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January 19, 2023 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer's picture: meckminmeckmin

Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!


Click Here to Access Zoom Recording:


In this Issue:



1/23-25: Action NC Week of Action. Details below.

1/26: League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg Education Action Committee presented program on Revised CMS Comprehensive Plan

1/27-28: Myers Park Baptist will host: Confronting Whiteness conference in person and virtual.

1/30: 11:00 AM, Zoom - BIPOC Mental Health Grant Webinar – details below


2/1: LWV Civics 101 course begins

2/6: Deadline to nominate someone for a MeckMIN Community Leader Award

2/11: Service project with the Latin American Coalition – 9:30 to 4:00 pm -- All ages, volunteers sign up for time slots

2/17: NC MedAssist OTC event (9:00am – 2:00pm). Details below.

2/17: Next Braveworks cohort begins. Details below.

2/18: Launch of Certification in Social Justice and Community Organizing. Details below.

2/23: Potlucks for Pluralism dinner dialogue at Islamic Center of Greater Charlotte – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. – Open to local college students

2/24: Letters of intent are due February 24, 2023 to the National Fund for Sacred Places Grant process – details below

2/26: Interfaith Youth Panel at Myers Park United Methodist Church from 5-6:30 pm -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them

2/27: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Amid COVID-19: Reflection, Response, and Resiliency: February 27, 2023 | 9:00am-12:15pm,

2/28: Potlucks for Pluralism dinner dialogue at the Hindu Center -- – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. – Open to local college students


3/16: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Amid COVID-19: Reflection, Response, and Resiliency, March 16, 2023 | 12:00om-3:15pm,

3/21: Open Tables – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Location TBA – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths

3/21: How to hold a Living Room Conversation Training – 7 to 9 p.m. – Wingate University – Open to all involved in Potlucks for Pluralism

3/31: Deadline to apply for Self-Help Higher Education Scholarships – details below

April - Service project, TBA


5/1: Volunteer opportunity to set up for Awards Breakfast – Covenant Presbyterian Church – 6 to 8 p.m. – open to all

5/2: Community Leaders Awards Breakfast – 7:30 to 9:00 a.m – open to all

5/7: Youth Community Service Project (afternoon time; location TBD) -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them


6/15: Open Tables -- – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Location TBA – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths

July - Service project, TBA


8/18/19: Interfaith Youth Gathering (previously known as In Our Own Backyard) – Friday night and all-day Saturday, exact timing to be announced -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them


9/21: Open Tables -- 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Baha’I Center – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths

October - Service project, TBA

10/13-15: 53rd National Black Child Development Institute Conference right here in Charlotte. Details below.


(exact date TBA) - Youth Visit the Catawba Festival -- 9am – 1pm -- Open to all middle and high school youth and those who work with them

11/21: Interfaith Community Wide Thanksgiving service – Trinity Presbyterian Church – 7 to 9 a.m..


12/19: Open Tables -- – Location TBA – Open to all adults interested in substantive conversations with people of other faiths

Opening Reflection

The end is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation of the beloved community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opposers into friends. The type of love that I stress here is not eros, a sort of esthetic or romantic love; not philia, a sort of reciprocal love between personal friends; but it is agape which is understanding goodwill for all. It is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. It is the love of God working in [our lives]. This is the love that may well be the salvation of our civilization. – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


1. MeckMIN Updates


May 2, 2023 | 7:30 - 9 AM | Covenant Presbyterian Church

  • Save the Date

  • Nomination forms are available on our website – PLEASE consider nominating a deserving person or group

  • Table Captains are needed – Please consider signing up HERE

  • Sponsorship opportunities will be available soon

NOMINATE AN EXEMPLARY LEADER 2023 Community Leader Awards Breakfast

We invite you to nominate an exemplary person or organization for one of our 2023 Community Leader Awards. The nomination process is now open – and the deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, February 6 by 5 p.m. If you’d like to make a nomination but are unsure whether the person/group has been honored by MeckMIN in the past, visit our webpage and scroll down to find the list of past recipients.

