Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
Reader: It's really easy to get into a negative, downward spiral with all the [stuff] swirling around us. … So, here's my question.... where are some places YOU see signs of hope and some things you have heard or experienced that help restore your faith in humanity so the current reality doesn't consume you?
Response: Renee, this morning in the park, I saw a neighbor's Labrador strain at the leash to get to an elderly man who slowly makes his way around the lake each day - the man always keeps a pouch of dog treats attached to his walker, so the neighborhood dogs make haste to greet him, and the dog owners can't help but smile. He's basically a celebrity of the highest order around here. Then we learned today that a friend of Eric's is in the hospital and I saw a whole thread of text messages from folks in his community making offers to help. And on the phone this morning my best friend recalled the joy of a quilt auction benefiting the Lutheran Summer camp her kids grew up attending and how even though she for sure did not need any more quilts, she got caught up in the joy of it all and came home with 2 more quilts and $900 less dollars than she had when she left. And it's not even noon. Also...NONE of that is [stuff] that will show up on TikTok or CNN and there are countless beauties and wonders around us each day. We'd do well to notice as much as we can, so I thank you for the question because it made me NOTICE.
-- Nadia Bolz-Weber
I invite you to listen in this meeting for things that give you hope!
1. MeckMIN Updates
Reflections from Northern Ireland
September 15 | 5 - 6:30 PM | Belk Chapel

Four Charlotteans recently traveled to Northern Ireland, along with 21 other faith and community leaders from several U.S. states, to examine the aftermath of that country’s 30 years of political violence known as “The Troubles.” The trip was jointly sponsored by the Carter Center and Rethinking Conflict, a nonprofit working on conflict transformation, peacebuilding and reconciliation.
During the meetings with various leaders of Northern Ireland, which included victims of the political violence, terrorism and bombings, the group got a glimpse into the abyss – what a community looks like when it devolves into two armed camps, groups of people who have dehumanized each other, and then afterward tries to pick up the pieces. The vivid images of destruction, fear and trauma will long remain in the memory of each person who was part of the visiting group.
The delegates will discuss what they learned, its relevance to the tensions that the US is feeling right now, and lessons they brought home to the communities they lead. We will also have a time for Q&A to engage with the community!
The four speakers include:
Casey Crimmins, COO of FORCLT and Pastor of Multiply Church
Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Associate Professor of Religion, Queens University of Charlotte
Jennifer Roberts, Former mayor and current consultant for The Carter Center
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand, United Methodist Church and Community Leader
Faith can play an important role in finding common ground among different partisan perspectives and in keeping our democracy strong and peaceful.
Register HERE
Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email meckmin@meckmin.org to learn more.
Sept. 25 - Repentance and Repair: Making Amends by Dayna Rutterberg
Oct. 20 - (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff
September 19 | 6/6:30 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 PM, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2500 Rocky River Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213), for a potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths and perspectives. *Arrive by 6 PM if you'd like to participate in a service project.
TRUST is a critical component of building and maintaining healthy families, communities, institutions and countries. What happens when it starts to dwindle or is lost entirely? Trust is built over time. It can be challenged by people with different views or backgrounds as well as events that call into question the intent of our institutions and media. Increasingly, concerns about access to voting and election integrity have led to a questioning of election results. This conversation is designed to encourage reflection on key disconnects we are currently experiencing.
What happens when we don’t trust our elections?
How can we move forward to build local trust?
We're very pleased to join our partners at Living Room Conversations in their nation-wide effort to create trust-building conversations among people of many differing perspectives in this election season. To learn more about Living Room Conversations and their Trust In Elections initiative, visit: https://livingroomconversations.org/trust-in-elections-2/
Register HERE
SEPTEMBER 17 | 11:30 AM To 1 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Purchase a ticket HERE
Monday, September 23 | 7 - 9:15 PM The Independent Picture House

Elizabeth Peacock (NewGen Peacebuilders) Here's the link to that flyer about Join or Die (specifically Faith Night on Mon, Sept 23):
Friday, September 20 through Monday, September 23Independent Picture HousePresented by Charlotte Film Society
A film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America may depend on it. Follow the story of America’s civic unraveling through the work of Robert Putnam, whose legendary Bowling Alone findings light a path out of our democracy’s crisis. Five screenings of Join or Die (Why You Should Join a Club), an award-winning film about why the health of communities and the country depends on increasing participation in social, civic, school, and faith-based clubs. Each screening is followed by a discussion/event tailored to either. Partner with the Rotary District to show this amazing documentary. There are five screenings in total.
Rotarians September 20⏰7pm Film screening, interactive conversation with filmmakers, and discussion of links between the film's message and building Rotary Club membership
Civic and Community Leaders September 21⏰11am Special International Peace Day event with film screening, interactive conversation with filmmakers, showcase celebrating metro area clubs, take-away materials, and refreshments
Educators September 22⏰12pm Film screening, discussion with local experts, and distribution of discussion guide for school administrators, teachers, and club advisors
Healthcare ProfessionalsSeptember 23⏰3:30pm Film screening; discussion with experts on the positive physical, mental, and emotional health effects of building relationships and human connections
Faith Communities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VOwUuKvEaWB4Af-cLvwIvaMvhdkBndzI/view?usp=sharingSeptember 23⏰7pmFilm screening; interfaith discussion on successful ways to increase involvement and engagement of area residents in fellowship activities
Agenda items include:
Homelessness/Unhoused Population: What initiatives is the City currently undertaking to address homelessness, and how can the clergy community partner with the City in these efforts?
Mayor’s Racial Equity Initiative: Can we have an update on the progress and outcomes of the Mayor’s Racial Equity Initiative?
OCTOBER 29 12:00 to 1:30 PM | The Park Expo & Conference Center | 800 Briar Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC 28205
Topic: Communities of Faith Impacting the Community for Good

