This year, we want you to Imagine the Possibilities you can open for other families when you donate while you also imagine all the things you can do with an extra free evening on your calendar! 

Whether it is going for a walk, having dinner with friends or your family, or doing something meditative for you, we want you to celebrate the difference you make in our Charlotte community.

This appeal will run until the end of August, and we would love it if you shared this information with your congregations and communities.

To contribute please visit our website

Of course, if you can't contribute financially at the moment, sharing the information is just as valuable. 


Keri Hill | | (828) 398-6776 

Volunteer Coordinator/Team Chaplain

At Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry -  Veterans Services of the Carolinas, It is our mission to assist our nation’s Veterans and their families by identifying needs and connecting them to community partners across North Carolina. 

Through Housing, Employment, Outreach, and Call Center Service Coordination, we collaborate with community partners and faith communities to engage with Veterans and meet their critical needs. It is our core belief to care for those who answered the call to serve our great nation. Our Veterans fought for our freedom, we now fight for theirs. Host or attend a volunteer event, during which you help VSC with preparing appreciation boxes, care packages, hygiene kits, or outreach bags that our team uses to help reach Veterans and civilians in need! We can also let you know when VSC hosts events that need volunteer groups in the future whenever the need arises. As integral members of the community we also offer free in person group trainings to congregations through our suicide prevention team including  Mental Health First Aid which teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders as well as Question, Persuade, and Refer(QPR), the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. We look forward to partnering with members in the Mecklenburg area.

We have funding for veterans who are migrating across the state and have been affected by Hurricane Debby. We have an outreach team, we help with many services and coordinate with Veterans Bridge Home. We also partner with churches throughout NC to create care packages, hygiene kits and more for our homeless vets. We have licensed suicide prevention trainers and mental health first aid and those are provided to community partners for free.  Please reach out to Keri for more info.  NC SErves is the call center number - any vet can call and get help The number is 


CHARLOTTE  – Queens University of Charlotte will host a town hall featuring The North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe and Secure Elections.

The event is part of the NC Trusted Elections Tour series and aims to provide information on the electoral process, build trust in our voting system and build support for peaceful political engagement while strengthening civil discourse.

“Queens University is committed to fostering open and meaningful dialogue on issues that matter to our community,” said Hadia Mubarak, assistant professor of religion. “By cultivating strong partnerships and empowering individuals to share their perspectives, we aim to address society’s most pressing challenges together.”

The event takes place Aug. 27 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Sarah Belk Gambrell Center for the Arts and Civic Engagement, 2319 Wellesley Ave. The free event is open to the public. 

It will feature cybersecurity experts, election officials and election law attorneys. They will address public concerns about electronic voting machines and hacking; explain the secure process for collecting and counting votes; and advise on how challenges, recounts and fraud allegations are dealt with through proper legal channels.

Moderated by Dedrick Russell, executive producer for community content at WBTV, the panel will include Jennifer Roberts and Bob Orr, co-leaders of the North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections; Mecklenburg County Elections Director Michael Dickerson; Mecklenburg County Board of Elections members Liz McDowell and John Gresham; Chief Risk Officer for the state of NC, Torry Crass; and election law expert Zachary Deason.

“We have found that when voters hear current information from their local election professionals, their confidence in our elections system increases,” Roberts said.

The Trusted Elections Tour is sponsored by the North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections; the League of Women Voters of North Carolina; and Veterans for All Voters. 

“The democratic principle of election by the people is the fundamental foundation on which our government and our democracy are built,” Orr said. “Our election officials from Cullowhee to Carrboro, Morganton to Mocksville, and Raleigh to Roanoke all work relentlessly to make sure that our elections, so vital to American Democracy, proceed fairly, safely and securely.”


Jennifer Roberts | 

The film Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy is a documentary with screenings taking place across the country with individuals and organizations concerned about attacks on our democracy. Rev. William Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove feature prominently in the film, which also includes some pro-democracy Republicans, so it is non-partisan.  Trailer: 

The screenings in Charlotte will take place at 4 pm on two Sundays, September 8 and September 22, at the Independent Picture House (IPH). There will also be a talk back panel at the end of the 90 minute film, featuring local faith leaders including Greg Jarrell of QC Family Tree and Rev. Dr. Rodney Sadler of Union Presbyterian Seminary. Registration will be required due to limited theater capacity, but the film is free (registration link to come!)