The Sydnor Thompson, Jr. Community Leader award goes to a local leader or organization that exemplifies leadership and collaboration across differences in the community, fosters interfaith understanding to promote racial and ethnic understanding, and addresses social needs in the community. This award is most often given to someone who does this work as part of their career – such as a clergy person or nonprofit professional.

The Bridge Builder award goes to someone who directly promotes one-on-one relationships and bridge building across differences through their actions and daily life.

This award is most often given to someone who does this work as a volunteer.


MeckMIN will continue these calls, Potlucks for Pluralism, and solidarity events. In addition, we will now do one monthly event and these will include Volunteer Events, Youth Events and Open Tables which will rotate on a quarterly basis. The initial events are featured below and the full schedule, as currently understood, is above:

  • Quarterly VOLUNTEER EVENT: LAC Resource fair for New Arrivals – February 11 Event – 10 to 3 -- Volunteer shifts available starting at 9:30 and ending at 4:00, We could use volunteers and also information from organizations that can support and connect with new arrivals. Sign up HERE

  • Quarterly YOUTH Event: INTERFAITH PANEL: February 26 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It will be open to any middle or high school youth in the county. Sign up HERE

  • Quarterly Open Tables -- Quarterly in 2023 and open to all – dates above Sign up HERE for March 21st Open Tables


Sikh community on Arrowood has had 4 vandalism episodes of late. A go fund me to establish a security fence is underway. Contribute HERE For those who have already contributed, thank you. It has made them feel seen and encouraged in the wake of this difficulty.

2. Non-Profit Updates


86 Residents at the Magnolia Senior Apartments on Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte were told to leave their apartments after a water leak on Christmas Day affected several units.

These residents were left with nowhere to go until two local nonprofits, Champion House of Care and Greenbox Solutions came in to help them navigate temporary housing, food and care during this difficult time. The county has put them in hotels until the end of the month but they don’t know where they will be after this month.

The residents had to leave their apartments quickly. They were not able to bring many of their personal items. They have a high need for:

  • Warm clothing, coats, shoes, underwear, socks and t-shirts

  • Toiletry items such as body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, razors

  • Food items that can be made in a hotel room (oatmeal, snacks) and water bottles

  • Cleaning supplies, storage bins and laundry detergent

  • Gift cards to Walmart, Food Lion, CVS, Walgreens

Shop the Amazon wishlist link. Items will be shipped directly to Champion House of Care nonprofit for dispersal. Champion House of Care is visiting these residents every single day.

If you have other items to donate such as microwaves, furniture or questions about how can help, please reach out to Greenbox Solutions, Erin Welborn ( or Champion House of Care, Janette Kinard (


CMS Update

Jennifer De La Jara | CMS School Board |

So many things coming down the pike.

  • Welcome newcomers: We have had an influx of newcomers. Migration is a part of the human experience. It is even in sacred texts like the story of Abraham. All faith traditions have a concept of love thy neighbor and welcoming migrants is part of that. CMS is key to that welcome – in the current student body, 180 different countries are represented. 1/3 of students speak a language other than English as their first language. They have many different legal statuses. CMS has an international welcome center which served over 4000 students, over 30 unaccompanied minors and 80 Ukrainians in a four month period starting July 1, 2022. We need support from the community. Our Bridge, GenOne and LAC are all some of the many organizations that help out already but we are looking for tutors ( and other helpers. Question – how does CMS identify what languages students speak so they can be helped more precisely and nourished in their native language? There is a lot we cannot do but we do offer Spanish. We should be building upon their native abilities as well but do not currently have something that lifts that up. Do you know where they settle so you can target? Yes, we know that traditionally it has been in the South Blvd cooridor and East CLT but they are everywhere.

Please engage with our Capital Needs Assessment process which will lead us to our 2023 school bond. Community engagement sessions:

Family & Community Engagement Specialist at the CMS

CMS- International Center to Everyone

Gilmara spoke briefly about the intake survey which asks about native language and language most spoken at home.