Wellness Moment Leader: Rev. Dr. Zaria Davis
Speaker: Federico Rios
Lunch provided by Serengeti Kitchen -- A grant from Foundation for the Carolinas covers these events. If you are able to make a donation toward the cost of your lunch, it will help us to extend the life of the grant, allowing us to have more of these lunches!
October 6 | 2 PM | Belk Chapel, Queens University

Join us on Sunday, October 6, at 2 PM, at the Belk Chapel in Queens University, for a wonderful panel in which women from Christian (Protestant & Catholic), Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh traditions speak on the status and ministerial roles (clergy and lay) of women in their respective traditions.
Register HERE
Nov 17th with Advent Lutheran in support of the Diaper Bank.
An interfaith youth diaper wrapping party will be held Sunday, November 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church. Open to middle and high school youth (and adults accompanying them.) Attendees are welcome but not required to bring diapers to donate.
There will be: Time to get to know youth from other faiths, a short intro into why the work of the Diaper Bank is needed, a service project wrapping diapers for distribution, and snacks.
We should have registration and a flyer available soon -- please let us know if you want to be on the mailing list to get youth-specific flyers.
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE
These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event.
MEETINGS for FAITH, COMMUNITY, and NONPROFIT LEADERS - Every other Thursday via Zoom
Upcoming Dates are:
September 26
October 10 and 24
November 7 and 21
December 5 and 19
If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here: https://www.meckmin.org/contact-us
Mecklenburg County Health Department
David Sweat | David.Sweat@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Covid-19 Response Unit Director
A Meck County child contracted measles while traveling internationally but there was quick isolation implemented and the family was cooperative so it does not seem to have spread. (Always a good idea to be sure your vaccines are up to date.)
COVID wave may be lessening slightly. We may be beginning a transmission decline prior to the winter surge. Please be aware, however. We are still very high. If you or someone you know has a respiratory illness, it is covid because RSV is not circulating right now. Go get the flu shot before the end of October. And get the Covid vaccine as well. Once you get the vaccine, it takes a few weeks to fully kick in.
Liz Graham | Mecklenburg County Marketing Coordinator | 704-245-5715
Beth Ritenbaugh | Beth.Ritenbaugh@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 980-314-6863
Social Services Supervisor | MeckNC.Gov
The Senior Citizens Nutrition Program (SCNP) provides nutrition support, and socialization opportunities to individuals 60 years and older residing in Mecklenburg County. The program offers the following nutrition support services, free of cost.
The Congregate Meal Program offers daily hot lunch, socialization and programs that promote health and well- being of seniors. They often include opportunities for recreation. The program is offered at 14 nutrition sites Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm. Seniors should call the site directly and make an appointment to register for the program. Transportation services are available to select locations on a limited basis through Mecklenburg County Transportation Services (MTS). To find out more information or to apply, please call the site location you wish to attend. Volunteer opportunities are available.

Home Delivered Meals. Seniors are eligible for home delivered meals when they are unable to shop and prepare meals for themselves due to health conditions. and they have no reliable support to help them with this task. An eligibility assessment is completed by a caseworker. Family members and patient discharge planners from medical institutions can make referrals for individuals with their consent. At least 5 meals are delivered weekly by County drivers. Telephone: 704-432-1111 (Just1Call), Short Term Service: 704-336-3144. The program is supported by federal, state, and County funding, plus voluntary contributions from participants. This is different from NourishUP as these are FROZEN meals delivered WEEKLY.

