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November 10, 2022 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click Here to Access Zoom Recording:


In this Issue:



11/11, 6-8: QC Family Tree Decolonized dinner and experience.

11/13, 12-2: Racial Wealth Gap simulation

11/15, 7pm: Lifesaving: Faith Communities and LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention

11/16: Virtual Workshop, “No Cap – it can happen to you” on domestic violence focusing on middle and high school youth.

11/17, 6 pm: Christian Hope in the Holy Land: A Story of Resilience

11/17, 6:30pm: The Annual Homeless Vigil from the Salvation Army at United Methodist Church

11/19, 10 AM -12 PM: Health Resources: Connecting w/Resources focused on Equality

11/19: Day of the Catawba Festival



11/27: Safe Home Rehabilitation program application deadline

12/3, 11 AM - 1 PM: Care Ring at parking lot of the Children & Family Services Center building

12/8, 11am: MeckMIN Leaders meeting

12/10, 11 AM - 2 PM: Urban League Coats Giveaway

12/13-17: Giving Machines at Promenade at Providence

12/14, 12 – 4 PM: Wedgewood Church Immigrant Holiday Bazaar

12/16: Canopy Realtor® Association Holiday Awards Luncheon

Opening Reflection


From Howard Thurman

I need Your sense of time. Always I have an underlying anxiety about things. Sometimes I am in a hurry to achieve my ends and am completely without patience. It is hard for me to realize that some growth is slow, that not all processes are swift. I cannot discriminate between what takes time to develop and what can be rushed because my sense of time is dulled. O to understand the meaning of perspective that I may do all things with a profound sense of leisure of time.

I need Your sense of order. The confusion of the details of living is sometimes overwhelming. The little things keep getting in my way, providing ready-made excuses for failure to do and be what I know I ought to do and be. Much time is spent on things that are not very important while significant things are put in an insignificant place in my scheme of order. I must unscramble my affairs so that my life will become order. O God, I need Your sense of order.

I need Your sense of the future. Teach me to know that life is ever on the side of the future. Keep alive in me the future look, the high hope. Let me not be frozen either by the past or the present. Grant me, O Patient One, Your sense of the future without which all life would sicken and die.


1. MeckMIN Updates


We're grateful to the seven member congregations who are serving as drop-off locations for our annual food drive supporting Loaves & Fishes / Friendship Trays. Need is very high right now and our friends at Loaves & Fishes tell us that they are simply trusting that food will continue to be donated by our generous community. Please encourage those in your congregations and networks to drop off high priority items at one of the congregations listed or to bring donations to the Thanksgiving Service on November 22.

Two opportunities to connect with the experiences of Indigenous people.

Love your neighbor.

We’ve all heard the call.

But what happens when distorted images get in the way and we don’t know our neighbors well enough to recognize the falsehoods? Many of our Indigenous neighbors, those who have lived on these lands the longest, when asked what their non-native neighbors understand of them, use words like “stereotypes,” “untruths,” “misinformation,” “fiction” and “ignorance.”

Many report that when they introduce themselves as Lumbee or Catawba or Tuscarora or another tribe native to the lands we call the Carolinas, they are often met with blank stares or questions like, “Your people still exist?”

We cannot love well or be loved well by neighbors we so profoundly misunderstand.

And so, this November, MeckMIN is offering two important opportunities in which some of our Indigenous neighbors will tell their own stories on their own terms.


November 15 | 12 - 1 PM | Covenant Presbyterian Church

Lunch starts at 11:30 AM.

Join us on Tuesday, November 15 at 12 PM at Covenant Presbyterian Church for Moving beyond Myth which will focus on the stereotypes and misinformation about Indigenous people that we've all learned from school or the media. During this interactive workshop, participants will reflect on their experiences learning about Indigenous people in school, and how these lessons were often rooted in untruths that have crystallized over time. We will work to deconstruct these stereotypes and to recognize the authenticity and complexity of actual Indigenous identity, both contemporarily and historically. Register here

ANNUAL COMMUNITY-WIDE INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, November 22 | 7 - 9 PM (Prelude to begin at 6:45 PM) Little Rock A.M.E. Zion Church

On Tuesday November 22, the annual Community-Wide Interfaith Thanksgiving service will also feature Indigenous leaders. Native nonprofits and artisans will have tables in the narthex. Children (and adults!) will be able to view a collection of personal artifacts from local educator Ramona Big Eagle. During the service, we’ll have small groups, poetry, prayer, music, story-telling, and more to help us explore history and current realities. The offering will support MeckMIN as well as the Indigenous-led organization, MMIWNC . We’ll learn about opportunities to learn more and become a part of a truer, better story. Register here

We hope you’ll consider attending either or both events. We know you’ll leave better able to love your neighbors.

