Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
These meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response, especially in partnership with the most vulnerable among us.
Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
NOTE: If you did NOT get an email meeting reminder at 8 a.m. on Thursday, will you please let us know by emailing meckmin@meckmin.org.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
“Each of us is a being in himself and a being in society, each of us needs to understand himself and understand others, take care of others and be taken care of himself.”
– Haniel Long

SERVICE PROJECT - January 18 – 9 to 11:30 a.m. - Charlotte ToolBank.
MeckMIN is partnering with /JustServe for a service opportunity at Charlotte Community Toolbank on Saturday, January 18th at 9am. This service session will accommodate up to 20 volunteers, and is hosted by Mecklenburg Metropolitan Interfaith Network (MeckMIN) and JustServe.
Volunteers at the ToolBank help in our warehouse pulling tool orders and restocking returned tool orders, cleaning and maintaining our inventory (no skills required), maintaining our facility by landscaping, organization and cleaning as well as helping prepare for any upcoming special events or projects like our Tool Rush, tool sale. We also use volunteers to help us with inventory.
We use volunteers for special projects as those come up – there is good chance this session will be helping to cut lumber and prepare supplies for a corporate build we have the following week. All skill levels welcome.
You can sign up at https://www.justserve.org/projects/0a21cb09-942a-409b-97da-de6883749f18. For more details, reach out to Sabrina Johnson, JustServe Specialist, Sabrinaandcrew@gmail.com, SabrinaJohnson@JustServe.org, 704-634-7172 There is room for 5 more folks. It will be indoors and requires a waiver which you can find in the link for the signup.

FAITH LEADERS LUNCH - February 6, 11:30 - 1 at Galilee MInistries
You are welcome if you consider yourself a faith leader. Thu, Feb 06 | Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte.
Topic: Melting ICE: How federal immigration policy impacts immigrants in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Join Stefanía Arteaga for a conversation on the history of immigration enforcement in Charlotte and how interested congregations can step up in support.
OPEN TABLES event, Thursday, February 13 | 6:PM / 6:30 PM - 8:00PM | Charlotte Baha'i Center located at 3514 Marvin Rd. Charlotte 28211.
At an Open Tables gathering, individuals from diverse congregations come together for fellowship and dining; with the goal of building relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism.
Everyone is invited to bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. (Vegetarian meals make it easier to accommodate a variety of preferences and religious dietary restrictions.)
We sit at tables of 6-8 people making sure that each table has a variety of faith backgrounds and traditions.
Using some wonderful resources from Living Room Conversations, we have substantive conversations on topics that matter.
Sunday, February 23, 2025, Temple Beth El
Middle and High School Youth and Their Parents are invited to join other families for an afternoon of food, fun, and interfaith connection. This event will feature activities and games that promote empathy and working together, while also offering a chance to bond with others and explore different perspectives. For parents, there will be a discussion about how to support the next generation in continuing their faith while navigating today's increasingly secular world.

We hope you’ve found the meetings a good place to share information, create new connections, highlight needs and identify resources. We are always heartened when we get messages from attendees like these:
I have really appreciated these meetings! They have allowed me to find activities and resources for our clients. The biweekly MeckMIN Zoom meetings have introduced me to new partners, new initiatives, and useful information. In coalition work, relationships are key, and MeckMIN is a strong advocate for relationships grounded in shared values.
If you, like these leaders, have found that these meetings strengthen you and your work, WE NEED YOUR HELP.
After five years of pouring significant staff time into creating these meetings, we have come to a point of decision. The truth is that MeckMIN is a small group with a very small staff (1 full-time and 1 part-time) and a shoestring budget. We must get financial support to underwrite the considerable amount of staff time hosting these meetings requires or make the difficult decision to bring them to an end.
You can help by becoming an affiliate member of MeckMIN. Your financial support will also support YOUR work. Here's how: If you become an affiliate member, you can publicize your work as often as you like throughout the year through our e-newsletter, website, Facebook and Instagram. You'll also get recognition of your membership on our website. Depending on your budget, affiliate memberships are as little as $100 a year and give you access to share the good work you are doing all year long. It's a true win-win! Become an affiliate member HERE
Another option is to sponsor a Thursday newsletter which goes out to over 800 active and influential community leaders – a GREAT way to promote an event, let people know about an on-going program, recruit volunteers and more. Sponsorship for a single newsletter is $100. Reach out to me at ledayne@meckmin.org to learn more or to choose a date!
Become an affiliate member HERE
Nominations are due by Friday, January 31, 2025
We will be offering three awards, and we rely on YOU to nominate deserving people and groups:
SYDNOR THOMPSON, Jr. COMMUNITY LEADER AWARD Those who do this work as their day job
BRIDGE BUILDER AWARD Those who contribute significantly through their volunteer hours
2025 YOUTH LEADER AWARD For the first time, a middle or high school youth who does bridge building in the community.
To learn more about the breakfast you can look at the nominees and video from last year’s breakfast: https://www.meckmin.org/awardbreakfast
Save the Date:
The Breakfast will be May 8th at 7:30 a.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (3400 Beatties Ford Rd Charlotte, NC 28216-3740)
April 6, 2025 (evening) – Interfaith Youth Panel