Kaitlyn A. Powell, MSW |

CA-LINC NCAT Lab Manager | CA-LINC CCB Community Liaison

North Carolina A&T State University

1601 E Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411

Innovative community-based research project that is partnering with Black communities to center their voices and lived experiences in research. Currently holding focus groups via Zoom (February) for caregivers of youth or youth themselves. They will be engaging with youth as they share their experiences and how they collectively create culturally responsive practices. That research will then be used to develop mental health and other practices to meet those needs. There will be three focus group sessions and each time someone attends, they get a $20 gift card. Please share the enrollment link and the flyers with your network.

Culturally Adapted Linking Individuals Needing Care (CA-LINC) is a community-based research project that is partnering with Black communities to center their voices and lived experiences in research. The team is holding focus groups beginning in February via zoom with Black youth, ages 14-17 and parent/caregivers of Black youth, ages 14-17 living in Mecklenburg County. In these focus groups, the team will engage youth and parents/caregivers in conversations and listen to them as they share their unique experiences with access to services and supports and how we can collectively create culturally responsive mental health practices. The CA-LINC team will implement feedback from the focus groups to culturally adapt mental health interventions and programs that center Black youth and families.

The CA-LINC team looks forward to hearing your voice. If you are interested in sharing your voice, please complete the link below. A team member will reach out to you get you scheduled. There will be a 5-minute screening and then you will participate in 3 60-minute focus groups on Zoom (2 in February and 1 in April). For each focus group session you attend, you will receive a $20.00 amazon gift card.

If you know people who might want to participate, please invite them. It is important to have these voices represented.


Joyce Quijano Niemann |

Refugee and Immigrant Artisan Program

Braveworks, formerly known as Fashion & Compassion is a non profit organization that provides programs for women in Charlotte, North Carolina. We teach women skills in jewelry production and other artisanal creations as well as work towards personal, professional and language development. Our mission is to Empower women and families overcoming trauma and injustice, bridging the gap from pain to purpose through impactful connections, inspired creations, and economic confidence.

Once in our program, they create an Artisan Empowerment Plan that documents their physical, emotional, and spiritual growth dreams for the future. The plan breaks their dream down into achievable goals and begins with three basic work readiness milestones: Arriving to work on time, having a good attitude, and working diligently at assigned tasks. We then connect the artisans to employment opportunities and other resources in the local community as needed to reach milestones and accomplish goals around employment, education, housing, continued sobriety, financial literacy, ESL, supportive community, emotional health, and skill development.

Our Refugee Immigrant program meets at Project 658 on Fridays from 10-2pm. The next cohort will begin February 17 and we are currently taking referrals. Contact Joyce to refer someone to our program! Candidates do not have to speak English to participate.

Please email Joyce to refer someone for the program:


Faith Relations Coordinator

Charlotte Rescue Mission

Main: 704.333.HOPE (4673) ext. 237

Chalotte Rescue Mission is a 120 day residential treatment center for those struggling with substance addiction. Free and receive no government or United Way donations. 74% success rate. It is a Christian faith-based program exploring the cause of their addictions. It is an option for your constituents or we can help you think through the intersection of your clients and addiction. We want to educate folks about the causes of addiction.

One other point for me to mention to the group is to include us in your efforts with the youth you serve as addiction is addressed from the perspective of "prevention" as opposed to "onset". Just a thought!

If you have questions contact


Daniela Izurieta Stone |

Manager of College Preparation & Community Engagement

GenOne is a local college access non-profit that partners with talented, first-generation students from underserved communities to help them successfully navigate to and through college.

We do this through College and Career Advising, Cohort Experiences, and Navigator Mentorship. We currently have 2 MS sites- Eastway and Albemarle Road Middle Schools and 2 HS sites- East Meck and Garinger High Schools. We also have HS scholars from additional schools. We currently have 51 active MS scholars and 103 active HS scholars. We will be recruiting more sophomores this spring, which will bring us to about 130 HS scholars.