Last call for sponsorships

We still need a 3-4 more sponsors to help us both pay for basic expenses and pay our indigenous leaders justly. Sponsorships commitments must be received by Tuesday, November 15, to be acknowledged in the program.

Click here to sponsor this event. Click here to see our sponsorship opportunities


We are DELIGHTED that for the first time since 2019, we'll be gathering in person for the annual MeckMIN Community-Wide Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.

That means we can again enjoy one of the best parts of the year -- the beautiful, visible reminder of the rich religious diversity of our community created by the faith leader processional at the service.

All faith leaders are invited to be a part of the processional beginning the annual community Thanksgiving worship service wearing the vestments appropriate to your tradition. Recognizing that not all of our member communities have clergy, we extend this invitation to anyone who serves as a leader within a faith community.

Please let us know you'll participate by filling out this quick form.


We've had to postpone the planned youth visit to the Catawba Reservation. However, we encourage people of all ages to attend the Yap Ye Iswa / Day of the Catawba Festival on Nov. 19th- 10a-4p. The event is free and open to the public. The event features Catawba vendors, drumming and dancing demonstrations throughout the day as well as other crafts demonstrations. Food will be available for purchase.

Due to limited parking, buses will available at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 1989 Reservation Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 to shuttle folks to and from the event.


Thanksgiving meeting schedule: one of our regular Thursday meetings will fall on Thanksgiving. So we’ll meet November 10 and then next on December 8.


Tamara Hawkins (she/her) |

Karina Gonzalez, RD, LDN | Latino/Hispanic Community Liaison

(980) 314-9061 (office), (704) 591-6840 (cell)

It can take two weeks for the booster to be fully effective so please get your booster now if you are planning to be with family and friends over Thanksgiving.

Flu and RSV

Flu and RSV are also steadily rising in NC and Mecklenburg. Greater increases since before the pandemic. Because the symptoms can be similar it is hard to know what you have. If you are sick, stay home, avoid contact with others and get treatment. Typically it peaks in January or February but this year we are seeing more cases earlier. Not usually fatal but it can be so please be careful – especially younger and older people. Health and Human Services publishes a daily map. We are at very high level now. Compared to last year and the year before there is an enormous difference. Flu vaccine recommended by the end of October so get it asap. There will soon be billboard throughout the county about flu and COVID vaccines. For questions about COVID-19 or flu, call 980-314-9400

Where to Get Free COVID Tests


CDC Weekly Flu Map

NCDHHS Respiratory Virus Surveillance Dashboard


Other Covid News :

Covid-19 Report for Mecklenburg – past 2 weeks: Oct 14- 27 (Eng/Span)

We see signs now that we are starting to increase case rates, ED visits, and Charlotte 1 sewer shed is back to Level 5 for detection in the wastewater monitoring stream. The BE, BQ and BF variants make up 45% of recent sequencing results, showing that the Omicron BA4-BA5 era is coming to an end soon. We are still at CDC Level Low for now, but the indication is that COVID is starting to become more active again.

Reporte de Covid-19 de Mecklenburg - las últimas 2 semanas: Oct 14- Oct 27 (Inglés/Español)

Vemos señales ahora de que están comenzando a aumentar las tasas de casos, las visitas al Departamento de Emergencias, y el cobertizo de alcantarillado 1 de Charlotte ha regresado al nivel 5 para la detección de flujo de monitoreo de aguas residuales. Las variantes BE, BQ y BF representan el 45 % de los resultados de secuenciación recientes, lo que demuestra que la era de Omicron BA4-BA5 está llegando a su fin pronto. Todavía estamos en Nivel Bajo de los CDC por ahora, pero todo indica que COVID está comenzando a volverse más activo nuevamente.