Mobile Market Program. The focus of the program is to distribute groceries and fresh produce to eligible seniors facing food insecurity. Program is offered at 12 locations in the County. Seniors can call the number below for registration and distribution information. Address: Wallace H. Kuralt Centre, 301 Billingsley Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211 or VCW Community Resource Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208 Telephone: 980-314-7788
The North Carolina Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is a summer-only program that provides vouchers to eligible older adults to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, and fresh cut herbs from certified locations. For questions, please contact the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program at 704-336-3144.
Clerk’s Office Seeks Volunteers to Serve on the Arts & Science Board of Directors
The Arts & Science Board of Directors strives to create a more vibrant cultural life for the Mecklenburg County residents by actively assessing community and resident needs. Board members are responsible for providing input, feedback, and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, so the cultural community is aligned with the needs of local communities within Mecklenburg County.
Individuals interested in serving are asked to submit an application online or contact the County Clerk’s Office, at 980-314-2939, or Clerk@MeckNC.gov. Applicants must reside in Mecklenburg County to qualify for an appointment.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care
CoC Governing Board Vacant Seats
The CoC's Membership/Nominating Committee is seeking applications to fill two vacant seats on the CoC Governing Board.
Emergency shelter provider
Workforce development provider
CoC Equity & Inclusion Committee
The CoC's Membership/Nominating Committee is seeking applications to fill four vacant seats on the CoC's Equity & Inclusion Committee:
CoC Equity & Inclusion Committee: 4 vacant seats
The Equity & Inclusion Committee is responsible for developing and implementing plans and processes to assess if CoC policy and resource allocation decisions positively impact inequities among homeless individuals and families in the community.
The CoC's Youth Action Board (YAB) is seeking new members
The YAB is a youth (ages 18-24) with lived experience committee on a mission to eradicate youth homelessness. If your agency serves youth who have or are currently experiencing homelessness, please encourage them to complete the application
For any questions, please email Cltyouthactionboard@gmail.com.
Solid Waste Division Invites Small Businesses and Organizations to Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Mecklenburg County Solid Waste and Recycling invites small businesses, nonprofits and other qualifying, nonresidential organizations to drop off their hazardous waste for a reduced fee during a special collection event on Wednesday, Sept. 18. The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Organizations can participate by appointment only, and space is limited.
Solid Waste and Recycling is offering $100 off for the first five Mecklenburg County customers who qualify, sign up, and participate. The collection will take place at the County’s tire and metal facility at 5740 Rozzelles Ferry Road in Charlotte. To make an appointment, interested parties can call 336-866-7925 or email SStapleton@RepublicServices.com.
Mecklenburg County HOMES Program Assists Homeowners in Need
Eligible homeowners could save up to $648 in property tax this year, and City of Charlotte residents could qualify for an additional $367. Visit: MeckNC.gov/4HOMES to learn more and apply. (HOMES Program staff can visit your faith community to share information and assist with applications. Reach out to Liz.Graham@MeckNC.gov if interested.)
Diamond L. Davies, M.Ed. | diamond.davies@charlottenc.gov
Community Coordinator | Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations
700 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205 | Suite 225
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations serves as the human relations agency for the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, working to foster harmony and celebrate our community’s rich cultural diversity. Within the Community Relations department, our Community Affairs division focuses on developing and supporting initiatives that encourage engagement and outreach, build positive relationships between the police and residents, promote diversity, equity, and inclusion and strengthen community partnerships.
This division also leads programs that create opportunities for youth to grow personally, socially and civically. The goal is to help our local youth learn about themselves, build skills to navigate conflict, improve communication and strengthen their connection to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community. Our flagship program, Peer Club, is offered in local schools and is hosted on a weekly basis throughout the school year. The curriculum covers five essential modules: social-emotional learning, understanding conflict, conflict resolution, leadership and civic engagement.
Our department also offers free training on conflict resolution and mediation throughout the year for individuals, community groups, teams and organizations that would benefit from support in these areas. For more information on our youth programs or trainings, please contact us at infocrc@charlottenc.gov.
On November 14, the University City Regional Library will be hosting a free interactive information session on Charlotte’s Non-Discrimination Ordinance. Religion is one of the protected classes in the ordinance. Those interested in coordinating information sessions with additional groups prior to or after this date may contact Alicia Emmons (Alicia.emmons@charlottenc.gov). Attached is the flyer.
