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March 26, 2020| Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Covid-19 Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our weekly check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors in this time of crisis. Meetings are held online every Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Please email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. We look forward to seeing you!


Faith Leader Meeting – via ZOOM

Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:00 a.m.

Minutes by Sally Herlong

  1. Host LeDayne McLeese Polaski, MeckMIN, opened with prayer.

  2. Participants Introduced themselves via the chat feature.

  3. LeDayne shared that Zoom is offering daily webinars since so many of us are new to this technology:

  4. Please note that circumstances change daily, even hourly. This material is current as of “press time”, but it is a good idea to check websites for updated information. Please note that these nonprofits are EXEMPT from the current stay-at-home order due to their essential work but that volunteers need to be in excellent health, not in a high risk group, symptom-free, and with no known exposure to Covid-19. Social distancing and other prevention protocols are being strictly enforced.

  5. Kimberly Scales/Public Health Departmentshared updates:

  6. There are 190 positive COVID-19 cases in Mecklenburg County as of the start time of the meeting

  7. Stay at Home now in effect throughout the county through at least April 16, 2020

  8. questions/concerns, dial 311 or (704) 353-1926 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday-Friday

  9. Health Department offers press releases twice a week

  10. to get on list, go to

  11. Questions re testing, go to

Reports from Not-for-Profits

Loaves & Fishes – Tina Postel

  1. 2000 food boxes prepared/distributed a day

  2. boxes are intended to last a family 7 days

  3. help from L&F is referrals only basis (from approved partners’ lines); primarily because want clients to be in a position to receive professional help for the long run (e.g. a knowledgeable advisor can help them connect to gov’t resources such as SNAP)

  4. A meeting attendee reported “with so many of staff working from home, we may only be able to refer from our cell phones. I called this morning to ask about the process and was instructed to send updated contact info (i.e. my cell) from my org e-mail to” so that I can make referrals

  5. demand is at an all-time high

  6. to meet demand, have added mobile units (again, referrals only)

  7. sites can be found on website:

  8. working with a diminished volunteer pool and are still recruiting (volunteers are to sign up via website – must be at least high school age)

  9. primary need is for sorting food in warehouse (can only have 10 at a time due to social distancing)

  10. have had to hire help, so funding needed; costs $2500 for 8 weeks per person hired

  11. have requested Foundation for the Carolinas relief COVID Response Fund:

Urban Ministry Center – Veronica Ritchie —

  1. grateful for partnerships

  2. continue to be committed to remain open

  3. currently time and energy going into bed spacing at sites for safer social distancing

  4. serving 300-400 lunches/day

  5. having to rely on diversion funds

  6. applying for Foundation for the Carolinas relief COVID Response Fund:

  7. drug treatment program continues to run

  8. Amazon wish list has been helpful; have added games and other ways to “entertain” those sheltering —

  9. They are also seeking grab-and-go lunches as they continue to serve hundreds of neighbors every day.

  10. welcomes food deliveries from commercial kitchens — Contact Lauren Cranford – 704-609-8680

  1. we know that past due rents will not result in eviction at least through 4/17 at which time will be flooded with requests for assistance – will need increased funding

  2. not accepting clothes and other non-monetary items – only have to throw them away if people drop them off – PLEASE LET PEOPLE KNOW NOT TO BRING THINGS AT THIS TIME

  3. have found the gap in the system is with those living in hotels

  4. in the last 3 days, CAM has spend $300,000 to keep numerous families in the hotels (where many have lived for some months) for the next week

  5. now will be looking at 2 weeks out as funding allows

  6. partnering with Legal Aid in legal ramifications for those in default under the circumstances – there are some legal protections for people who use hotels as long-term housing

  7. have requested Foundation for the Carolinas relief COVID Response Fund:

  8. like others reporting, volume of need has gone through the roof

  9. have had to change process by asking those requesting assistance to first call 211 for an initial screening

  10. updating FAQs on website daily

  11. greatest need is financial support



Block Love CLT – Deandra Beard —

  1. have had some meals donated through restaurants

  2. using volunteers for bagging and delivering

  3. taking meals to homeless camps each day; also working on letting folks living in camps know that their tents need to be 6 feet apart

  4. would like to give them enough non-perishables to provide 1 week’s worth of food

  5. can use volunteers and donations

  6. Contact Deborah Woolard by text, 704-577-1812

Pineville Neighbors Place – Jane Shutt –

  1. with assistance from 5 faith communities that have pledged volunteers through May 15, are transporting breakfasts and lunches to school children who are not able to get to assigned distribution centers

  2. can always use volunteers

QC Family Tree

They were unable to attend today’s meeting, but they are regularly updating needs here:

  1. In general, in all dealings remember that any group size over 10 is considered a “mass gathering” at this time – this includes a group of volunteers; and, of course, safe practices should be followed. T

  2. Foundation for the Carolinas relief COVID Response Fund:

  3. Next Faith Leaders’ Zoom meeting:  next Thursday, April 2 at 11:00 a.m. – email to get meeting access.


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