Covid-19 Report for Mecklenburg – past 2 weeks: Oct 21- Nov 3

We are seeing increased numbers of cases and ED visits, but remain Low in the CDC Community Burden of Illness measure for now. We see 42% of Mecklenburg County residents are now boosted and more than 21,000 doses were administered in the past 14 days.

-Director of Covid-19 Response Unit, David Sweat

Reporte de Covid-19 de Mecklenburg - las últimas 2 semanas: Oct 21- Nov 3

Estamos viendo un aumento en el número de casos y visitas al Departamento de Emergencias, pero seguimos Bajos en la medida de Carga de Enfermedad de la Comunidad de los CDC por ahora. Vemos que el 42% de los residentes del condado de Mecklenburg ahora tienen refuerzo y se administraron más de 21,000 dosis en los últimos 14 días.

-Director de la Unidad de Respuesta de Covid-19, David Sweat

2. Non-Profit Updates


Diego Torres, Immigrant Integration Specialist |704.941.2544|

Diego is focusing on the newly arrived immigrants, mostly from Latin America though LAC serves immigrants from all areas of the world. Identifying new arrivals from the border. The weather is different here and so they are collecting coats – new and gently used – for distribution on Nov 19th. You can drop off clothing or coats anytime before then at the Latin American Coalition.

If you want to join the weekly LAC Zoom calls, reach out to Diego.


Adriano Udani, PhD, MPA | | twitter: @adrianoudani | 314-516-6388

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Director, Public Policy Administration Program, Research Advisor, Community Innovation and Action Center, University of Missouri - St. Louis, On the lands of the Kiikaapoi, Osage, Myaamia, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ people,

Survey on Community Safety

UMSL is examining how people with a wide range of perspectives think about community safety (see attached description). The information produced will contribute to national conversations about the meaning of community safety and provide a foundation for future collaboration and action.

Please consider taking a brief survey on the meaning of community safety and sharing it with members of your congregation. The survey, which is for people 18 or older who live, work, or go to school in Mecklenburg County, takes approximately 7 minutes. It contains questions about what it means for a community to be safe as well as some questions about demographics and prior life experiences. We have already collected almost 500 responses in our partner sites (Missoula and St. Louis), and we hope to get an equally strong response in Mecklenburg County.

The survey can be accessed in English and Spanish at the links below.

Also, If you or members of your congregation would like to learn more about the project or would like to be more involved, we would love to set up a time to speak with you. In addition, we are committed to sharing the results with the community so if you would like to stay updated about the project findings, please let us know.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email Adriano Udani or reach him via phone at (314-516-4072).


Patricia James | Corporate Philanthropy Specialist | 347-267-2551 cell

The holiday season is fast upon us and need in the Charlotte region has grown significantly. Our Hope for the Holidays program that provides holiday presents for children in the foster care system has grown by 75% this year from 200 to 350. Hope for the Holidays allows members of the public to sponsor the wish list of children in care covering both needed and wish for items (similar to an Angel Tree). This time of year, all children dream big and children in foster care are no expectation. Their wish lists are their dreams and not every item must be given. CHS provides a spending guideline to assist donors and those range from $100 to $200 for teenagers.

With the sudden increase in need, would you please be willing to share with the MeckMIN? It is our aim that every child can have presents to open during December and we need help. If any of your members are interested in sponsoring a child(ren), we would be grateful. If any organization would like to sponsor ten or more children’s wish lists, I can create their own page.

It’s easy to sign up. Visit our Hope for the Holidays page, click on Charlotte wish lists and select as a profile to support. Individuals can arrange to drop your gifts off at CHS the first week of December, Amazon items to CHS’ office or join CHS with their family on December 3rd at Williams GMC Buick for our Fill A Truck event from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for coffee, hot cocoa, and donuts! If everyone came together and sponsored one wish list and their connections did too, we would be able to make sure everyone has a joyful holiday.


Dinner and Conversation with Dr. Mitri Raheb

Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1000 E. Morehead Drive, Charlotte, NC 28204

Covenant Presbyterian Church is honored to host an evening of music, food and conversation with Palestinian theologian, author and social entrepreneur Dr. Mitri Raheb.