Kris Hawkins | Kris.Hawkins@TeenHealthConnection.org
Parent Education Coordinator, Teen Health Connection
704-381-8333 | Mobile: 704-619-2398 |Fax: 704-381-8832
Teen Health Connection is a comprehensive adolescent medicine and behavioral health clinic. Our medical clinic operates with 2 Board Certified Adolescent Medicine Physicians, 2 Nurse Practitioners, and a social worker. We partner with Atrium Health's Levine Children's Hospital to offer standard medical care as well as reproductive healthcare, including contraception, screening for STI's and STD's and menstrual disorders. In addition, Teen Health Connection houses several specialty clinics. These include
Atrium Health Levine Children's Center for Gender Health (the first of its kind in Charlotte),
The Center for Disordered Eating, and
the Teens and Tots Program (a program that provides primary care to teen parents and their child (0 - 2 years old).
Our forward-thinking practice includes a team of 11 Behavioral Health Therapists and 2 triage clinicians. Our licensed Behavioral Health Clinicians specialize in Adolescent development and provide individual (and in some cases family) therapy to address the multitude of issues facing teens on the daily, including, but not limited to Anxiety, Depression, Gender Health, and Adjustment Disorders. Our Triage Clinicians are available to meet with patients during their medical appointments to provide education and intervention, as well as connect patients to treatment options and community resources.
Our non-profit initiatives include
The Teen Advisory Board or TAB (an adolescent focused initiative) and TAB is a group of adolescent volunteers who come from all across Charlotte. TAB focuses on developing leadership skills and empowering teens to create change at the community level. They primarily address substance use and behavioral health, but also work on all of the challenges of teenage life like healthy sexuality, relationships, and bullying. TAB members meet weekly throughout the school year on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Dinner is provided and the TABBIES spend time working together on projects that further develop their leadership skills while advancing their messages around substance use prevention and the behavioral health and well-being of all adolescents.
The Parenting Program (focusing on the needs of adolescent parents). Parents of teens are the focus of our only other non-profit initiative. Teen Health Connection’s Parenting Program is designed to support and empower parents as they navigate the challenges of raising adolescents. The ultimate goal of the program is to foster healthy family dynamics and strengthen relationships between parents and children. We utilize workshops, group sessions, and personalized coaching to address topics fundamental to parenting such as child development, enhancing effective communication, conflict resolution, and positive discipline and behavior management.
Finally, we collaborate with community agencies to increase accessibility to and engagement with parents of teens in and around Charlotte and beyond. By moving beyond traditional training models we hope to create a more flexible, impactful experience for parents. By utilizing this approach, we are doing everything possible to ensure parents are equipped with the tools they need to raise resilient, confident, and well-balanced teens.
Martha Honeycutt | honeycutt4@bellsouth.net | 704/877-8543
Mentors For Mom Program Director
What is ANSWER Scholarship?
ANSWER Scholarship is a non-profit organization that provides college scholarships, mentoring, and professional development training for moms earning a college degree. Our scholars are single and married moms in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties. They can pursue any four-year degree or select two-year degrees. All have children ages pre-K to 12th grade.
Each of our scholars receives a volunteer mentor through our Mentors For Mom program. Mentors offer our scholars support and guidance on balancing family, work and school. Scholars meet regularly with their mentors for advice, motivation, or simply a sounding board. Our scholars also gain valuable skills through our Professional Development workshops.
Who’s participating this year?
Currently, 24 moms are part of ANSWER for the 2024-25 academic year. They are studying at UNC Charlotte, Johnson C. Smith University, Belmont Abbey College, and other colleges. Since 2006, ANSWER has awarded nearly $825,000 in college scholarships to 141 moms.
How do you know ANSWER Scholarship is effective?
Our graduation rate for the 2023-24 academic year was 91%, far higher than the national graduation for non-traditional students.
We survey our alumnae every year. Sixty percent of respondents in our recent survey say their children's behavior and grades in school improved because of Mom’s participation in ANSWER. Seeing their mom work hard for an education inspires the children to work hard in school, too. The mom is a role model for the entire family.
How can clergy get involved?
Let your congregation know about ANSWER! Our application opens on November 1 for the 2025-26 academic year.
We are always looking for volunteer mentors. Email info@answerscholarship.org to learn more.
Join us for our major fundraiser of the year, our Fall Festival, Saturday Sept. 28 at Noble Smoke on Freedom Drive. BBQ, music, lawn games, raffle, and a chance to help send moms to college!
2. Non-Profit Updates
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
MaShonna Hughes | hello@projectoutpour.org | (704) 275-5540
Chief Dignity Officer
Make a tax-deductible donation today!