SO if you know potential first generation college students who would be a good fit, please share. Their scholars have successfully secured scholarships, college admission and more. 61% attended debt free last year. They need mentors, coordinator and more.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

Applications here: we will focus our spring recruitment with sophomores

If you are interested in becoming a Navigator (mentor) with GenOne, or know anyone who would, you can find more information here:


Louise S. Woods | | 704-536-0335, 704-604-0430

The League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg Education Action Committee is planning to host a meeting for community members to review the Revised Comprehensive Plan prior to the CMS Staff presenting it to the CMS Board in February. Once again, the focus of our meeting will be how the plan impacts equity by providing greater opportunity for learning for all students, but especially for students in low-performing schools.

We will hold this meeting on January 26 from 6:00-8:00pm, and similar to the November 15 meeting, we have invited Dennis LaCaria, Claire Schuch and Walter Hall to share information and interact with CMS staff about how the Revised Comprehensive Plan impacts Equity in Student Achievement.

I can also connect you to CharlotteEAST group.

Presentation wasn't from CharlotteEAST but from League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Presentation will be from CMS with at least 1/2 the time left for questions. League will be focusing specifically on EQUITY and how this new plan impacts equity--and CMS staff will be asked to present through that lens.

Meant to mention that League event is sponsored by 15 plus organizations including many represented on this call! Thank you for helping to spread the word--and reaching out so community is involved!


Carolina Migrant Network

Carolina Migrant Network will be hosting a Continued Legal Education course (CLE) on Trial Practice for Immigration Lawyers. It will be available to attorneys, law students, non profit employees and anyone who might be interested in this topic.

-Legal non-profit representing people in detention centers in SC and NC


For further details contact: Daniela Andrade


April C. Turner | | 704-594-0386

Outreach & Engagement Specialist

Urban League of Central Carolinas


Register today for evening class sessions:


Electrical Training--


There is a waiting list for morning classes at this time.

Please share in your email and/or website announcements the following new class opportunities, currently available at the Urban League of Central Carolinas.

Feel free to also share links with any clients or contacts who you know are looking for a great “next-step” opportunity.

These classes are offered at no cost to enrolled participants.

All interested persons are encouraged to apply via the links provided.

Electrical Training

This 12-week certification program provides knowledge and hands-on skills to prepare students for certification and immediate entry-level employment within the electrical industry.

Class in Session: Feb 6 - Apr 27 | 9AM - 1PM

Orientation: Feb 4 (10AM - 4PM)

Universal Banking and Customer Service

The scope of the Universal Banking Certification incorporates study of twenty core skills and proficiencies necessary for success as banking industry professional. Each participant also engages in financial education and empowerment sessions to learn how to manage and responsibly handle and grow their own finances.

Class in Session: FEB 9 - MAR 2 | Mon - Thurs 9:30AM - 1:00PM

Orientation: February 4 (10AM - 4PM)


The Urban League’s HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning)/ RENEW (Renewable Energy & Efficiency Workforce) program is a 13-week Certification Program. Students receive the knowledge and hands-on skills needed to prepare for certification and immediate entry-level employment.

Class in Session: FEB 6 - MAY 4 | MON- THURS 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Orientation: Feb 4 (10AM - 4:00 PM)

Certified Nursing Assistant

Class in Session: FEB 6 - MARCH 3 | 6PM to 10PM

Empower Academy: FEB 4 (10AM - 4PM)


Andrea Kurtz, intern, | presenting for

Lauren Rogers |

Community Engagement Director Cultural Sensitivity Training Program! We launched this last fall to provide training for healthcare workers, social service providers, and community members with the skills and resources they need to effectively communicate with immigrant and refugee patients and clients. The 4-hour workshop is now available online and in-person; folks can see the full schedule and register on our website (

  • We’re hiring! We have several open positions on LinkedIn (1 FT Citizen Diplomacy Coordinator and 1 PT Finance Administrator)

  • We’re also hiring for our summer tutoring program—Rising Readers. It’s a 6-week summer camp for ESL children in grades 1-5. Interested applicants can email our Education Director, Julia Bulinska (, with a copy of their resume. This is a great opportunity for aspiring educators, teachers who want part-time work during the summer break, or retired teachers who miss the classroom.