We are still finalizing the panels and speakers for each date. The Charlotte showings are sponsored by the Carter Center's Faith and Democracy Initiative, Union Presbyterian's Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation, and St. Peter's Episcopal Church.

Two other speakers will be joining the panels as well:

  • Nancy MacLean, author Democracy in Chains, which was updated with a new preface last year, will speak at the Sept 22 showing.

  • Kyle Spencer, author of Raising Them Right, on Turning Point USA and youth. Kyle will be joining the Sept. 8 event.  Kyle may also meet with local journalists to engage them in her strategic Reporting Right project.

Alma Medina | Operations Manager | 

Lemontree runs a text message helpline to connect people to resources like food pantries, SNAP benefits, and more. You can see more on our website at We create the tech that connects people to the extensive resources and the transportation to get there. There is a bilingual team that connects via text message. They work with 10K people daily. Between 9 am and 6pm they are reachable.



Junie Vargas | 704.618.0576 |

Community Engagement Coordinator | Charlotte Family Housing

Register now to join us on Sunday, September 15, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM for a fun evening at Rally Pickleball in Charlotte's LoSo neighborhood. The evening will include a 32-team tournament on indoor pickleball courts, elevated food and drinks, a silent auction, prizes, a merch store & more! Register a team for competitive play or grab a general admission ticket to cheer on your friends.

Registration Options & What's Included:

  • Team Registration: $200 per team (2 players per team)

  • Entrance into 32-team tournament

  • CFH Swag Bag & Exclusive Player's t-shirt

  • Dinner and drinks (non-alcoholic & alcoholic)

  • Spectator's General Admission: $30 per person

  • Access to Rally's other amenities (such as ping-pong and shuffleboard)

  • Dinner and drinks (non-alcoholic & alcoholic)

Every registration and donation directly contributes to stable homes and brighter futures for families experiencing homelessness.

About Charlotte Family Housing: Charlotte Family Housing is dedicated to empowering families experiencing homelessness to achieve long-term self-sufficiency through shelter, housing, supportive services, and advocacy. By participating in this tournament, you are directly contributing to our mission of ending homelessness in Charlotte.

FAMILIES FORWARD: Family Liaison Mentors

Hannah Kesig, Volunteer & Partnerships Coordinator, M: (614) 623-3883, 

Families Forward Charlotte partners with families experiencing poverty to provide an adult mentorship program. We utilize volunteers from the community to be Family Liaison mentors and Family Liaisons work with their Family Partner to set goals around economic stability. We are recruiting volunteers for our Fall Cohort now! In addition to the mentorship, we provide educational workshops, essential support, and some financial assistance. If you are interested in learning more, you can sign up for a Volunteer Interest Meeting with our Volunteer and Partnerships Coordinator (the presenter today). 


Kate Dennstaedt | Local Coordinator - Charlotte |  (704) 412-8458

NC Council of Churches and JustFaith have partnered to work on Eco Justice. Up to 200 seats are free to faith communities who are interested. It is an 8 week program on Sacred Air, Sacred Land and Sacred Water. These seats are provided free thanks to the generosity of Gaston Community Foundation.


Saturday, September 14, 20241:30 PM -  8:00 PM EST

Stevens Creek Nature Center, 15700 Thompson Rd, Mint Hill, NC 28227

Kelly Greene (she/her) | 704-366-8623 | 

Director of Member Relations, Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte

Join NC Asian Americans Together (NCAAT) and our partners, UU Justice NC and the Charlotte Hornets, for NCAAT on the Block: Mecklenburg! This event is the first of a 9-part canvassing series hosted across NC, where local groups and volunteers can connect with their neighbors and encourage their communities to vote!

We meet at Stevens Creek nature Center for training and then we will head out to encourage folks to vote. Look forward to the Hornets Truck, DJ booth, photo booth, and fun games like Pop-A-Shot and cornhole. We will also be having an exciting visit from the Honeybees, the Swarm Squad, and the Hornets MC. It's going to be a blast, and we can't wait for you to join us!


September 28 from 1-4 pm at Oasis Shriners, 604 Doug Mayes Pl

Rich Armenia | | (704)654-9667

On September 28th, a collection of organizations in Charlotte will host the first annual Food Sustainability Summit! The event will be an all ages, high energy experience, focused on the problem of food insecurity and several ways to combat it.

