Our weekly check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors in this time of crisis. Meetings are held online every Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Please email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. We look forward to seeing you!
Minutes by Sally Herlong
Host LeDayne McLeese Polaski/MeckMIN opened with a prayer: In the midst of the present crisis (from the Green Faith Site) by Father Joseph McShane
Small Business Administration’s Forgiveable Loan Webinar
Laurel Grauer from the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte shared information about a webinar to be held at 12:00 noon, Friday, April 3 via Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_etPgsvyWRBG2ce9zjL_MWw
Free and all are welcome to participate
General SBA resources and information:
CharMeck Responds Coalition – Casey Crimmins (casey@forcharlotte.org)
Purpose is to bridge gap of community needs of and for volunteers
Provide collective response to avoid duplication of efforts in hopes of spreading resources and love by coordinating efforts
Providing infrastructure to support CMS meal distributions sites
Trying to meet current and anticipate future needs
NEED as many volunteers as possible
Being under this umbrella gives you exemptions from the stay at home order FOR DIRECT SERVICE
Anyone going to aid others exempt
Reports from Not-for-Profits
Loaves and Fishes – Tina Postel and Shay Merritt
Requests and assistance are at an all time high
NEW: added mobile panty “drive throughs” – box truck going to different areas
Provide 1 week’s worth of non-perishables
NEW: able to provide some fresh produce
See website for planned locations and further details
Can serve 100 people in 90 min; yesterday served 680
Limiting number of folks going in and out of building
It would help if want to collect and donate food, please limit to 1 type item (for ex. all cereal or all pasta) so L&F won’t have to sort
Continue to receive many calls from seniors because they can’t leave home
Piloting a way to accept referrals for home deliveries to 65+ year-old and high risk persons that can’t leave home
Referrals from medical providers only
Food delivered to doorsteps
Make referrals to main line 704-523-4333 – referrals must come from an approved partner
If you want to make referrals and don’t have a code as an approved partner, you can register now – see the L&F website for information and a list of what you’ll need
You can call again in a week if the person/family you are referring still has needs
Clients can receive assistance 8 times in a calendar year (at least 1 week apart) – this may be adjusted as the Covid19 crisis continues
Urban Ministry/Men’s Shelter – Veronica Ritchie
Continue to prepare for crucial weeks ahead
Putting protocol in place
Trying to concentrate on assistance with basic needs and transportation
MOST CRUCIAL NEED: masks for staff and most at-risk folks
Question: Can you use homemade masks?
Don’t need medical grade
Link to info from Atrium in re masks – video and graphic version: https://www.facebook.com/charlottearealatterdaysaints/photos/a.738902292813946/2812508342119987/?type=3&theater
Comments from other attendees:
Amy Dean: Park Rd Baptist sewing group is wanting to make masks
Lucy Crain: http://weneedmasks.org/and JoAnne Fabrics is also giving free material for those making masks
Jolin McElroy: a quilting group in our church willing to make masks
Greg P (R.N.): It is still controversial about how much a mask protects. It will not harm. The harm is if we in the community are taking masks from healthcare providers. A homemade mask is not denying a useful mask to someone on the front line. I believe that the homemade masks are OK in the community and may be useful.
Still NEED: Grab-n-Go Lunches – they are still serving HUNDREDS of people each day
Contact Lauren Cranford – 704-609-8680
Serving breakfasts, lunches and dinners
Crisis Assistance – Adam Cline
Restated how rapidly things are moving
Agency remains closedfor safety of customers and employees
No utilities will be disconnected through the end of May
A halt on evictions in place until May 17 (check the new Executive Order #124)
Have been able to house 1000 in hotels thru COVID Response Fund and private donors
FIRST POINT OF CONTACT: 2-1-1 – this is the only route to receive assistance (2-1-1 is managing screenings)
NEED: financial donations and prayers
NOT accepting clothes and other material items for now, please
QC Family Tree (Enderly Park area) – Helms Jarrell
Think tanks on 1) trying to learn how to decentralize and 2) school alternatives for neighborhood
Distributing care packages to 25 households 1x week or every other week
Contact QCFT if want to assist with think tanks or assist in other ways
Will put out a farmer’s market table if folks/houses of faith want to donate community garden items (some congregations, used to donating the food they grow to Friendship Trays, are looking for options to share their food) – QC Family Tree is willing to accept produce and has means to share it
www.tinyurl.com/neighborupdate: we update with announcements every 2 days
www.familytree.orgis the organizational website
NOTE — Jolin Wilks McElroy jwilks8401@aol.com and Jonathan Coppedge-Henley jcoppedge-henley@wnccumc.net are also willing to accept and distribute produce. See below.
GreenFaith – Amy Brooks
Offering 2 classes: 11:00am and 4:00pm for respite and spiritual time
Assisting with how to organize and create support for neighbors
At LeDayne’s request, Rev. Glencie Rhedrick offered prayer for these non-profit leaders and all frontline workers
SPECIAL REQUEST from the county’s Emergency Operations Center – Stephanie Payne
Because the homeless population is increasing and because of need to increase social distancing, EOC is seeking options to house people who are currently unsheltered. They came to us with a request that houses of faith consider housing people.
NOTE: We had a long conversation with Stephanie and MANY questions and concerns were raised about the feasibility and safety of this request. After this conversation and other conversations with other faith and community leaders, the EOC has withdrawn their original request. Therefore, we are not including notes on the conversation in these minutes, though they are available if you are interested.
MeckMIN has continued in conversation with EOC, government, nonprofit, and grassroots groups to create a feasible plan which will not contribute to community spread of the virus. We are currently working on a plan that would involve a public/private partnership to address this crucial need to save lives. We will share that plan as soon as it is available.
Other Comments Shared by Attendees
Kristen Anderson: www.JustServe.org find service opportunities from home right now; in the process of adding Covid-19 as a search tool
Jolin McElroy: The Dilworth Soup Kitchen is still serving to-go lunches on Mondays and Fridays for the noon meal. Serving is beginning at 11 am on Mondays and Fridays. They will gladly accept donations, including fresh produce.
The Kitchen also gives out a bag of groceries with lunch on Mondays and Fridays
1200 East Blvd., Charlotte—corner of East Blvd and Dilworth Road, East
Jolin Wilks McElroy jwilks8401@aol.com
Jonathan Coppedge-Henley: I’d surely love to know if anyone in East Charlotte has fresh produce. Our neighborhood could surely use it! Jonathan Coppedge-Henley
Rick Vosteen: I’m retired from the American Red Cross, and volunteer with Salvation Army, N.C. Baptist Men, Team Rubicon, and several other VOAD and NVOAD members. Contact me if I can be of help in any way
Closing Thought: It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world but neither are you free to desist from it. (Traditional Jewish Teaching)