The most widely published Palestinian theologian to date, Dr. Raheb is the Founder and President of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, as well as a co-founder of Bright Stars of Bethlehem, a nonprofit 501c3 in the U.S. Dr. Raheb is the author and editor of 40 books including: The Cross in Contexts: Suffering and Redemption in Palestine; Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible through Palestinian Eyes; I am a Palestinian Christian. His books and numerous articles have been translated into eleven languages. The work of Dr. Raheb has been featured in international media outlets and networks including CNN, ABC, CBS, 60 Minutes, BBC, The Economist, Newsweek, Al-Jazeera, Vanity Fair, and others.

On November 17, Dr. Raheb and Dr. Robert Henderson, Senior Minister of Covenant Presbyterian Church, will have an inspiring conversation following a Palestinian-inspired offering of food and music. Children will learn Palestinian songs while making friendship bracelets for Dr. Raheb to take home to his community in Palestine. Dr. Raheb's books will be available for purchase.


Room In The Inn & Community Engagement Manager

Office: 704-334-3187 x321

Room in the Inn is right around the corner, the season starts on Thursday, Dec 1st and goes till Friday, Mar 31st.

We are facing Shortages in Intake, Staff, and Host Sites:

INTAKE is still looking for 2-3 volunteers each for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday teams. These roles will likely be Bell Data (computer registration) or van loading (greeting arriving sites, escorting guests to van). If you know of anyone interested in Intake, please let me know at

HOST SITES have increased from 50 to 60 sites, this season (waiting on a possible additional 10 to enter in their bed nights). Despite increase in sites, some have chosen to serve monthly, reduce bed count, or start later in the season. December is seeing a huge reduction in beds, especially on Saturday and Sundays, with as few as 8 beds. Christmas Eve currently is at 0 beds, Christmas day at 14 beds, and New Year’s Eve at 10 beds. Shortage in host site volunteers and leadership are consistent reasons for lower numbers.


Government & Public Affairs Associate, 704.944.6858

Antisemitism Education Event

4:30- 5:30 VIRTUAL EVENT TONIGHT. You can get some history that gives perspective on our current moment

Interfaith webinar on FEMA nonprofit security grant program

Federal funding program to ensure faith communities can access training and create physical support for safe places to worship. On Nov 22nd there will be a webinar.

A. Registration for event this evening on Anti-Semitism =

B. Registration for Webinar on FEMA’s Inter-Faith and Intergroup Nonprofit Security Grant information session November 22nd from 1:30-3:00 =

C. General information on the Grant Process =


Liz Schob | | 910-489-2943

Community Outreach Coordinator

We are inviting all organizations, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals to donate 10 turkeys to the community food pantry sponsored by Wedgewood and Hearts United for Good. For every turkey donated, our corporate sponsor will donate all the boxed fixings to go with the turkey so we can give our food pantry patrons a complete meal to cook on Thanksgiving Day. We'd also love to have your organization come and volunteer with us at the pantry on Wednesday, November 23rd for our Thanksgiving distribution. If your organization donates to the pantry, we will give you a special shout out on the HUG and Wedgewood social media pages and websites. We are also happy to provide a donation receipt. If you know of any organizations (faith-based or otherwise) that may be interested in sponsoring turkeys, please let me know!


Amy Korb | | 704-221-8862 Senior Volunteer Recruitment Specialist

The Red Cross is looking for a shelter partner on the east side of Charlotte. If there is a multi-family fire or another event that displaces multiples households, the Red Cross may need to open at temporary shelter to house and assist individuals. We’re also looking for our shelter sites to recruit a team of volunteers from their congregations to support a shelter.


April C. Turner | | 704-594-0386

Outreach and Engagement Specialist

We need a resource for someone who needs a last minute shelter that is likely to be open. If you have resources to share, please do. Too many times we cannot help our students because they feel unsafe where they are sleeping.

Dec 10th – winterfest! There will be food and fun and we will do winter health readiness as well. We will give away 400 brand new coats donated by Macy’s and over 1000 pair socks donated by Bombas. There will be service providers there and free covid and flu vaccines. It will be at DICE – 3118 Milton Road.