The event kicks off with an interactive panel discussion with some of the top leaders in the food insecurity space, passionate culture-shapers and a local FFA member. Special attention has been paid to make sure the discussion will be engaging for people of all ages.

After learning about the issues, we do something about it! The event will transition into a large volunteer experience where attendees will work as a team to be a part of the solution.

Three nonprofits will engage the entire group in a volunteer experience for the ages while the DJ keeps us movin'! 

  • Nourish Up - 75 volunteers will be building Grocery Boxes for families in need around the Charlotte area.  

  • Rise Against Hunger - 200 volunteers will be packaging 25,000 meals that will be shipped internationally through school feeding programs in developing countries.

  • Feeding Charlotte - 175 volunteers will be building boxed lunches that will be distributed throughout the Charlotte area to community feeding programs. 

This event will be high energy fun for the entire family and is a great way to get involved in being the change! Kids will be engaged and all of the attendees will leave truly impacted from the experience. Seating is limited to 500.

OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)


 August 17 from 10-noon | St. Stephen UMC | 6800 Sardis Rd.

Dahlia Grove continues to live into its mission of serving survivors of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Addictions. We offer a two year rent free restorative care home where our residents are given the time and resources for healing. Come join us to learn how you can help encircle them with the love needed to heal and rebuild their life.

This event will introduce you to our mission and purpose. Enjoy a lunch provided by the Survivors of Dahlia Grove. Enter around back by the gym.



This is the second year of operations for Lydia’s pantry, Lydia's Pantry serves a vital role in the community by supplementing people's needs when Nourish Up (formerly Loaves and Fishes) is not open. This ensures that no one is left without access to necessary resources during off-hours or holidays. People who utilize Lydia’s pantry are also referred to Nourish Up to ensure their nutrition needs are met long term.

Your donations help keep Lydia's Pantry stocked and ready to assist whenever there is a gap in service, providing continuous support to those in need.And need is great right now. Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm at Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte, located at 3601 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205 For a list of ideas of things to bring, see: 

LA COALITION - the 34th Annual Latin American Fest!

Saturday September 21 at noon in Ballantyne’s Backyard

Join the community in experiencing the pulsating rhythms of live music, the captivating colors of traditional dances from all over Latin America, and the mouthwatering flavors of authentic Latin cuisine. Exciting activities for kids will keep the whole family entertained, ensuring a fun-filled day for all ages. The festival will also feature cultural villas representing various countries, where attendees can explore pictures, musical instruments, candies, and more, immersing themselves in and learning about each country’s unique cultures, customs, and traditions. The festival is proud to be part of the Charlotte International Art Festival hosted by Blumenthal Arts an extra layer of artistic flair to the event. This is your chance to immerse yourself in a rich cultural experience, connect with the community, and celebrate the diverse heritage of Latin America. Don’t miss out on this unique celebration of Latin American culture – see you at the festival!

Also - Diego Torres, long time friend of MeckMIN, Charlotte, the Latin American community and those on the call will be leaving LAC at the end of August. He expressed thanks to all of us for the time we have spent together. 

David Keely, MD | 

The Reimagining America Project was launched in 2020, when local faith and community leaders decided to gather together with others to focus on building a post-racial community, free from discrimination of any kind.  Our mission is simple: To call to account - through testimony, witnessing, and atonement - the history of racialized oppression in the U.S. and then, to enact systemic changes to end racism permanently.The  Reimagining America Project has established a new Housing Justice Subcommittee as an outgrowth from the recent “Faith & Housing Summit”  To get involved please email me David Keely directly at




You can TELL a friend BUT be sure to register using the link provided. We will get you in and out within 5-10 minutes. Usually, there is no line and no waiting. 

WHAT: Distribution of backpacks AND school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year.

WHY: To ensure individuals with disabilities and their families are included and have access to free backpacks and school supplies.

WHO: PRE-K through 12th Grade Students Only with an Intellectual/Developmental Disability AND their Family Members (with or without a disability) in Mecklenburg County.  Students without a developmental disability can also receive a backpack with school supplies

WHERE:  4014 Monroe Road, Building 4, Suite 170, Charlotte, NC 28205 (new location)

WHEN: Thursday, August 22, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


If you have questions about this information, please call the First In Families Office at (704) 343-5205 or send an email to

Kate Weaver, NAMI Charlotte Executive Director | 

NAMI Charlotte hosts a Family Support Group each week of the month in different locations throughout Mecklenburg County. The groups are for anyone who has a loved one experiencing symptoms of mental illness. 