Project Outpour is hosting our 3rd annual Outpour Fest on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at Vaulted Brewing. Tickets are available for $40 which included your entry, 1 raffle ticket, 1 drink, and all the fun to support our great impact. All monies raised will go directly towards our mobile shower and hygiene services program.
We are currently seeking sponsors for this event; we have sponsorship levels ranging from $250-5,000. (attached & event link below)
We are seeking congregation support for our neighbors moving through homelessness. Host a donation drive of men's underwear or travel size hygiene supplies, volunteer with us at showers by serving/providing food/meals or simply share and spread the word about the great work Project Outpour is doing in our Charlotte communities.

Laurie Grauer | lgrauer@svpcharlotte.org

SEED20 is not just a pitch program; it's a launchpad for nonprofit programs where innovation meets impact. SVP Charlotte is searching for passionate social entrepreneurs to join our Class of 2025.
Applications open on September 9th and close on October 7th.
Are you:
A visionary with a powerful social mission to start a nonprofit?
An emerging nonprofit making a difference?
An established organization with a groundbreaking new initiative?
If so, SEED20 can help you:
Command the stage with a polished 3-minute pitch at the high-profile SEED20 OnStage event on April 1st, 2025, to an audience of over 500.
Elevate your organization by collaborating with dedicated coaches to refine your pitch over three months and receive professional headshots and video reels to keep and use for your organization.
Forge strategic alliances with influential businesses, community leaders and nonprofits.
Access new funding opportunities to propel your mission forward.
Expand your impact by inspiring a wide community of supporters and volunteers.
Benefit from support and expertise beyond the stage as part of the SEED20 alumni network. Receive year-round access to pro bono consultations and enrichment programs exclusive to SEED20 alumni.
To apply and learn more: https://www.seed20.org/apply_applications-open-3/#apply
To register for our webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElc-6qrDktHtBr7fQLJgsjOOcv6vH9iJp8#/registration
Keith Bailey Jr., | Keith.BaileyJr@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 980-314-9175 | MeckNC.Gov
Health Program Manager - Community Grants