August 9 & 10, 2025 – Interfaith Youth Summit

Jessica Montana | Jessica.Montana@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 980-312-4897
Health Program Supervisor

Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (ReCAST) is a grant-funded program through Mecklenburg County Public Health, running from December 2022 to December 2026. The program, which is currently in Cycle II, is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They have several important training opportunities coming up:

ReCAST II Mecklenburg has partnered with Live N Joy Counseling Services and South Piedmont AHEC to provide the AF-CBT certification for a second cohort. ReCAST II Mecklenburg would like to invite you to attend one of two FREE AF-CBT Information Sessions. These sessions will provide an overview of the AF-CBT curriculum and certification process. The sessions will also explain the application and selection process for attending the training through this initiative. You must be a mental health clinician licensed in North Carolina to be eligible for AF-CBT training. Attend one of the virtual sessions below from 12:00-1:00pm:

This training is for any caring adult (school staff, coaches, camp counselors, youth group leaders, parents, caregivers, etc.) who interacts with youth 12-18 years old and would like to learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges.
When: Monday, February 3, 10am-4pm
Where: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library – South Blvd.
Register by: January 16:
Winter Lunch N Learn Series

Designed for individuals or groups involved in direct service provision for youth and families in Mecklenburg County. CEUs provided. All sessions will be virtual and 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Postpartum Support International (PSI) Trainings