Group Schedule:

  • 1st Tuesday | 6:30 pm - 8pm | Harris YMCA 5900 Quail Hollow Rd Charlotte, NC 28210

  • 2nd Tuesday | 6:30 pm - 8pm | To join live on Zoom, click here Passcode: NAMICLT

  • 3rd Tuesday | 6:15pm – 7:45pm | Keith Family YMCA 8100 Old Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, North Carolina 28262

  •  4th Tuesday | 6:30 pm - 8pm | St. John's Baptist Church 300 Hawthorne Ln, Charlotte, NC 28204

More details on our website: Family Support Group



Join us next week, August 22nd for the first part of a two-part series on Microsoft Excel Essentials led by instructor Mike Halsema, Founder of Med Practice Insights. 

In the first session, we'll show you how to organize and edit your data. You'll learn the best ways to structure your data for clarity and accessibility. 

The second part in this series will be held on August 29th on Leveraging Advanced Features in Microsoft Excel. 

Do you use Google Sheets? You are also invited and will find plenty of valuable insights. 


Please take note that NAMI Charlotte will be hosting their NAMIWalks community event at 10 am on Saturday, October 26. This year, the walk takes place at the beautiful Mint Museum on Randolph Road. Please reference the attached documents to learn more about this wonderful event.

Please contact Kate Weaver, Executive Director of NAMI Charlotte if you have any questions.  Kate can be reached via email at 



Voter Registration:

Be sure and check - and ask your friends and loved ones to check - your voter registration to ensure you are eligible. You can do that here: or at if you need to check other states for friends and loved ones who live elsewhere.

Important Voter Dates and Deadlines for the 2024 General Election in North Carolina:

  • September 6, 2024: County boards of elections begin mailing absentee ballots to eligible voters who submitted an absentee ballot request form

  • October 11, 2024 (5:00pm): Voter registration deadline

  • October 17, 2024: In-person early voting begins; same-day registration available

  • October 29, 2024 (5:00pm): Absentee ballot request deadline

  • November 2, 2024 (3:00pm.): In-person early voting ends.

  • November 5, 2024: General Election Day

  • November 5, 2024 (7:30 p.m.): Absentee ballot return deadline

Make sure to mark these important dates on your calendar and exercise your right to vote!

For information about elections in South Carolina, click here.

2024 Election Tip of the Week: 501(c)(3) Nonprofits Can Engage on Ballot Measures

Leading up to this fall’s election, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. We encourage you to share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve. This week’s first tip: Charitable nonprofits can engage on ballot measures. 

This fall, North Carolina voters will have the opportunity to decide on whether to amend the North Carolina Constitution to clarify that only U.S. citizens may vote in elections. Additionally, many counties and cities around the state are seeking voter approval of bond initiatives that could help finance local schools or parks. Many nonprofits – along with the people and communities they serve – could be affected by the proposed constitutional amendment and local bond initiatives. The Center has developed a ballot measure guide for charitable nonprofits to help answer some frequently asked questions that North Carolina nonprofits have about advocating for or against state constitutional amendments and other ballot measures.

Free Webinar on North Carolina Nonprofits and 2024 Election

With the 2024 general election approaching quickly, it is important for your nonprofit to understand what you can and cannot do in an election year. The Center is hosting a free webinar on September 20 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. to answer all (or at least almost all) of your questions about the 2024 election. Register today!

After you register, let us know if there are any specific topics you would like us to cover or questions you would like us to answer so we can be certain to address these during the webinar.


Become a National Voter Registration Day Community Partner

National Voter Registration Day (September 17) is just over six weeks away! National Voter Registration Day is a great opportunity for nonprofits to ensure that their staff, volunteers, and community members are registered to vote. Sign up today to join the nationwide effort to register hundreds of thousands of voters on September 17. As an official partner, your nonprofit will receive free voter registration resources and access to other opportunities to support your nonpartisan voter registration work.


Cynthia Salazar | (980) 451-0261 | |

Vision Zero Community Coordinator | Charlotte Department of Transportation

600 East 4th Street | 6th Floor | Charlotte, NC 28202

On August 24, 2024 from 11am to 4pm, please join the Charlotte Department of Transportation Vision Zero for the third annual Mobility Safety Fest. This FREE event is designed to promote, educate, and inspire traffic safety. Enjoy food, live music, family-friendly activities, and so much more! Please share the attached Flyer with family, friends and neighbors to attend.