Melanie Edwards |

I would like to remind the community about the services we provide and let them know about our upcoming move in January 2023 to:

Hope Community Clinic of East Charlotte

6900 Farmingdale Road

Charlotte, NC 28212

HOPE COMMUNITY CLINIC CHARLOTTE is an integrated care clinic providing both primary care and trauma-informed, culturally-relevant mental health counseling and parenting support to members of our community. We provide primary care to our community that does not have insurance. We have therapists in Spanish and French and English and work with translators as well so there are some Arabic or other languages available. Immigrants and refugees are our specialty. We aim to be culturally relevant and sensitive.

We'll be holding a fundraising luncheon next Tuesday, November 15 at 12:00. In case anyone is interested in donating you can do so HERE.


LIFESAVING: Faith Communities & LGBTQ + Suicide Prevention

Cameron Pruette |

Next week, join us for an important conversation on the role Churches and Faith Communities can play in building resilience and prevention suicide for LGBTQ+ people. We know that the winter months can be particularly difficult for LGBTQ+ people, for a variety of reasons. We'll be meeting virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, November 15th, at 7:00pm Eastern. You can register for the Zoom by clicking here.

Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe will be leading our conversation. She is the author of "The Lifesaving Church: Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention." Rev. Keefe will be guiding discussion and engaging with participants to answer questions and provide insights. She brings more than 30 years of ministerial experience in addition to her extensive work on suicide prevention.

Claudette Green, a Board Member of PFLAG Charlotte, will be sharing her personal and professional insights to this conversation. As a parent and a researcher, we're thrilled to have her join this discussion.

This event is free and open to parents, clergy, laypersons, families, and LGBTQIA+ people. This will be an open format that allows for questions and conversations.


On Dec 10th, the NCCADP will gather outside Central Prison in Raleigh at 1 pm and conclude the rally by 3 pm at the Governor's Mansion. The goal is to advocate the Governor Cooper commute all current death sentences (140+) before he leaves office in 2025.

For details contact Clarke Cochran at

Lindsey Houser | | 704-343-5031

Community Engagement Coordinator

Our primary volunteer need is delivery drivers. For the Loaves & Fishes program, we deliver a week’s worth of groceries on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Drivers will be assigned 3-5 deliveries for a total of 8-15 boxes, so larger personal vehicles with space are preferred. Drivers must be 18, but if you are not 18 yet this could be done as a pair with a parent. Deliveries are kid friendly and contact free. Go on our Volunteer Website to register and sign up for a shift.

We are in need food drives and food donations. With gas and grocery expenses at an all time high and a decrease in the number of food drives, our warehouse is looking a little sparse on food. Monetary and food donations are always welcome year around but especially now with these inflation prices. Here is a copy of our Priority Needs list. Interested food drive hosts can fill out our Food Drive Registration Form or contact me at

We are also hiring:

*Friendly Reminder: Minimum age to volunteer is 14 and closed toe shoes are required!

Hannah-Marie Warfle MSW, LCSW |

Emergency Shelter Social Worker, 704-348-2560 ext. 249

The Annual Homeless Vigil taking place on November 17 at 6:30pm at First United Methodist Church uptown.

We hope that you and folks from your group will join us!


QC Family Tree is hosting “The Marvelous Decolonized Universe” an indigenous led experience. This arts and culture showcase will include an experiential meal and workshop dreaming of, thinking about, and embodying a decolonized world. Register HERE through eventbrite.


We are collecting and distributing Turkeys/Hams to the families we serve all month long and expect to deliver about $500 of them. We are collecting the items at 5736 N Tryon St Suite 106 by appointment all month long. We can accept physical Turkeys/Hams delivered to:

5736 N Tryon St., Suite 106, as well as monetary donations via:

· Check payable to University Soup Kitchen

· Cashapp: $helpuniversity

· Venmo: @universitysoupkitchen

If you would like to serve, you can sign up HERE

CRISIS ASSISTANCE: Resources from recent meeting

Around our topic of mental health emergency support… If you or someone you know is currently in crisis, please call 911 and ask for a CIT officer or Mobile Crisis at 704-566-3410 and Select Option 1. CIT is a community-based collaboration between law enforcement, mental health agencies, consumers and family members, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Charlotte, and Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC). Crisis Intervention Team (link)