ReCAST II is thrilled to offer a unique chance for selected individuals to attend exclusive trainings through Postpartum Support International (PSI) at a special reduced fee. Explore the training dates and secure your spot by following the registration links below. Reach out to ReCASTMecklenburg@MeckNC.gov to get your discount code. Code reduces the $420 fee to $50.
Ginny Harper | 704.258.7418, Fax/FlyDoc: 866.851.1409
Community Relations Coordinator
Mecklenburg County residents who have trouble paying their winter heating bills can get help through Mecklenburg County’s Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). It is one of several programs that help low-income households with their immediate energy needs, so they do not need to choose between heating their homes and other basic needs.
Mecklenburg County will begin taking LIEAP applications on Dec. 1 for senior citizens aged 60 and older or disabled individuals who get help through the N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services. All other households can apply beginning Jan. 1, 2024. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2024.
APPLY: Visit MeckNC.gov/ENERGY or call 704-336-3000 to begin the application process.
Residents can apply for LIEAP through March 31, but there are other programs that can help year-round. An applicant does not need to be behind on energy bills to receive a one-time LIEAP payment in the amount of $300, $400 or $500 based on their primary heating source.
There must be ONE US citizen in the household but that can be anyone - a child, a non-relative. They just have to live in the home. There are income limits. Income must be at or below 130% of Federal Poverty Levels if younger than 60 or 150% if older.
Individuals/families who apply for LIEAP should receive a letter within a couple of weeks of apply as to whether or not they are approved. If approved, it usually takes the State 4-6 weeks to send the payment to the utility. We encourage recipients to continue to make their utility payments until they see the credit is applied to the account.
Ginny Harper | 704.258.7418, Fax/FlyDoc: 866.851.1409
Community Relations Coordinator, 704.258.7418, Fax/FlyDoc: 866.851.1409
The annual resident budget priority survey provides residents the opportunity to share their perspectives on the County’s budget and investments. Responses are collected and presented to the Board of County Commissioners to support their decision-making during the budget development and priority setting process.
The City of Charlotte Housing Services Division invites community members to share your thoughts and ideas as we develop our 5-year 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. This plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to secure federal funding for the following programs:
Community Development Block Grant (CBDG)
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
Your input is essential in shaping programs and initiatives that address the needs of our communities. By participating in our survey, you’ll help prioritize resources to meet community needs, create a sustainable living environment, develop and preserve affordable housing, expand economic opportunities, and support special populations.
We value your voice and encourage you to contribute to this important planning process.
Click the links below to access the survey.
English Version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MeckCDBGSpanish Version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BTYTPY6
For additional ways to engage with the budget process, including information on upcoming events, registering to speak at city council meetings and more, visit: https://budget.mecknc.gov/budget-engagement. The next hearing is January 22nd.
Lawana Mayfield | LaWana.Mayfield@charlottenc.gov
The city has created a broad spectrum of programs to address the affordable housing crisis in Charlotte. You can see an overview here: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Streets-and-Neighborhoods/Housing/Affordable-Housing.
One of their premiere programs is the Faith in Housing Initiative to bring faith-based organizations together to build knowledge and capacity through the Faith in Housing Summit and follow-up webinars. Now, we're excited to announce the next phase of the initiative, featuring two upcoming programs to support faith-based organizations. Whether you're exploring possibilities or ready to begin a project, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
What’s Coming in 2025:
Educational Cohort Program: A comprehensive 18-24 month program with step-by-step guidance and tailored support to help your organization bring your housing vision to life. The program offers hands-on guidance, workshops, and expert support to help your organization navigate the affordable housing development process. Participants will:
Receive step-by-step guidance to turn housing visions into reality.
Learn foundational concepts, including zoning, financing, and community engagement.
Collaborate with experts to address real-world challenges and move projects forward.
Interested in participating? Sign up to get notifications for when this program goes live.
Technical Assistance Grant: Faith-based organizations can apply to receive financial support and access a curated network of professionals, including architects, developers, and financial planners, to support your projects at critical stages. Professionals include:
Financial planners
And More
Interested in participating? Sign up to get notifications for when this program goes live.
Stay tuned for updates on application timelines for both programs. Start your journey today by completing our Interest Form to share your goals and challenges. We’ll connect you to the right resources and keep you updated on upcoming opportunities.
Additionally, check out our Development Readiness Checklist, a practical self-assessment tool to help you prepare for these opportunities:
What It Is: A self-assessment tool to help you determine your current stage in the development process.
How It Helps: Identifies gaps, suggests next steps, and connects you to resources that align with your goals.
New to Faith in Housing?Explore resources from last year's workshops and training sessions to get started. If you have an questions or need assistance, we're here to help.
Get involved with the Faith in Housing Initiative:
Joelle Dugue | jdugue@nbccministries.org, pierrelouisjoelle@gmail.com
Min. Virginia Hayes, Office Manager, New Beginnings Community Life Center, Office: 980-225-9915 Ext 408, Fax: 704-500-0940, vhayes@nbccministries.org, lifecenter@nbccministries.orgwww.nbclifecenter.org
New Beginnings Community Life Center empowers individuals and families in the community by creating a center that offers community resources and services for life challenges.
They have a variety of resources to offer including:
Mental health counseling at a low cost ($25) They are moving towards medicaid as well. They are currently only accepting those without insurance but they expect Medicaid approval within months. They are looking for counselors as well.
Mental health trainings for professionals. This Saturday they will host a trauma and crisis training for volunteers.
Support groups for grief, divorce, aging with resilience and more.
Office and meeting space for rent (see the website)
Hope Home: This is a home for pregnant teens that provides community resources and services for life challenges.
Leslie Leitner | leslie@aplacetoliveagain.org
Community Engagement Associate, Supportive Housing Communities