This FREE community event focuses on educating attendees about helpful Charlotte and Mecklenburg County bike, pedestrian, and traffic safety programs, organizations, and initiatives. Attendees will learn ways to keep themselves, loved ones, and neighbors safe while being treated to:


  • Food from Jersey Mike’s, Dave’s Hot Chicken, Rosa Parks Farmers Market, and Shake Shack.

  • A virtual reality safety simulation experience.

  • A chance to give city employees your feedback through conversational surveys.

  • A live performance from the JSCU drumline.

  • Swag giveaways.

  • Poetry slam performances.

  • And so much more!


Participa en un evento de la ciudad de Charlotte el Sabado 24 de Agosto, 2024 | 11 AM – 4 PM

Únase a Visión Cero, un programa del Departamento de Transporte de Charlotte, para el tercer Festival de Seguridad de la Movilidad anual, un evento GRATUITO diseñado para promover, educar e inspirar la seguridad vial. ¡Disfrute de comida gratis, música en vivo, actividades para toda la familia y mucho más!

Este evento comunitario GRATUITO se enfoca en educar a los residentes sobre programas, organizaciones e iniciativas útiles de seguridad vial, peatonal y para ciclistas de Charlotte y el condado de Mecklenburg. Los residentes aprenderán formas de mantenerse a sí mismos, a sus seres queridos y a sus vecinos seguros mientras disfrutan de:

•   Comida de Jersey Mike's, Dave's Hot Chicken, Rosa Parks Farmers Market y Shake Shack.

•   Una experiencia de simulación de seguridad de realidad virtual.

•   Una oportunidad de dar a los empleados de la ciudad su opinión a través de encuestas conversacionales.

•   Una presentación en vivo de la línea de tambores de JCSU.

•   Sorteos de obsequios.

•   Actuaciones de poesía.

•   ¡Y mucho más!


If you have questions, please contact Cynthia Salazar at



Last month, the first phase of the U.S. Department of Labor final rule on overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) took effect. This means that most nonprofit employees making less than $43,888 per year are now eligible for overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours in a workweek. The second phase of the overtime rule is set to take effect on January 1, 2025. At that time, the salary threshold is schedule to go up to $58,656 per year ($1,128 per week). It remains possible that a federal court could prevent or delay the second phase from taking effect.

The Center continues to hear from (many) nonprofits with questions about how the U.S. Department of Labor final rule on overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will affect their organizations. Two Center resources can help nonprofits better understand this new rule, its potential impact on North Carolina nonprofits, and compliance options for nonprofit organizations: 

  1. An analysis of the final overtime rule and its impact on North Carolina nonprofits, concluding with 15 compliance options and eight next steps for nonprofits to take now to be ready to adapt to the significantly higher salary threshold in five months. The Center continues to update this analysis with status information of pending litigation on the rule.

  2. A webinar recording that provides more information on FLSA and the new overtime rule and answers nonprofits’ questions.


September 28 | 9 AM - 2 PM | 3435 Nevin Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269


The Epoch Storytelling Intensive : Nonprofit Executive Cohort

We'll journey through a consolidated but powerful process to learn the intimate art of personal storytelling for community impact & coalition building. The grand finale is a live storytelling show where you'll share your story with a community audience.

We strive to make this process as easy as possible. Whether you're ready to start this journey, if you're excited to get started but can't commit at the moment or somewhere in between just complete this short form, and I’ll follow up with you based on your answers. Please complete this form in full to share your interest in Epoch Tribe's storytelling leadership cohort. 



This election season is moving with breathless speed. Here is my wish for you: May you step away from the noise and find a quiet moment— away from devices and the news cycle and other people’s opinions— until you can hear our own soft still voice.

May you ask yourself:

What role do I want to play in this moment in history?

Who do I want to be?

What does it look like to hold fast to my deepest convictions— 

and stretch myself beyond what I thought possible?

What do I need to be brave with my life?

When you return, find one trusted beloved to share what you heard.

The deeper we breathe, the greater our ability to push.

Valarie Kaur 


Next meeting – Two weeks from today - Thursday at 11 a.m. 


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