  • ESL classes (our new session is already full, folks can register and reserve a seat in the new class that starts March 20th on our website: The classes take place Monday-Thursday from 9:30-11:30 AM and Monday-Thursday from 6-8 PM, with flexible scheduling.

  • Citizenship-prep class is enrolling now, the cost is $25 (to cover the cost of student textbooks), class takes place Sunday afternoons from 2-5 PM and starts Feb. 5th. Students will spend 1.5 hours in a group class learning the 100 questions on US history, government, etc. and will spend 1.5 hours working with individual tutors on interview skills.

  • Individual tutors are available by request for specific learning goals--studying for the driver’s permit, GED, specific employment vocabulary like housekeeping terminology,. Tutors can also be requested for students who can’t attend the group classes due to transportation, childcare, schedule conflicts, etc. However, 1:1 tutors may take a few weeks to arrange (also through our website: This program is free.

  • People of the World event every month, 3rd Wednesday each month from 6-7 PM at Common Market (invite everyone to the Feb. event). Each month we feature a different cultural group living in Charlotte. Next month is Guatemala.

CERTIFICATION IN SOCIAL JUSTICE & COMMUNITY ORGANIZAING Stan Greenspon Holocaust and Social Justice Education Center

We are launching a Certification in Social Justice and Community Organizing program on February 18th. It is an eight week training with national experts through which participants learn how to build power and are trained and equipped with political education and practical skills to effectively organize for social change.

This program includes an opening retreat in person launch (Saturday, February 18, 10 to 5 pm), a weekly speaker series with national experts on Zoom (Tuesday evenings, February 21 to April 11, from 7 - 8:30 pm), and an in person culminating retreat and community event (Saturday, April 15th, 12 to 8 pm).

Our program will include a micro-internship or self-directed organizing project with the support of a personal mentor to support participants in discerning, identifying, and connecting with the social issues and communities they care about. Our Certification Program Director, Holly Roach, is working closely with our Queens Instructional Designer and Associate Provost for Digital Learning to craft a dynamic online Canvas course to support effective learning and incorporate assessment. We have hired a researcher, Laurita Ciceron, to study 60 years of social justice and community organizing in Charlotte. Laurita’s developing work will support our training. Our goal is to evolve the Certification Program into a partnered program with Johnson C. Smith University (like the many other programs with which we closely partner). Our ultimate goal is to develop a network of community organizers who can continue to be supported with the training and organizational structures they need to expand the impact of their work.

The cost is $1000/participant. We are offering full scholarships to those who need financial assistance. We aim to enroll 8 grassroots leaders with full scholarships and 8 members of houses of worship who can support their own participants (or whose congregations can support their participation).

Rabbi Judy Schindler, she/her/hers, Director, Greenspon Center

Holly Roach, she/her/hers, Program Director, Certification Program

James Lee, he/him/his, Community Advocate, Greenspon Center

Reverend Janet Garner-Mullins, she/her/hers, Community Outreach, Certification Program

Stan Greenspon Holocaust and Social Justice Education Center

OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)


Lindsey Houser | | 704-343-5031

Community Engagement Coordinator

Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays

648 Griffith Road, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28217

-Fed 106,000 individuals last year

Our primary volunteer need is delivery drivers. For the Loaves & Fishes program, we deliver a week’s worth of groceries on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Drivers will be assigned 3-5 deliveries for a total of 8-15 boxes, so larger personal vehicles with space are preferred. Drivers must be 18, but if you are not 18 yet this could be done as a pair with a parent. Deliveries are kid friendly and contact free. Kids love to ride along with their parents and this is a great way to get service hours. Go on our Volunteer Website to register and sign up for a shift.

We are in need food drives and food donations. With grocery expenses at an all time high and a decrease in the number of food drives, our warehouse is looking a little sparse on food. Monetary and food donations are always welcome year around but especially now with these inflation prices. Here is a copy of our Priority Needs list. Interested food drive hosts can fill out our Food Drive Registration Form or contact me

We are also hiring several part time program assistants and a warehouse team member. Check out our Employment Opportunities.