The Health Disparity Grant program supports community grassroots and faith-based organizations with funding and capacity-building resources. The program's focus is on addressing chronic disease prevention and education through evidence-based programming and activities.
Eligible applicants: Community-based organizations conducting local grassroots work in Mecklenburg County may receive a maximum award amount of $25,000*
Applicant conducts local work in Mecklenburg County.
Applicant must provide monthly reports including activities, the number of residents reached, and program outcomes.
Applicant is volunteer-driven or has no more than 10 full-time paid staff.
Applicant has a tax ID, either business (corporation, partnership, or sole proprietor) or non-profit (Individuals may not apply).
Applicant must be an active vendor with Mecklenburg County.
Grant funds MUST focus on chronic disease prevention and/or education.
Grant funds must target the Public Health priority area Zip Codes: 28205, 28206, 28208, 28212, 28216, 28217.
Grant cycle is open and will close October 4th.
In addition, if you are thinking about applying for federal grants, there is a free 6-month program that teaches you how to write a proposal, budget, etc. If you don’t get the grant you can still sign up for the training.
Beth Morrison, MPA | beth@rebuildingtogetherCLT.org
(O) 704-266-1195 | (M) 704-898-5338,
Executive Director
Kiara Booker

Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte (RTGC)’s mission is repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives. We mobilize community volunteers and contractors to provide repairs that make homes safer and healthier for our neighbors in need. We also actively partner with other local organizations to connect the communities we serve with additional resources to meet their needs and help them create healthier, more vibrant neighborhoods. Our vision is safe homes and communities for everyone.
To determine if you are eligible for services, fill out their short survey: RTGC Program Eligibility Survey. Once completed, it will add you to the list to be notified when applications are reopened
Introduction to Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte
Who We Are: Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte is a local nonprofit dedicated to repairing homes, revitalizing communities, and rebuilding lives. Our mission is to ensure that everyone in our community has a safe and healthy home.
Service Area: We serve five counties: Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Iredell, Gaston, and Union. Our focus is on helping low-income homeowners, including seniors, veterans, and families, who struggle to maintain safe and healthy living conditions.
Types of Repairs We Provide
Critical Home Repairs: We specialize in critical home repairs that address safety and health hazards, focusing on bringing homes up to code and correcting dangerous conditions.
Common Repairs: These include replacing roofs, HVAC units, flooring, and making structural repairs. We also provide accessibility modifications such as installing ramps, widening doorways, walk-in showers, and correcting electrical and plumbing issues.
Cost and Affordability: Our services are free of charge as long as the homeowner continues to live in the home during the designated affordability period. If they sell their home before that period ends, a portion of the repair costs must be repaid. Our projects typically range from $10,000 to $60,000, with the average investment around $30,000 per home.
Upcoming Opportunities for Homeowners
Applications Opening Next Year: For Mecklenburg County residents needing critical home repairs, applications will reopen next year. We’re keeping an interest list now, so please encourage those in need to join to be the first to know when applications open. Complete this Program Eligibility Survey to join the list.
Volunteer Opportunities
How You Can Get Involved: We offer volunteer opportunities for individuals and small groups, allowing you to make a real impact in your community. No prior construction experience is needed; our skilled construction staff will guide you every step of the way.
Group and Individual Volunteering: We welcome volunteers aged 14 and up, with those under 18 requiring adult supervision. We can accommodate group sizes of up to 10 people per home, depending on the project scope. Financial contributions are requested to accommodate groups of 6 or more.
Supervised by Skilled Staff: Our volunteers work under the supervision of experienced construction staff, ensuring high-quality and safe work.
Thank you for your interest and support of Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte. Whether you’re looking to volunteer or spread the word about our services, your involvement helps us create lasting change for families and neighborhoods in our community. Learn more about us at https://rebuildingtogetherclt.org/.
September 26 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Wood Fellowship Hall
Please register in advance.
Lucy Crain | First Presbyterian Church
In conjunction with the US Dept. of Justice we are co-sponsoring the Rise Against Hate week which is aimed to prepare our communities for anticipated turmoil in the wake of the elections. The Department of Justice is hosting United Against Hate events across the country the week of September 21-27. The First Presbyterian Church Advocacy Committee in partnership with the Charlotte office of the US Attorney will host a screening of the film “Repairing The World”, which is a film about the Tree of Life shooting and how the community came together across all religions, races, and ethnicities to stand up against hate in their community. A short discussion panel to follow.
Joseph Graham Jr. | jgraham@livingwatersfa.com
Faith and Wellness, Program Facilitator
(O) 704-944-3119 | (F) 704-944-3101