Supportive Housing Communities is hosting our first night walk, Warm Soles Night Walk. It is being held at Queens University Campus from 4pm-7pm on Saturday February 22nd. As the cold night settles in on February 22, Supportive Housing Communities (SHC) invites you to Queens University for the inaugural Warm Soles Night Walk—an inspiring opportunity to step into the shoes of our neighbors experiencing homelessness. This immersive event raises awareness and funds for SHC, helping provide warmth and essentials to our neighbors facing the harshest conditions of winter.
Adult Registration $30*
Child Registration (up to age 12) $25*
Redia Baxter | RBaxter@therelatives.org

The Relatives was founded in 1974 by members of the Dilworth United Methodist Church. The parishioners saw children sleeping on benches along East Blvd and in Freedom Park, so they created a shelter in the church basement. The Relatives received its name from the youth staying in the shelter. Rather than tell their friends at school they had run away or were struggling with homelessness, the kids said they were staying “with relatives.” This spirit of family, guidance, support, and compassion is at the core of everything we do.
Samantha Turner, | samanthacltppc@gmail.com
Sunday January 26th at 3:30 pm at Galilee MInistries there will be a “Small Steps Lead to Big Steps” event. There will be resources, speakers and calls to action. This is a networking and connection opportunity. There will be speakers on migrant experience, refugee experience, as well as public school speakers. ROund tables will allow anyone to lift up the action items that are important to their community. Be sure and register and join.

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS - SUMMIT January 30 | 9 AM -1 PM | UNC Center City
Donna Dunlap | donna.dunlap@bbbscentralcarolinas.org
January is Mentoring month! Big Brothers Big Sisters is hosting an Impactful Youth Mentoring Summit Thursday, January 30 th from 9 am -1 pm at UNC Charlotte Center City.
Join us for an Impactful Youth Mentoring Summit. Attendees will enjoy community experts panels, networking, workshops, a catered lunch, giveaways and more.The focus will be the challenges young people in our community are facing and how mentoring can be an effective solution. The targeted audience is CMS executives, government officials, non-profits and mentoring organizations.
Register at Eventbrite.
Cynthia Johnson, mswyouthleadership@gmail.com
The MSW Youth Leadership Foundation was founded in 2012, after the passing of my grandmother, Myrtis Simpson Walker. The foundation's mission is to empower children in grades 3-8, to become entrepreneurs and leaders. We feel that there is a need to encourage children to follow their passion and live their life in purpose
MSW is founding a school focused on music with single sex classrooms. They invite potential families, sponsors and community supporters to learn more at two information sessions:
Jan 30, 6 pm at Independence Library.
April 3 at Beatties Ford Library.
Maureen Krueger | maureen.krueger@toolbank.org
Since we opened our doors in 2011, we have provided 295,620 tools and special event items valued at $14 million to 1,016 charitable partners for their 371,000 volunteers who completed 16,300 projects! Your support – donating, referring a member agency, and following us on social media – allows us to continue to provide these necessary resources. Ideally we need about 15K square feet, ideally centrally located so it is easy to reach for non-profits. If you have suggestions, please reach out.
Harry Taylor | harry3nc@gmail.com, | (O): 704-366-0075, (M): 704-579-9480

MeckMIN member Harry Taylor offers a program entitled “Trouble So Hard: Songs and stories of Slavery, Freedom and Civil Liberties”. With a new round of ASC Culture Block grants, (deadline 2/7) this might be a good fit for congregations looking to promote equity in their community.
Trouble So Hard is a musical and narrative journey along a timeline that begins with the arrival of the first Black West African enslaved people into present-day Georgia. Trouble So Hard will explore some of the many stories that comprise our American history and bring us to the here and now. The show will be performed by former Charlotte Folk Society leader Harry Taylor on the banjo, with vocals by singer/songwriter, Saundra Porter Thomas, and singer/songwriter, and poet Kel Williams. Learn more about Trouble So Hard