If someone comes to you saying they are facing eviction (whether they’ve been to Crisis Assistance Ministry or not) have them call the Legal Aid helpline at (866) 219-5262. Several years ago, Legal Aid built a large “eviction prevention” practice with many lawyers focused only on this topic. It’s amazing what they can often find to prevent an eviction for the person. Sometimes the person does not even have to pay back debt or at least all the back debt. Legal Aid (link)

When the topic of advocacy came up, we agreed this is something we’d collectively like to lean into. Carol referenced OneMeck, a group that is active and has had a lot of local success in this area on the topic of workforce housing. OneMeck meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, 3-4:30pm at Myers Park UMC. However, since COVID, it’s often on Zoom. Please let Carol know if you’d like to join, and she will get you the Zoom link. OneMeck (link)

See also attached samples of how some local congregations train their staff/volunteers to receive people who walk in seeking support


3. General Information


Apply by November 27

The Safe Home Housing Rehabilitation Program provides grants to low-income homeowners to address needed home repairs. The program seeks to correct code and incipient violations (items in a house that will need to be repaired or replaced in two to three years) and make general property improvements. The program serves single-family owner-occupied dwellings.


· Residences located within Charlotte city limits

· Single-family homeowners occupying the home, with incomes under 60 percent of the area median income

Learn more about how to apply for the Safe Home Rehabilitation Program.


Heidi Christensen |

Email: | Telephone: 202-260-6501| Twitter: @HHSPartnership

1. What you need to know about RSV Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age in the U.S. Learn the symptoms and care for RSV and when to call a healthcare professional. And share this infographic on how to prevent RSV.

a. The Marketplace Open Enrollment at runs from November 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023.

b. Consumers who enroll by midnight on December 15 can get full year coverage that starts January 1.

c. Coverage is Affordable! This year, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, more people qualify for help purchasing quality health coverage. If you have looked for health coverage before, it is worth a second look.

d. 4 out of 5 customers will be able to find a plan for $10/month or less after subsidies.

e. With the new law, millions of people will continue to qualify for tax credits that lower their premiums.

As always, we remain thankful for your steadfast and courageous leadership. If you have questions about the content in this email or you wish to follow up directly, please email me at


Women’s Impact Fund, a local giving circle, is kicking off their nineteenth year of collective grantmaking in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg region. Applications will be accepted from October 24 through November 11, 2022. Grants will be awarded in five focus areas in May 2023 and may range from $10,000 to $100,000. Information about eligibility, timeline, recent changes, and grantmaking priorities can be found on the Grant Guidelines and Apply Now pages of their website.


Nonprofits can apply for FY2024 Community Service Grants from November 1 – December 5, 2022. To learn more, visit here or attend an information session. Questions? Email

PARTNERS IN HEALTH & WHOLENESS: Final Mini-grant Cycle of 2022

Our Partners in Health and Wholeness Initiative wants to partner with your faith community to help you live healthy and abundant lives. Visit our website to learn how to become a collaborative partner with PHW and apply for a mini-gant! Contact for more info!


Sunday, November 13th from 12:00 to 2:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church – Charlotte, Wood Fellowship Hall, 200 West Trade Street, Charlotte

The simulation is an interactive table game that helps people understand the connections among race, hunger, poverty, and wealth. Participants learn how federal policies from 1865 to the present created structural inequalities that contributed to an increase in hunger and poverty in communities of color. Event Leadership:

· Florence French, Bread for the World

· Sherri Chisholm, Executive Director Leading on Opportunity

· Dianne English, founder and former Executive Director of Community Building Initiative (CBI)

These knowledgeable facilitators will bring the lessons closer to home by citing specific impacts the policies have had in Charlotte and inspiring transformative systems of change for children, youth and families in our community. Includes a light lunch. Suitable for ages 9th grade through adults. Register HERE

GOLDEN LEAF FOUNDATION: Food Distribution Assistance Program

301 N. Winstead Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

The N.C. General Assembly appropriated $10 million to Golden LEAF for the food distribution assistance program. This program is funded by federal State Fiscal Recovery Funds through the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Funds may be used for the following:

· Grants to nonprofit organizations to assist those organizations in (i) becoming eligible to be partner agencies of a North Carolina food bank or (ii) enhancing or expanding the capacity of current partner agencies of North Carolina food banks.