In service,


Karita Pimentel | We will be hosting the 53rd National Black Child Development Institute Conference right here in Charlotte. Save the date October 13-15, 2023. More information to come if you would like to volunteer, become a sponsor, vendor. Visit our Facebook page to stay informed.


From Carrie Veal (she/her)


January 23rd-25th

Jessica Maria | | 980.339.9139

Action NC

We will have training available for folks to learn about corporate landlords and how to do community outreach by canvassing and phone banking.

Questions to @


3. General Information



MSW Academy for Boys focuses on growing young men through musical arts and entrepreneurship by developing them into men instilled with drive to pursue their passions, persistence to achieve their goals and empowerment to lead with integrity.

NC MedAssist OTC Event |Friday, February 17

-Free over the counter meds

I am excited to announce that Alliance Health will be the primary sponsor for a NC MedAssist OTC event on Friday, February 17 (9:00am – 2:00pm). The event will take place at the Strafford Richardson YMCA located at 1946 West Blvd., Charlotte 28208. Please note that this will be a hybrid event which will allow individuals to attend in person or pick up pre ordered medicines with their vehicle. Those individuals who do decide to attend to pick up items inside will have access to visit vendor tables from a variety of key community stakeholders (including Alliance Health). Please refer to the attached flyers (Spanish flyers included) that provide additional information regarding placing pre-orders. Please also take note of the Homebound shopping sheet and guidelines. This option is wonderful for individuals who are not able to attend in-person or pick up their orders by car.

Please feel free to share with your community contacts and/or list serves. Take note that ALL individuals are able to receive free OTC medicines. No questions asked. One of the goals of these events is to orient community members to the “Free” Pharmacy Program that NC MedAssist offers. Individuals will receive additional information at the event. This is a wonderful program and can truly benefit individuals who qualify.


The National Fund for Sacred Places, a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, provides support to community-serving congregations in the United States and its territories that are undertaking significant capital projects at their historic houses of worship. Matching grants of $50,000 to $250,000 support the planning and execution of urgent capital projects at historic sacred places that are valued for their cultural importance as well as their role in providing human services, strengthening communities, and revitalizing neighborhoods. Wraparound services including training, technical assistance, and planning support are also provided. Grants of $50,000 to $100,000 require a 1:1 match, while grants over $100,000 require a 2:1 match. Letters of intent are due February 24, 2023. Visit the Fund's website for application guidelines.


Share your priorities with Mecklenburg County leaders as we plan a budget for next year. Join us for this community workshop in your neighborhood. Learn more about Mecklenburg County programs and how your tax dollars pay for them – and make your voice heard.

Take the Budget Survey (available Feb. 6)

Workshop Information:

  • February 8th - 6:30PM at North Regional Rec Center (18121 Old Statesville Rd., Cornelius)

  • February 16th - 6:30PM at West Charlotte Rec Center (2401 Kendall Dr., Charlotte)

  • February 22nd - 6:30PM at Eastway Regional Rec Center (3150 Eastway Park Drive, Charlotte)

  • March 1st - 6:30PM at Hickory Grove Rec Center (6709 Pence Road, Charlotte)

  • March 8th - 6:30PM at Naomi Drenan Recreation Center (750 Beal Street, Charlotte)

  • March 15th - 6:30PM at Matthews Sportsplex (2425 Sports Parkway, Matthews)

  • March 18th - 11AM via Microsoft Teams (link will be posted on website)


Self-Help is happy to announce the launch of our 2023 Community Scholarship program. Every Self-Help branch is now accepting applications for $1,000 scholarships!

We encourage applications from local students who are pursuing any type of higher education and who are committed to positive change in their communities. Visit our website to review the application process and apply before the March 31 deadline.