Jenny McKenney | jenny@voteriders.org | 866-432-8683
VoteRiders is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote. VoteRiders informs and helps citizens to secure an ID or driver's license, or underlying documents for housing, employment, and voting.
They also support organizations, local volunteers, and communities to sustain voter ID education and assistance efforts. Please reach out if you are serving clients who need help securing valid id’s. There is no cost.
UNION PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY: Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation
Erin Mills | erin.mills@upsem.edu | 980-636-1668
Join the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation (CSJR) for our 2025 African American Social Justice Preaching Series, January 27-28, 2025 America continues to struggle with issues of race and justice. Our citizens continue to strive to find effective ways of making an impact on the collective psyche and public policy. One of the clearest examples of this in the last decade has been the instance of the killing of Mike Brown and the uprising that occurred in its aftermath in Ferguson, Missouri. There, the faith community stepped up, helping to ensure an effective witness for justice, and ultimately led efforts to foster a more just and equitable state.
Please join us for conversation with one of the key faith leaders in that struggle, Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, president and CEO of Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), who intentionally joined with the voice of youth protest with the church’s theological imperative to “do justice.” During this series entitled “A Just Transition: From Youth Voice to Faithful Action,” Dr. Wilson will inspire us to bear faithful witness in our world.
The event is free but registration is required: https://host.nxt.blackbaud.com/registration-form/?formId=fd675ba5-ef5c-4185-9b81-f53c366a58d1&envId=p-VtQqfCLVo0KSAj0dzGJnDw&zone=usa
EMBRACE ALL LATINO VOICES will have a Resource Fair February 1st. If your organization would like to participate and have a free table, just fill this form and we will be glad to have you with our served community: https://forms.gle/F9NLzZZFXwRZBJgr5
January 24 (rescheduled from 1/10)
Julie Alexander | Julie.alexander@atriumhealth.org
Healthy Meck will be having its next coalition meeting on Friday, January 24 (rescheduled from January 10) in Davidson. We will be considering proposed action plans from our food and nutrition and our information access workgroups and we hope to work with faith communities along with other trusted community partners. The initiatives proposed focus on improving nutrition security and enhancing community health literacy. If you'd like to register, you can RSVP here before noon tomorrow. Please contact me with any questions: Julie.alexander@atriumhealth.org
Kimberly Morrison Hansley | Kimberly@tkfnc.org
Executive Director/Co-Founder
The Kaizen Foundation works to improve upward mobility in underserved communities by providing access to resources that empower and create positive influences on a community’s collective mindset toward change in pursuit of economic success. They will be hosting FREE financial education March 6, 13, 27, April 10 and April 24. These classes will be hosted by the Pinnacle PEER Learning Center in Charlotte and via Zoom on March 13 we will be hosting a Poverty Simulation as well. Registration links will be provided. https://www.tkfnc.org/
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
Melissa Melendez, BSPH, Manager, Community Health Services—Charlotte NC
Office of Health Equity & Community Health, 704-384-9145
Novant Health Community Care Cruiser team is offering a CMS mandatory health assessment at no charge to children who qualify for the VFC program, by appointment only. Health Assessments are required for kindergartners and all CURRENT students who are new to the N.C. Public School system regardless of grade.
Marina Gonzalez, RD, LDN, | 704-591-6840 (cell)
Latino/Hispanic Engagement Manager
Mecklenburg County Health Department,
The Mecklenburg County Health Department (MCHD) still has ample free flu and Covid doses remaining for uninsured adults (ages 19+). Over the past couple months, the MHiA (mobile unit) and Immunization program teams have been reaching out to a few organizations that serve our Latino community to offer these doses in conjunction with our mobile unit activities.
If your organization would like MCHD to provide these immunizations at no cost within our community through flu season, please contact mekarina.gonzalez@mecknc.gov and I can help coordinate this. We are in the peak now and it will likely taper off in March/April.