· Grants to nonprofit organizations to assist those organizations in (i) establishing a school-based weekend food assistance program or (ii) enhancing or expanding the capacity of current school-based weekend food assistance programs.

Golden LEAF Foundation expects that applications will exceed funds available for this program.

Funds will be used to address a clearly defined gap in existing food assistance networks.

Outcomes will be clear, measurable, and reportable. (Evaluation may continue after project completion.)

On Tuesday, November 1, we opened the Pre-Application portal on the Golden LEAF website. The Pre-Application is a required first step for all organizations interested in seeking funding in the Food Distribution Assistance Program. Please visit our website to download the guidelines and begin to gather the required elements for the Pre-Application. Please share this information with those in your network who may be interested in applying.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month is over but that doesn't mean Domestic Violence stops! Youths and young adults are one of the highest populations reporting intimate partner violence. WE need to educate our children and young adults in our families and under our care to help raise awareness and support prevention. Project Safe Haven is hosting a workshop November 16th for middle school to college aged young adults. Register your youth for this virtual workshop HERE OR schedule a workshop for your youth and families at your space by emailing us at (our new email address).

HOST A #VAXUPAMERICA Family Vaccine Tour Event!

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has launched the #VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour to encourage families to get updated COVID vaccines, which provide targeted protection against Omicron.

As part of this effort, we're encouraging schools, community- and faith-based organizations, employers, and others to host their own vaccination events. Partner with us to host a #VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour event in your community by emailing us at

Learn more about hosting your own vaccine clinic with our Guide to Hosting COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Community-Based Organizations


Compassion Closet is running its Holiday Gift Giving program once again this year. We ask our clients with children to provide us with a wish-list of 3 items for each child and then match the families/children with sponsors. The expectation is that each child will receive one item from their list (sponsors can give more, but this is not expected). Sponsors have the option of dropping wrapped or unwrapped gifts to me during the second week of December, or I can help make arrangements for gifts to be delivered directly to the family by the sponsor. If anyone is interested, they can send an email to me at and let me know how many children they would like to sponsor. In 2021 we provided gifts to 78 families (301 children!) We'd love to surpass that number this year. Thank you!!

THE INHUMANITY OF OUR HEATHCARE SYSTEM Voices from Survivors - A Vision for Our Future

HCJ-NC Meeting: Thurs., Nov. 17th • 7 PM Caldwell Presbyterian Church |1609 East Fifth Street, Charlotte, NC 28204

HCJ-NC members Penelope Wingard and Donna Marie Woodson will share their experiences with failures of our current health system and the catastrophic impact on their lives. As Penelope Wingard put it "It is as if I am being punished for being sick."

University students will present info from the Physicians for a National Health Program national meeting on how Medicare for All could change these hurtful impacts.

Jessica Schorr Saxe, MD, will talk about the huge debt incurred by Americans as a consequence of illness.

It is through telling our personal stories that we touch people and motivate people to act to make a change. Please bring a friend who needs to learn about Medicare for All! RSVP to

SPRINGCLEAN CT Anderson | Founder and Creative Director |

Springclean is focused on eliminating waste and promoting reuse and recycling. They provide job training and offer family-friendly creative workshops. For details email

Upcoming volunteer events and workshops on sustainability being held at the Innovation Barn.

Volunteer prep dates : Friday 11/18 from 10 am - 12 pm (test day) Friday 12/2 from 10 am - 2 pm Friday 12/9 from 10 am - 2 pm Friday 12/16 from 10 am - 2 pm Holiday Market dates: Saturday 11/19 from 1 - 4 pm (test day) Saturday 12/3 from 1 - 4 pm Saturday 12/10 from 1 - 4 pm Saturday 12/17 from 1 - 4 pm



We cannot eliminate hunger, but we can feed each other. We cannot eliminate loneliness, but we can hold each other. We cannot eliminate pain, but we can live a life of compassion.

Mark Nepo, from the poem Accepting This


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