This virtual event, will honor World Mental Health Day with the theme “Creating Safe Spaces for Young Voices to Be Heard.” Building on the success of the 2023 Black Youth Wellness Summit and the rescheduled “Let’s Talk Youth Mental Health” event, this summit promises to offer a vital platform for young people to discuss their mental and emotional well-being. FULLY REMOTE. First 100 people to register will get gift bags. Looking for exhibitors as well as attendees. Looking for more schools to connect with as well.
The summit will engage participants aged 14-21 from a broad spectrum of racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in a dynamic and interactive dialogue. Experts in youth mental health, including a school-based practitioner, will be present to address questions and provide insights.
Register HERE
Nancy Apolinar | napolinar@mylac.org | 704.531.3849
Youth Education and Opportunity Manager, LAC,
GANAS Mentorship Program is a culturally-relevant mentorship program designed to empower Latinx students ages 13-19 to reach their full potential! Mentors will meet bi-weekly for 1 hour for a total of 6-hour commitment with their student. Program Duration: October 4th – December 13, 2024
Time: During School hours (Prior mentoring sessions occurred around 10am-12pm) or Friday's at 6pm
Student Ages: 13-19
Location: NW Charlotte (Nations Ford) or East Charlotte (Central Ave)
Registration: https://forms.gle/aYQBDKGKeGfi4TY1
Latin American Fest -Sep 21 from noon – 9 pm at Ballantyne’s backyard.
Join the community in experiencing the pulsating rhythms of live music, the captivating colors of traditional dances from all over Latin America, and the mouthwatering flavors of authentic Latin cuisine. Exciting activities for kids will keep the whole family entertained, ensuring a fun-filled day for all ages. The festival will also feature cultural villas representing various countries, where attendees can explore pictures, musical instruments, candies, and more, immersing themselves in and learning about each country’s unique cultures, customs, and traditions. The festival is proud to be part of the Charlotte International Art Festival hosted by Blumenthal Arts an extra layer of artistic flair to the event. This is your chance to immerse yourself in a rich cultural experience, connect with the community, and celebrate the diverse heritage of Latin America. Don’t miss out on this unique celebration of Latin American culture – see you at the festival!
Dinner with Amigos:
We are thrilled to invite you to a special evening of culinary delight and community connection at our Dinner con Amigos event!
Date: October 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Latin American Coalition, 4938 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205
Event Highlight: Farm to Table Series: Cooking with Fire Join us for a unique bohemian-style firepit picnic, where you’ll enjoy a delectable meal prepared by the renowned chef Edwin Cruz. This special dinner will feature fresh, locally-sourced produce and is proudly supported by El Ideal, Pascual Farms, and Partners & Grapes. Reserve Your Ticket Now! Don’t miss your chance to be part of this memorable evening. All funds raised will support our goal of $100,000 to build Plaza Las Mariposas—a vibrant space dedicated to promoting equity and belonging within our diverse community. Farm to table dinner Oct 12th at their offices. IT will be prepared during the event and will include music. Dinner Tickets
Jessica Montana | Jessica.Montana@mecklenburgcountync.gov
ReCAST II Mecklenburg invites you to join us for powerful stories and shared experiences of recovery and hope from mental health, substance use, and community violence. Dive into inspiring stories shared as narratives, poetry, original music, and dance. These events will shed light on mental health journeys, ending the stigma of mental health and substance use, and understanding the impact of community violence. Learn more on the This Is My Brave website.
All shows will be held at the New Theater in the Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) Parr Center, 1201 Elizabeth Ave, Charlotte, NC. Tickets are $15 per person, per show. Purchase tickets on the CPCC Website.
Mental Health/Substance Use Show
· Friday, September 27, 7:00-8:30pm
· Resource Fair starts at 6:00pm
Youth/Young Adult Show
· Saturday, September 28, 2:00-3:30pm
· Resource Fair starts at 1:00pm
Healing From Community Violence Show
· Saturday, September 28, 7:00-8:30pm
· Resource Fair starts at 6:00pm
Support through purchasing tickets or through sponsorships
Interested in laptops? Email info@apparo.org if your nonprofit is interested in the following discounted refurbished laptops. Please specify in the email which ones you are interested in.
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 G1 i5 gen 10
16GB Ram Soldered
Windows 11 Pro
14 Inch Screen
3 Year Coverage Plan Included
Dell Latitude 5520 i7 Gen 11
16GB Ram
Windows 11 Pro
15.6 Inch Screen
3 Year Coverage Plan Included
Dell Optiplex 3000 SFF i5 Gen 12
16GB Ram
Windows 11 Pro
3 Year Coverage Plan Included
We are going to be accepting CHR applications in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, Pineville, Huntersville, Davidson & Cornelius), September 23 – September 25.
Know someone who is interested in applying?
For those homeowners interested in receiving an application directly to their email during our September cycle, we encourage them to put their name on our interest list. The final day to add their name onto our list is Monday, September 16. https://habitatcltregion.tfaforms.net/f/inquiryform. Homeowners can also apply directly on the website from 8:00 a.m. on Monday, September 23 through 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25. www.habitatcltregion.org/repairs
Need help with the application?
For those homeowners who do not have access to a computer/internet or are homebound, they will have the opportunity to book one of our limited in person and phone application appointments. We will also have appointments set aside for Spanish-speaking applicants who need the assistance of an interpreter. Please refer people to our hotline 704.716.5639 to discuss with a staff member.
Am I eligible?
Applicants who meet our property and income criteria, as well as agree to our program participation requirements may be eligible for our CHR Program. During this application cycle, we will serve families up to 40% household of the area median income. To learn more about the income and other criteria please refer to the attached flyer.
We will be holding two information sessions for homeowners (one in Charlotte and one in North Meck) that want to learn more about our program, how to apply and what documents are required as part of the application.
Thursday, September 12 at Ada Jenkins Center, 10 a.m. (cafeteria), 212 Gamble St, Davidson
Monday, September 16 at 3816 Latrobe Dr, Charlotte, 10 a.m.
Any other questions?
Please call our hotline 704.716.5639 if there are any additional questions
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Carolina Across 100 initiative, with support from the UNC School of Government’s Development Finance Initiative and other campus partners, announced its fifth program Our State, Our Homes: Partnering to Address Housing Needs in North Carolina.
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, an estimated 30% of North Carolina households either struggle to afford their homes or are living in substandard and/or overcrowded housing. For low- and moderate-income households, the share of households with housing needs jumps to nearly 85%.“In surveys and conversations across North Carolina, community leaders have named housing as one of the top challenges they face today,” said Anita Brown-Graham, lead coordinator of Carolina Across 100 and ncIMPACT director. “Many of these leaders voice concerns that the tight housing market in the state will negatively impact local job creation, retention and productivity. With the vast expertise of faculty, staff and students in many subject areas, UNC is well-positioned to support our communities as they consider the many implications of housing markets.” Carolina Across 100 seeks applications from communities that are interested in working across sectors to improve access to and availability of affordable housing options in the state. Teams will build collaboratives within their communities and benefit from peer learning from one another. Together, we will work to better understand the context and challenges of affordable housing and related issues, as well as design and implement strategies to respond effectively.
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)