Francisco Guzman | francisco.guzman@dhhs.nc.gov
Minority Outreach Coordinator / Coordinador de Alcance a las Minorias
Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Carolina del Norte,
Office / Oficina: 919-707-5643, Mobile / Celular: 919-609-9140
The Medicaid Expansion Regional Trainings are a collaborative effort of Care Share Health Alliance, the NC Community Health Center Association, and the NC Navigator Consortium. The purpose of these trainings is to equip you with the information you need to support your community during the Expansion process. These regional trainings will cover Medicaid Expansion Outreach, Education, and Enrollment best practices. This will be a day- long training from approximately 9:30am-4:30pm. No previous experience with Medicaid is required to attend this training and attendance is free! Please share this form with your networks.
These trainings are in-person and will be offered in each of the 6 Medicaid Managed Care Regions (click here to view the map and counties). Please note that the dates are organized by Region and not chronologically:
Region 1: Lake Junaluska, NC on March 20th
Region 2: Boone, NC on February 13th
Region 3: Charlotte, NC on March 4th
Region 4: Raleigh, NC on February 10th
Region 5: Wilmington, NC on February 17th
Region 6: Greenville, NC on March 12th
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Erin Storie, EStorie@CareShareHealth.org
February 22 | 11 AM-1 PM | @ Ada Jenkins
The North Meck MCAF subcommittee has been hard at work, planning the next MCAF event. Please see the attached flyer (Spanish/ English) please help us in inviting families. This MCAF will be centered around broadening access to and providing education resources for the North Mecklenburg County community.
The event will be held on Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, from 11:00am - 1:30pm at the Ada Jenkins Center in Davidson, NC.
Disability Rights & Resources offers its consumers helpful guidance to understand and navigate the transportation system in Mecklenburg County. We are here for people with disabilities and seniors, to equip them with training to allow them to obtain a more mobile lifestyle and to be out and about in the community.
The Let’s All Go! Program, funded by a grant from the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS), provides each individual with a travel trainer who will teach them how to safely and independently use the Charlotte Area Transit System to reach their desired destination via the public bus (CATS), light rail (LYNX), or streetcar (CityLYNX Gold Line). Individuals who participate in the Let’s All Go! program will learn travel skills that are designed to meet their individual needs while following a specific route, typically to school, a job site, or a desired community location (such as a mall, a movie theater, a library, or a friend’s residence). Each individual’s needs and abilities differ, so training techniques and time devoted will vary with each person.
If you or someone you know would like to receive FREE travel training through this program, please email us for more information.
Karina Gonzalez, RD, LDN | 704-591-6840 (cell)
Latino/Hispanic Engagement Manager
Mecklenburg County Health Department | Population Health
"Give Kids A Smile Day" is scheduled on Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 10:00a - 2:00p. The event is sponsored by Mecklenburg County Public Health (MCPH) in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College. The focus of the event is dental care service delivery for kids of families who are uninsured and underserved. Give Kids A Smile Day will offer FREE dental cleanings, exams, and fluoride treatment to ensure optimal oral health among Mecklenburg County Residents.
If you’d like to volunteer or be a vendor, please register using the online form! Volunteer ambassadors will help patrons navigate the various phases of the event. Bilingual support is highly needed. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 22nd at 11:59pm. If you have questions about volunteering, email CE@MeckNC.gov or call 980-314-9675.
No pre-registration required for the event.
VOLUNTEER PROJECT: Valentine's for Youth
Lauren Rogers, M.Ed | (704) 333-8099 ext. 110
Director of Community Engagement, (704) 333-8099 ext. 110
Katie Austin | kaustin@ihclt.org
Katie Austin, INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Youth Education Manager invites you to contribute valentines to 250 Rising Up students. Rising Up is our afterschool tutoring program for elementary students learning English. Please see the link here for more details and to sign up for a class or a school.
Valentines will need to be delivered to Katie by Thursday January 30th so they can be distributed to the students during tutoring the week of Valentine's.
Valentines can be store bought or handmade and include words of encouragement or a simple note of kindness. Candy, stickers, and/or other goodies (1 book, fun school supplies, socks, gloves, etc. are completely optional but if you are considering it, they need to be peanut free and enough to at least support the number of Rising Up students at a specific school.
You are welcome to come by our office either Friday January 17th or Friday January 31st from 11:00-2:00 to make valentines given supplies we already have. Feel free to bring your own supplies as well and perhaps meet other volunteers! You’re welcome to bring friends, too.
Please confirm with Katie in advance if you plan to craft either Friday at our office. She’s copied to this email and can be reached at kaustin@ihclt.org.
“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
NEXT MEETING: Four weeks from today – February 13 -- Thursday at 11 a.m.