Elyse Berrier | | CMLibrary

We are distributing FREE LAPTOPS to Mecklenburg County adults without a home computer. Each refurbished laptop is optimized for accessing the internet, joining virtual meetings, creating documents, and more. Applications open today at 12:00 p.m.! Please pass along this website:

  • Applications open Jan 19th, must be 18 years old to apply

Reading Buddies Program

Our Reading Buddies program launched for this semester as well, and families are invited to register for weekly free appointments to read one-on-one with an adult or volunteer! Families can stop by branches to register for in-person sessions, or can register for a virtual appointment by visiting:


Monday, January 30, 11:00 AM, Zoom

The North Carolina Council of Churches Partners in Health and Wellness Team will give an overview of our BIPOC Mental Health Grants, including the Community Mental Health Hub. Join us to learn and have questions answered. Register HERE

These opportunities are available to faith communities which are comprised mainly of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.


The Bulb is looking to bring on new Resident Market Assistants!! If you’re not familiar with this position, it is a stipend employment opportunity that helps The Bulb retain consistent assistance at our markets while also investing in individuals who may be utilizing our services and/or are helping us establish trusted partnerships within the local community. The ideal Resident Assistant lives in a community we serve, is connected to said community, is regularly available to work markets and is enthusiastic to bring fresh food to their neighborhood. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, email BULBATEER@THEBULBGALLERY.ORG!

Tuesday afternoon’s Renaissance West market and Wednesday evening’s Grier Heights markets will move forward on the same time and day. The Nest @ Camp North End And our FIRST NEW LOCATION will be in partnership with NECC every THURSDAY from 11am - 12pm at The Nest @ Camp North End starting FEBRUARY 2nd! The SECOND NEW LOCATION is still being finalized, but it will be located in the Sugar Creek/I-85 Corridor - STAY TUNED!!!


ACHR is in need of volunteers and support for our new funding campaign. We are in need of individuals to assist with:

  • Event Planning

  • Managing Community gardens

  • Social Media Marketing and Management

  • Graphic Designing and Printing

  • preparing hot meals for residents.

We can also use support by sharing our Amazon Wish List. We also take new and gently used clothing and shoes for men and women, of all sizes. If these areas of opportunity interest you, please call or use our Sign Up Genius to book your slot. We look forward to working with you! For details contact


Pastors for NC Children is hosting our Launch Party for Mission Amplify’s Season 2 on Sunday, January 22 at 7pm or Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm. We invite you to join in to learn more and see if your group might be interested in participating! Mission Amplify is our advocacy curriculum to teach faith communities and community groups how to advocate for public education. It’s a letter writing campaign to NC legislators to invite them to support different needs around public education. Season 2 focuses on the 6 most vulnerable groups of children in our state and what they need to flourish in school. Register for this free zoom to learn more HERE Questions: Contact Executive Director Rev. Suzanne Parker Miller at


The City of Charlotte’s Civic Leadership Academy is a free program specifically designed for residents like you – Charlotteans who are ready to take the next step in being community leaders and improving the quality of life in all of Charlotte’s neighborhoods. The experience will provide participants an opportunity to grow in their leadership, understand how the City of Charlotte works, analyze issues using data, connect with decision-makers, and make a difference in their communities.

During the Civic Leadership Academy (CLA), you will:

  • Receive a personalized leadership assessment

  • Learn how to effectively use your leadership style to positively impact the community

  • Enhance your understanding of Charlotte's history and culture

  • Develop relationships with other leaders in the community and local government

  • Learn how to navigate issues through local government

  • Commit to using your leadership skills in the broader community

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and work with other leaders to create a community where every voice is heard. Watch as CLA alumnus Robin Brown shares her experience in the program.

The Spring 2023 CLA will be held as a hybrid series, with a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Participants must commit to missing no more than three sessions. Review the workshop schedule, check out the Frequently Asked Questions (including tips for submitting a strong application) and apply online.

Applications must be received by January 26, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. CLA sessions will begin March 14.




​May you be for us a moon of joy and happiness. Let the young become strong and the grown man maintain his strength, the pregnant woman be delivered and the woman who has given birth suckle her child. Let the stranger come to the end of his journey and those who remain at home dwell safely in their houses. Let the flocks that go to feed in the pastures return happily. May you be a moon of harvest and of calves. May you be a moon of restoration and of good health. Ethiopian Prayer

Next meeting – TWO weeks from today – Thursday, February 2nd at 11 AM


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