Complete and Share the Housing Priority Survey

The Charlotte City Council is seeking feedback from the community to help guide how the city invests in housing - from creating more affordable options and expanding homeownership to ensuring that no one is left behind. City Council would greatly appreciate your support in sharing this survey with your network of contacts, neighbors, and other community members.
Please take a moment to complete the survey yourself and encourage others to do the same. Your participation, along with the feedback from others, will help the city to gather a wide range of perspectives, which will be critical as the city allocates future housing resources.
Share your thoughts: Complete the survey and forward this link to your contacts so that all voices can be heard.

Join us for a lunch and learn and interest meeting as Queens Border Immersion students will share experiences from their trip to the U.S./Mexico border. They will talk about why they chose to participate in the experience and also what they learned and what was most impactful to them. We will also be joined by Mark Adams, host of our Douglas, AZ border trip. Interested students will be able to sign up for the next trip in the spring.
Sign up HERE
6-7:30pm PRESENTATION & PANEL DISCUSSION - Ketner Auditorium (Sykes 024)
We will hear from Queens students who have participated in the Border Immersion Trips to El Paso, TX and Douglas, AZ. The presenters will include Queens students who won awards for their work documenting the relationship between faith and the migrant experience at the El Paso border and in Charlotte. We will also be joined by Mark Adams of Frontera de Cristo, host of our Border Immersion Trip to Douglas, AZ. Mark will provide a short presentation about his work at the border and share how more people can get involved. After the presentations, Mark and the students will participate in a panel discussion and audience Q&A
Sign up HERE
2024 Election Tip of the Week: Plan Now to Give Your Staff Paid Time Off To Vote This Fall
Leading up to this fall’s election, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. Share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve.
This week’s tip: Plan now to give your staff paid time off to vote this fall.
One of the easiest ways for nonprofits to maximize voter participation in the 2024 election is to encourage their staff to vote if they are eligible to do so. In addition to reminding employees to check their voter registration status, nonprofits can help make sure that their staff have the opportunity to vote by offering paid time off to vote during Early Voting or on Election Day and paid time off for staff to volunteer as nonpartisan poll workers. To make it easy for your nonprofit to adopt this type of policy, the Center is sharing our own policy that you can use as a model for your own organization:
“Voting and Election Day. The Center encourages all employees who are eligible to vote to participate fully in the electoral process. Any Center employee may take paid time off work on Election Day or during the Early Voting period to vote in any primary, general, or run-off election. Employees should notify their supervisors of the time they plan to take off for voting.
“Center employees also may take up to one day per year of paid time off to volunteer in a nonpartisan role as a poll worker on Election Day or during the Early Voting period. Employees must get prior written approval of their supervisors (which shall not unreasonably be denied) before taking this paid time off. Employees volunteering for political parties or campaigns on Election Day or during the Early Voting period may not be paid for their time engaging in partisan political activities, but they may take annual leave for any time spent volunteering for candidates or political parties.
“Paid time off for voting and nonpartisan election volunteer work is in addition to annual leave, sick leave, and personal leave that employees have accrued. Employees are not required to use annual leave, sick leave, or personal leave when they take paid time off to vote or to volunteer as a nonpartisan poll worker pursuant to this policy.”
Many nonprofits require board approval for changes to personnel policies. If this is true for your organization, now is the time to get board approval of a policy to give your staff paid time off to vote. The sooner your board approves a paid time off for voting policy – and communicates clearly to all staff about their opportunity to take paid time off to vote (and possible to volunteer as nonpartisan poll workers) – the more likely that your employees will actually vote this fall.
Note: If you missed previous 2024 Election Tips of the Week or want a refresher, (re)read them now: 501(c)(3) nonprofits can engage on ballot measures, great resources from You Can Vote, and check your voter registration today.
Bonus Election Tip of the Week (Actually 38 of Them)
Have you been wondering what types of election-related activities your nonprofit can and cannot do between now and this fall’s election? You are not alone. The Center has been fielding questions about what types of election-related activities are legal and advisable for charitable nonprofits, and we have posted answers to 38 of the most common questions we are hearing. Let us know of other questions you have about your nonprofit’s engagement in the 2024 election.
Become a National Voter Registration Day Community Partner
National Voter Registration Day (September 17) is less than three weeks away! NVRD is a great opportunity for nonprofits to ensure that their staff, volunteers, and community members are registered to vote. Sign up to join the nationwide effort to register hundreds of thousands of voters on September 17. As an official partner, your nonprofit will receive free voter registration resources and access to other opportunities to support your nonpartisan voter registration work.
2024 Election Tip of the Week: Stay Nonpartisan in Your Election-Related Activities
Leading up to this fall’s election, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. Share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve.
This week’s tip: Stay nonpartisan in your election-related activities.
As we noted in the previous item, 501(c)(3) nonprofits are prohibited from engaging in partisan political activities. This nonpartisanship requirement is particularly relevant in the period leading up to an election when many charitable nonprofits are engaged in (legal) voter registration, voter education, and get-out-the-vote work. Whether your nonprofit is engaging in election-related activities or just providing your usual programs and services, it is essential that your organization avoid activities that appear to support or oppose particular candidates for office or political parties. In the past few weeks, the Center has seen multiple 501(c)(3) nonprofits in North Carolina, including both conservative and progressive organizations, make public statements that appear to violate the prohibition on nonprofit nonpartisanship that applies to all 501(c)(3) nonprofits and foundations.
To help your nonprofit navigate some of the most common election-related issues for 501(c)(3) organizations, this Center blog post answers (some of which are “it depends”!) some of the most common and thorniest questions we typically receive about the types of election-related activities that are legal and advisable for charitable nonprofits. Let us know of other questions you have about your nonprofit’s engagement in the 2024 election, and we’ll add them to our post.
If you are looking for additional resources or support for your nonprofit’s voter registration, voter education, or get-out-the-vote activities, the Center recommends the resources of our trusted partners at Nonprofit VOTE and You Can Vote, which provide accurate (and user-friendly) information for 501(c)(3) nonprofits.
Note: If you missed previous 2024 Election Tips of the Week or want a refresher, (re)read them:
Sample Ballots Now Available Online
For North Carolinians wanting to vote early in this year’s election (more on that in next Friday’s Election Tip of the Week), the 2024 general election officially begins today. County boards of election are now mailing absentee ballots to North Carolinians who have submitted request forms to vote by mail. That also means that ballots are now finalized for the election. If you are registered to vote, you can find your sample ballot through your voter profile on the NC State Board of Elections’ Voter Search. Look up and click on your name, then scroll down to find your sample ballot below the sections with your voter details, jurisdictions, and voting locations.
Free Webinar on North Carolina Nonprofits and 2024 Election
With the 2024 general election approaching quickly, it is important for your nonprofit to understand what you can and cannot do in an election year. The Center is hosting a free webinar on September 20 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. to answer all (or at least almost all) of your questions about the 2024 election. Register today!
After you register, let us know if there are any specific topics you would like us to cover or questions you would like us to answer so we can be certain to address these during the webinar.
Kim Oliver, MPA
Director of Community Engagement| Canopy Housing Foundation
1120 Pearl Park Way, Suite 200 | Charlotte, NC 28204704-940-3142
The Canopy Housing Foundation (the charitable arm of the Canopy REALTOR® Association) is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 Humanitarian Award. This is a perfect opportunity to recognize a deserving person, organization or project. The ideal nominee demonstrates what it means to be a great humanitarian, benefitting our community through their efforts.
This initiative is open to the entire community, and self-nominations will be accepted. Please note that your nominee does not have to be a Realtor®, and nominations are not limited to housing initiatives. For your reference, attached are nomination information and an editable/fillable PDF of the nomination form--also available on the Foundation’s website (click on the box titled, “Nominate a 2024 Humanitarian!”). The chosen recipient will be recognized with a crystal award at the Canopy Realtor® Association Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 13. In addition, the Foundation will donate $5,000 to a non-profit organization of the recipient’s choice.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Register now and help support the Strides for Shelter 5K Run/Walk on October 19, 2024!

Thanks to Joe Hamby for introducing me to this beautiful poem
A man crosses the street in rain,
stopping gently, looking two times north and south,
because his son is asleep on his shoulder.
No car must splash him.
No car drive too near to his shadow.
This man carries the world’s most sensitive cargo
but he’s not marked.
Nowhere does his jacket say FRAGILE,
His ear fills up with breathing.
He hears the hum of a boy’s dream
deep inside him.
We’re not going to be able
to live in this world
if we’re not willing to do what he’s doing
with one another.
The road will only be wide.
The rain will never stop falling.
-Naomi Shihab Nye
Next meeting – Two weeks from today - Thursday at 11 a.m.